
Athanasia: Godly Rebirth

Once in the lands of Athanasia, the world of magic and evil, rose its greatest enemy to take back what's rightfully his. So the people revolted, they united fought, lost a lot of people and yet they persisted on to defeat him. Now after a 100 years a new plan is set afoot. To take control of Athanasia. Will our hero be able to take control of his destiny or will he be ruled by it?

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18 Chs

Chapter -1 Prologue

As I sat there on the chair. My hands tied back and fastened to the legs of the seat. Blood dripping down my chin to the ground, I'd have never expected to ever be betrayed by my own people. People whom I trusted, grew, and gave a good life to.

The boss of the most feared gang across the world. I never did anything wrong or something that went against the law, yet here I am getting beaten down. My life was crap. 

Brought up in a rich household as the middle son of a wealthy business tycoon I never had to ask for anything. Yet I was hated by everyone in my family, an obstacle, an annoyance, a waste of resources. At the age of 14, I was ridiculed and abandoned for my lack of talent so all I could do was leave the family. 

I roamed the streets hoping to get some food after starving for 5 days when I fell down on the doors of a house. 

The last thing I heard was of the gates opening and I fainted there from the hunger. When I woke up, I was on a bed lying down, and when I tried to get up my bones hurt. I didn't know what to do in an unknown place when an old man in his 40s walked in. He had streaks of grey hair and behind him, a boy of my age with hair as white as the moon was standing. 

They took me outside where many men in black and white suits stood in attention. They each had scars and tattoos across their faces and yet they looked as if they had something to protect. As soon as they saw me, they hardened their face and looked at me as if I was an ant. Then the old man spoke "You must be tired and exhausted after not eating anything for such a long-time child. Sit and eat."

I couldn't deny him so I sat and gobbled up the food like a starved beast. One of the guys in a suit came forward "Master why have you bought this little kid inside? We could've just left him in foster care or we could've left him to die. There was no need to save him."

The old man had a broken voice that tore through my ears but for some reason, it didn't feel harmful "You know as a child we were all left alone by our families. Abandoned to starve on the streets as we fought against each other for food and survival. Well, this kid is just like us from back then so I hope you guys can take him in and show him our way. OUR way. He will also be in charge of protecting Roy. If you guys fail to teach him the way of the degrees then consider yourself dead.". 

The way he said it made it seem like an order but he was honestly requesting it from them and it seemed that the other guys couldn't resist it. The suit guy said, "Call me Zach cuz you will be under my wing till you can protect Roy."

That was the start of the empire. I was part of a gang that dealt with things far beyond comprehension. I stood, fought, and protected Roy through various events and yet here I was getting beaten down by the very lord I had given my life to. Tears were dripping down his chin while blood was dripping down mine. 

"Why, after going through so much with me? With our brothers that we raised we conquered the world. With the leader at our feet, we could've been the kings of the world ruling side by side with no interference. Why, why, why'd you have to go and betray me, Kevin?"

Yes, my name was Kevin till I was given a new name by my old man "King". I'd never known love till I'd reached this family so it hurt me for it to waver from its intended path. I had never wanted for people to die and yet they did. "we have wavered from the path Father set us, brother. We were good, too good in fact but I never wanted us to be kings. All our father wanted was for there to be no child with no food on his plate. A world with everyone enjoying anything they want and yet you've led us astray, led me astray." As I screamed my eyes burnt from the blood and tears. I could myself nearing my end. I had taken the one thing our family had treasured other than my brother Roy, the imperial sword of the kings inherited by the family heir. 

If the sword got into Roy's hands, he would've razed the world for the sake of bringing Father back. When did everything go to hell? When did Roy become so evil, so much hatred seeping from him? Which is when I saw it. The sword at his waist. The source of his hatred wasn't his life, but the sword fueling it. 

I leaped for one last time releasing all the pent-up Eon energy I had for one last push. To save Roy and the world from destruction. I bit down on the sword at his waist as he screamed trying to pull me off. The other guys tried to prise my fingers from him but I held him. My teeth at his sword. I heard the sword's wailing and I fought against it, I tried to control the sword by radiating everything I had. The sword finally broke and so did I. I felt at peace, my entire body at rest and absolutely no motion at all. I could feel myself slipping away. Roy held my head and cried calling for the medics. "don't…. stop. I've lived long enough trying to bring back our father. Take a break bro…. enjoy life." 

And I felt my pulse die down.