
Asgard's god of nature

this msg is for those who are new to this novel, I am a new author that's why the first few chps are bad I have improved a little after that plz continue to read. Hello guys! I am a new author and this is my first work I don't have the story planned so I am gonna write what come to my mind. English is not my first language so please expect grammar mistakes,I apologize in advance. I wrote this story cause I was bored and not many good fanfics are out there right now. updates will be slow as I mentioned before I don't have this fanfic planned. now sorry for ranting and all.so on to the story. you know the story a guy from our world gets reincarnated to marvel universe (MCU).Born in asgard as Thor's younger twin brother.He is going to be as mentioned in the title a god of nature but as as well as animals,combat and magic. love interest will be lady sif and if I feel like it I will and another one and let me tell you I am against sex before marriage so I will make it so that by the time of canon mc will be married. disclaimer:I do not own marvel or any character related to this novel expect oc

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35 Chs

Strengthening Sif

sorry guys I actually forgot to recheck the previous chp (teehee) .

anyway enjoy the story.

I took Sif with me to Pandora my planet my spaceship, I named the planet Pandora not because it's a paradise or something no it's a barren planet ,I named it Pandora in hopes of turning it into a paradise but it is a work in progress as I have already ordered my Groot army to plant trees and the like but the progress is slow as the planet itself is double the size of midgard's moon.

I landed in an open field cowered in grass and flowers that I encountered in my travels in space and some that were found by my army who went to look for more floral clossus like them (yeah I googled) and said to Sif,

Jarl:" let's go, i will introduce you to my personal army" saying that I opened the door of my spaceship and exited ,soon followed by Sif .

Sif pov.

I exited the spaceship and saw a paradise come true in front of me as we are in the middle of a grass field with grass and colorful flowers everywhere ,flowers that are so beautiful that you would just want to look at them.

then Jarl summoned a white pegasus which he and I rode together and he said,

Jarl:" you know I could have landed directly landed in front of my army's village but I did not as I wanted you to see this place's beauty and although it is only in a thousand kilo meters that you will be able to see this beauty it is still a sight to see no?" I nodded and stayed silent ,we arrived in front a village made entirely out of wood ,stones and leafs and wondered why Jarl did not get them to build something more comfortable, Jarl seeing the unasked question on my face chuckled and said,:" they don't like living lavishly ,they prefer to be with the nature". I nodded in understanding.

Jarl pov.

I took Sif on my pegasus to my army's village and arrived at its gates , the guards seeing me hurriedly bowed to me then merged their hand with the closed gates and opened them. I nodded and rode the pegasus on the streets to my castle here ,that too like everything in here was made out of wood and stones. as like my subordinates I too liked to live with nature ,as I am a literal god of nature.

anyway on the streets the floral colossus that were going about bowed to me, we arrived at the castle and I showed her everything in the castle.

I instead of proceeding directly to what we were here for , stayed here a few days in which I showed Sif many things on this planet.

And now we are in my laboratory here, I made the serum that I injected myself with , although I could have strengthened Sif's physique without that ,the serum doesn't just enhance physique,no it also enhances your talents ,your divinity if you have one and if don't but have the potential for it , it can grant you the divinity, but to be sure that this successfully grants her a divinity I prepared the asgardian ritual that every Asgardian uses on 25 to awaken a divinity if they have one ( I actually forgot the age I set and am too lazy to check) but that's not all I enhanced the ritual just to be extra sure. after making sure everything was right I said to Sif.

Jarl:" this is it ,now you have to sit in the middle of the ritual circle that is at the center of the room , then I will inject you with this serum in my hand and after that activate the ritual circle, ok?" she nodded and said.

Sif:" ok I trust you" after saying that she kissed me gently and walked into the circle and sat down. I after confirming with her , injected her with the serum and activated the ritual circle and then covered her along with the ritual circle in a dome made out of wood.

after 4 months. . .

after four months in which I stayed in the lab where Sif was, only surviving on the nature energy I took from the shrouding , something which I discovered when I became a literal tree. anyway the light from the ritual dimmed and slowly receded back and revealed the form of Sif and eventually the light was gone and Sif regained consciousness slowly, seeing that I retracted the dome covering her and went to her.

Sif after fully regaining consciousness and seeing me beside her looking at her anxiously , smiled and said.

Sif:" so how long was I out?" seeing her say that I smiled a little and said.

Jarl:" 4 decades" she hearing that , immediately got a little worried , seeing which I chuckled and said.:"at least that's what felt like to me but it's been 4 months since you went to deep sleep." she got a little mad hearing that and punched my shoulder , I laughed while pinching her cheeks a bit.

after that we went out and checked what changed about her.

ok I am a bit puzzled what divinity to give her and can't think of much ,so plz sujjest her divinity.

ps. I am running out of ideas on what to write right now and have to think really hard on what to write without outright skipping to cannon , don't worry I won't skip to cannon as I still have to give mc two power ups and then write his coronation. but expect slow updates and also my studies are starting from tomorrow so take that into consideration.

ps2. don't worry I will update at least one chp daily, maybe?