
Aspiring Actor

["In the beginning, I had a simple aspiration to solve the problems of life by acting. However, later faced with difficulty I refused to accept defeat and was determined not to leave in a state of confusion. Moreover, now that I, as an individual, have shown resilience, 'why not strive for improvement?' And I have consistently emphasized that when you choose to invest in something, you should commit to giving it your utmost effort!"] These words of wisdom come from Sean Tang, widely regarded as one of the most accomplished actors of the 21st century.

GeorgeBushAK47 · Selebritas
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Determination

"What are you talking about?" Sean's surprise was evident in his expression as he couldn't hide it.

He was aware that there must be some bad news for Frederick to offer such advice. In their previous conversations, Frederick had always been realistic about the entertainment industry, never sugarcoating anything. Given this, Sean didn't expect Frederick to joke about something as serious as asking him to give up the role.

"I understand how you feel, Sean, but please hear me out," Frederick earnestly pleaded, raising his hand.

Despite his urge to explode, Sean managed to restrain himself and said, "Go ahead."

"It's my fault," the agent sighed with regret. "I was caught off guard when I received your call, and I didn't take the time to gather detailed information. That oversight has led to the current situation."

After a brief pause, he continued, "In simple terms, the two screenwriters of 'Everybody Loves Raymond,' Eric Reese and Jeremy Stevenson, have a deep conflict. You were chosen by Eric, which means you'll undoubtedly face suppression from Stevenson. Under normal circumstances, this could be manageable. You only have one episode, and if the ratings are good, they might extend your role. But things are different now. Stevenson is actively working to remove Reese, and he has already convinced one of the producers, David Letterman, who holds more authority on set than Reese. This gives Stevenson an advantage. Do you understand what this means? You've unwittingly become entangled in a situation that could jeopardize your future."

"Future, you say?" Sean narrowed his eyes, a playful smirk appearing on his face. "You expect me to give up this hard-earned opportunity just like that?" Sean locked eyes with Frederick, conveying his disbelief.

"Don't you understand what I'm trying to say?" Frederick snorted, his frustration evident. "No matter which side you choose, you'll face suppression from the other. You currently have no power to protect yourself."

"Did someone pressure you? Stevenson?" Sean's eyes turned cold, his playful demeanour transforming swiftly.

"...Yes, he contacted me," Frederick admitted, raising his hands in exasperation. "But I'm doing this for your own good, Sean! If you were a bit famous..."

"For my own good? I've heard that countless times, and I don't need you to repeat it," Sean interrupted, anger bubbling within him. "I know you once represented Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, Fred, but I don't think you understand why they fired you!"

"Oh? Really? I didn't realize you were an expert on Hollywood," Frederick retorted angrily, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Then tell me, genius, what's your plan? How will you handle it when Reese or Stevenson take their frustrations out on you, leaving you with nowhere to turn?"

"It's easy for you to ask me to give up this role again, but what about the future? Should I compromise my integrity?" Sean's anger flared, his hands clenching into fists as if he wanted to strike. "I know this world is unfair, and some people are born with more advantages, but that doesn't mean I won't give my best shot. I'm not an idealist; I just know that when I set my mind on something, I'll give it everything I have. This opportunity was hard-earned, and I don't know if I'll come across such opportunities again. I refuse to sacrifice my principles and flatter people just to get ahead. I won't give up, and I won't trade it for empty promises!"

"How many times do I have to tell you, Sean, that giving up now is for your future..." Frederick covered his forehead, exasperated.

"I don't live in the past or the future; I live in the present! All I want is to seize the moment!" Sean interrupted, rising from his seat and leaning on the table, locking eyes with Frederick. His gaze was intense, like a burning flame. "Even if I fail in the end, even if I get kicked out of Hollywood, as long as I give it my all, I can accept it. I have nothing to lose, so why can't I give it everything I've got? I don't want to be an old man filled with regrets, sitting in a chair, wondering what could have been if I had persevered a little longer, and exhausted every possible method. Today, no matter the obstacles I face, I won't back down. Even if it leads to chaos, I will never surrender!"

Sean spoke those words slowly and distinctly, took a deep breath, and turned to walk away. Frederick stared at him in disbelief, unable to comprehend the situation. As Sean was about to disappear down the street, Frederick reached out his hand, only reacting when Sean was almost out of reach.

"Was everything I said in vain?!"

"Why didn't I realize this guy was so stubborn?!"

"Does he really think he's special?!"

Frustration filled Frederick as he cursed, repeatedly clenching his fist as if he wanted to strike the table. But each time, his fist hesitated in the air before dropping back down. An indescribable, unpleasant, and bitter feeling rapidly spread in his chest, engulfing his inner world and making him want to scream. His trembling fist betrayed the turmoil within.

What's wrong... what's wrong? Frederick breathed heavily. He knew this feeling was called unwillingness. He should have laughed at Sean's words, dismissing them as naivety and lack of self-control that would lead to failure. However, those words echoed in his mind, resonating strangely. They refused to fade away, tormenting him.

He also knew that as a rational agent with almost a decade of experience — even if he spent a third of his time running errands and assisting others — he shouldn't be swayed by such emotions. Yet, at this moment, he allowed this feeling to consume him.

Finally, Frederick raised his head, looked at Sean's retreating figure, gritted his teeth, and abruptly stood up.


"Sean!" He chased after him, shouting, and grabbed the young man's collar, pulling his face close, staring into his eyes, and forcefully poking his finger against Sean's chest. "Listen, I can help you," the agent said, his voice filled with determination. "But you have to do exactly as I say, without hesitation. You must follow my instructions and give it your all. Understand?!"

After a long moment of silence and intense eye contact, the young man finally nodded. "Understood."

"Very well. I want you to do three things right now," Frederick spoke slowly and deliberately. "Firstly, you still have the script, right? I want you to thoroughly study the characters, decode their traits, practice various acting techniques, and deliver a flawless performance—ten times better than what you did on 'Home Improvement'."

"Secondly, since you're now on Reese's side, I want you to stand by him unwaveringly. No matter how intimidating or persuasive Stevenson becomes, you cannot be swayed. Ensure that Reese knows where your loyalty lies."

"Lastly, as a newcomer, you must maintain a humble demeanour in front of Reese. He has a volatile temper and can be arrogant, so don't attempt to assert authority. Just respond with 'Yes, sir!' and demonstrate your unwavering support."

"I understand," Sean replied solemnly. "I will do my best to fulfil these three points."

"That's it. I'll take care of the rest," Frederick said, releasing Sean's collar and turning away. He didn't elaborate on his plans. Since Sean chose to trust him, he would place his full trust in him as well.

"I must be out of my mind," Frederick muttered to himself as he got into his car, adjusting his collar. However, he didn't display much regret. Instead, a sense of excitement tinged his emotions.

Once on the road, he made a phone call while driving. "Hey, Anna, Anna Gordon! It's Fred," he spoke into the phone, his tone urgent. "Listen, I know you still have an invitation to the CBS reception at the Hilton Hotel today... Well, I need it for something important. Don't argue with me, you owe me a favour!"