
Asgard's god of nature

this msg is for those who are new to this novel, I am a new author that's why the first few chps are bad I have improved a little after that plz continue to read. Hello guys! I am a new author and this is my first work I don't have the story planned so I am gonna write what come to my mind. English is not my first language so please expect grammar mistakes,I apologize in advance. I wrote this story cause I was bored and not many good fanfics are out there right now. updates will be slow as I mentioned before I don't have this fanfic planned. now sorry for ranting and all.so on to the story. you know the story a guy from our world gets reincarnated to marvel universe (MCU).Born in asgard as Thor's younger twin brother.He is going to be as mentioned in the title a god of nature but as as well as animals,combat and magic. love interest will be lady sif and if I feel like it I will and another one and let me tell you I am against sex before marriage so I will make it so that by the time of canon mc will be married. disclaimer:I do not own marvel or any character related to this novel expect oc

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35 Chs

Personal Army

hope you are enjoying the novel and let me tell you that I am a student and my classes are going to start in a day or two ,so the speed of chps posting is gonna slow down as I want to focus on my studies, as because of corona my studies had paused and I want to quickly catch up before exams. I will try to post at least one chp a day.

mc is a 400 years old virgin , calculate the rest yourselves.

As I was focusing on my magic after not doing so for a long time or that my serum enhanced my magic talent , I was making rapid progress in magic , especially elemental magic and I think that in a few decades I will be on Thor's level in lightning magic as even though he has a divinity for it and a divinity is a hundred times stronger than magic ,he doesn't practice enough with his divinity and only focusing on fighting with his hammer and after he got his hammer which serves as a focci too started to develop dependency on it ,good grief and you think after me trying for so many years he would start listening to my advice. and also let me tell you Thor's divinity is not actually lightning ,no it is atmokinesis the ability to manipulate weather itself but as he is always focused on lightning aspect of his divinity ,his divinity responded in kind and repressed itself to allow him to access only lightning aspect.

Now after 40 years of only focusing on magic , I started to develop a divinity for magic, and after I fully gained a divinity for magic ,it looked to me as if I was walking blind before as new ideas of magic came to mind ,I began connecting dots btw different magics every magic consumed less energy ,my energy reserves expanded by ten times. so with the new ideas I practiced for another decade then started to recreate my combat style to accommodate all of divinities magic , nature and animals and after five years made a style suiting me.

now I am considering having an army of my own as every king has to have his personal army to look intemating 'and cool' I thought. as I was complementing on that Groot came in after he did his assigned task ,that is to take care of my personal garden , that is on the uninhabited planet I injected myself with my serum. and which I claimed as my own , legally , how you ask well I have connections traveling for so long.

Anyway as I saw Groot I had a brilliant idea, and for that I asked him,

Jarl:" hey Groot tell me about your race ,where is your home planet?"

Groot:" I am Groot, I am Groot ,I am Groot" which translates as "my race was a peaceful race and lived isolated in our home planet xxxx but our planet was destroyed by the mad titan Thanos and every remaining member of the Groot race ,which amounted to just a few hundred were scattered across the Galaxy and knowing that we are defenseless and that our body are very precious for scientists we were hunted down from a few hundred to I don't know how much." he said that looking remorseful.

I patted his shoulder and said to him,

Jarl:" I am going to make a machine that will track down your genes to find your kind " I looked him in the eyes saying that and continued:"and I want you to go find them and bring them to my planet" I said that as I not that worried about his safety as his body is harder than asgardian steel by 50 times and asgardian steel is one of the strong metals out there ,not enough to be in the top 10 but enough to be in top 100. after I said my piece I took some DNA sample from him and work on the device I mentioned. after making the device I handed it to him and told him to take my spaceship.

he searched for a full decade and found a few groups of Groot race whom totalled up to 50. the Groot race is both asexual , meaning they reproduce on their own.

after he brought them to my planet they like my Groot submitted to me the moment they saw me. and I like Groot strengthened them but only to the point that their body is as strong as asgardian steel.

as it was inconvenient to call everyone Groot ,I bestowed them with numbers such as , Groot 1 ,Groot 2 etc. my original Groot was called Groot ,as I got used to calling him that.

anyway I trained them in my free time in using their bodies to fight and also taught them how to use their plant powers. I trained them for a decade then allocated them their a big fleet spaceship and told them to find more like them and bring them here if they want to come and not to force them.

And like that the years went and I became 500.