
Athanasia: Godly Rebirth

Once in the lands of Athanasia, the world of magic and evil, rose its greatest enemy to take back what's rightfully his. So the people revolted, they united fought, lost a lot of people and yet they persisted on to defeat him. Now after a 100 years a new plan is set afoot. To take control of Athanasia. Will our hero be able to take control of his destiny or will he be ruled by it?

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18 Chs

Chapter 3- I enter

I composed myself, "How can I defeat these swords if I'm dead?"

The bodyless god then spoke, "Well that'll be taken care of by Grim, won't you Grim?"

Grim replied, "Yes my lord, anything else you want me to provide him with, some unlimited coffee or some legendary armor?"

"is that sarcasm I face Grim?" Grim was obviously irritated and yet his fear was understandable. "no my lord."

"Then get on with work." Then I began to fall again and I was now sitting in a chair across a table facing Grim. The entire room had a grim feel no pun intended. It felt close to death. The Death itself or at least its personification, a man no a skeleton holding a huge scythe on its shoulders. The scythe was also placed at my neck.

Grim raised his hand and the Death moved the scythe away. "so how do I get back to reality?" I asked.

Grim replied "Well you will be put back to reality quite literally. As a child of course. You will have your powers reset since that'd break the fabrics woven by the fates."

He snapped his fingers and a small box popped into his hand and he slid it across the table to my hand. "That is a mobile phone quite famous in Athanasia. Quite a lot of people have it. It's a device for communication created by your very brother as a way of remembering you. you can use it to contact the gods once a year. It also has a way of tracking down any of the swords in question when they're anywhere within a 20-mile radius around you. Finally, it also has an auto update which means we can update you about anything or we can contact you if we want at any moment. That's about it so now I'll send you back from the dead and you should probably get ready to experience excruciating pain from the bodily separation you're about to feel so good luck I guess and hope you never cross eyes with me again".

I fell for the third time and this was definitely shorter than the last two times and yet my body felt as though the skin was being torn apart, my bones being crushed and being remade.

I opened my eyes and I was fine. I felt unfamiliar. I felt weird. I felt as though my body was not my own. In front of me stood a man. He wore a butler's dress, prudent and calculating in every movement he showed.

"So, you will be replacing me huh," he said. 

"Replacing?" I asked to which he replied "Yes, unfortunately, I overworked myself. We're running a little late on time so let me summarize, I died so you will be taking over my body. The young lady will be waiting for you. you will have to take care of her but at the same time you can do anything you want with my body as long as you protect the lady."

I tried to speak but my voice broke for some reason, "take care of yourself and please don't get angry when you wake up twice great grandfather."

Wait I had a child?

And it didn't last long as I woke up in the guy's body. I felt every bone in my body being fine unlike before. I felt anew and fresh. 

I felt like I needed to puke. I ran over to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror as I puked into the sink. I washed my mouth and looked over at the mirror as I saw the man who was supposedly my twice great-grandchild. Wait no that was me.

I guess the so-called gods who can't do shit right got me into my own blood's body. 

It felt as though I knew who he was and yet I had no recollection of ever having a child.

I went out of the bathroom to the bed and sat for a moment trying to recollect my thoughts. I did a summary of everything I had just gone through. 

Beside the bed on a table lay a letter with my name on it. Specifically, my name and not the name of this guy whatever it was. I opened it and read.

"This is a gift for you considering everything you just went through having died and all. This path you walk is treacherous and the world you're about to see outside is way different than what you've been through so this is my gift to you. 

A servant of your choosing from the list that's at the back, he will help you with everything you need even while helping the young lady you're supposed to protect. My second gift will be this memory you've lost. A memory you could've treasured if not for your pact with your brother. I've safely sealed it inside this memory capsule so watch when you want it.



PS. Don't hate me or Grim for having to exist, life is just yours to live and his to take."

I didn't feel anger anymore and thought that maybe the anger I had harbored was all due to that damned sword. If one of those swords was capable of inducing so much rage what would all six of them do? I had to destroy every sword I could find that could harm the world. 

Then I heard a knock on the door and I slipped the letter and the capsule into my pocket. As I opened the door, a small girl of around 7 stood. 

She wore a frilly red dress which stood out considering the carpet was purple. She was crying like a baby and as soon as she saw me, she hugged me.