
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

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64 Chs

Chapter 16

The very next morning, the fifth day of your journey as a trainer, you were up bright and early, right after the sun had risen. Honestly, it was so damn satisfying having a fire type, it made setting up camp so much easier. And any rubbish you could just have them burn it out of existence.

Efficiency at its finest.

and so off you went. A few hours to finish up your hike across the Diglett Cave, and then you were back down on the surface once more, just outside of Navy Town, a small frontier town, one of the many that set up to take advantage of the trade routes between Vermillion, Saffron and Cerulean.

Like Pallet Town, it would honestly have been better off being called a village. Because, you know the population was tiny.

You made your way to the town, a whistle on your lips and a cheery mood for all to enjoy. And by all, you meant you.

You were barely paying any attention as you went. That's why, when the ground suddenly buckled beneath you, you almost fell. Thankfully, your reaction speed was superb, and your agility could give a rattata a run for its money.

With a little nimble hop, you jumped a few feet forward, just avoiding it as the ground you previously stood on caved in, revealing a pit trap that was at least ten feet deep.

"What the fuck!?" you shouted blinking angrily, "Who's the dead man who put that there?"

"Squirtssss, sss! Tle! Squirt!" garbled snickering caught your attention from the bushes a bit off the side of the road and you swung around and fired a glare that could have burned through metal

It was...a Squirtle? One oddly light in colouration, and wearing sunglasses. But a fucking Squirtle nonetheless. You shook off your shock, rare pokemon or not, nobody got to fuck with you, "Was that you ya little bastard?" you snarled.

Squirtle just continued laughing while pointing at you.

Your eye witched, but you withheld your temper and sent a dangerous smirk towards the water pokemon, "Alright then, you're gonna be my pokemon." you threatened, hand going to your belt and lifting up a pokeball.

That did it, Squirtle immediately stopped laughing and whirled around, making a break for it. Interestingly, its back shell was a kind of greenish colour.

It didn't get far before you released your starter pokemon, and six vines capped in sleep powder zoomed after it, snatching the tiny turtle pokemon up before it could get very far and lulling it to sleep just as quick.

Easy pickings for your pokeball.


You weren't planning on staying in Navy Town long. you just wanted to transfer a few of your pokemon around, and check out the Pokemart.

The mart was easy to find. And you ended up dropping $11,200 pokedollars. Buying ten pokeballs to replace the ones you used on the Rhyhorn, a pair of Thunder Wave TM's, four more potion's just in case, and a thunderstone, which you'd get charged up in the long run for Electabuzz to hopefully evolve into an Electivire someday in the future.

And then an extra twenty on your way out, when you caught a sweet pair of shades, that looked exactly like the pair your new Squirtle was wearing.

After that, you were off to the Pokemon Centre. Where, upon calling Professor Oak, you were subjected to a very nasty telling off. Apparently, your new Rhydon and Rhyhorn absolutely loved their new home, and were making a racket, posing in front of everyone, pokemon or person they met.

The phrase, "What the heck are you even doing?" got thrown around a lot. The good old professor was quite dumbfounded by the three main pokemon you caught in the last day, especially your rare coloured Squirtle, who was also apparently already making a nuisance of himself on the ranch, which forced the older man to demand you rotated him to your party and get the little water type sorted out.

So that's what you did. You swapped Nidorina, Sandslash and Kingler for Eevee, Electabuzz and Squirtle. You were quick to bid the old man goodbye before he began lecturing you again.

You hesitated for a few moments after that, debating whether or not to call Delia and show off your new Electabuzz and his teleport attack. And give her a 'threat' about what you were going to do to her when you had Electabuzz teleport you to Pallet Town.

Only, the Pokemon Centre in Navy Town was small, and there wasn't a lot of privacy outside of the rooms and you weren't staying the night. Not to mention, more importantly, that you were actually still trying to think up a threat for her, which you hadn't already done to her at some point.

...You'd done a lot to that milf of a woman.

With all that done. You went to leave the Pokemon Centre behind, and continue on your way to Vermillion City, wanting to get there before dusk.

Just as you left out of the door though, you bumped into someone trying to enter. A taller, older male with dark blue hair, clad in some kind of wannabe cowboy vest, gaudy sunglasses and to your bemusement black leather pants.

"Oi watch it ya' little prick," he sneered down at you, from his height a few inches above yours. You resisted the urge to smash his teeth him, "What would ya' have done' if ma' fuckin' clothes got dirty cuz of yer' cheap fingers?"

Your eye twitched.

Before you could say anything though, his eyes flickered down to your belt, landing on your six pokeballs, "A pokemon trainer?" he mused, before breaking out into laughter, "And yuv' only gut' six of em? How sad!"

Some people prefer quality to quantity," you replied, then cast an obvious disdainful look at his outfit, "Not that you'd know that, would you? Where'd you find the gay cowboy outfit? A bargain bin?"

The older boys face flushed angrily, and you really honestly hoped he'd swing at you. But like a coward, he backed up and laughed derisively, though obviously forced, "Big talk from a scrub, little boy," he mocked, and then he held out the sack that you'd just noticed he'd been holding, the top open a bit to show you it full to the brim with shrunken pokeballs, there had to be at least twenty five pokemon in there, "Ya' wanna put yer' money where ya' mouth is? How bout we battle, though gotta warn ya chump, I've got me three badges."

Cross had five and you didn't back down from him. "Sure, let's go for it," you said and walked away, going towards where you knew the battlefield was behind the Centre, "Stop looking at my ass, I'm not into riding stallion Rapidash like you." you taunted as you went, not even looking back.

You heard him snarl behind you, "Ya just wait ya little shit," he sneered, "Ah' just got done beatin' the tar outta the fightin' gym up in Saffron City, won me a primo and rare fighting pokemon, n' it was so easy to."

You rolled your eyes at the bragging. Big whoop. There were eight main gyms in Kanto, the top tier and strongest gyms. The rest were all much weaker.

"The names Damian kid, you'll neva' forget it," the blue haired annoyance boasted, "Let's make it two on two yeah? A double battle, nice and quick so a' can show off ma mons'."

Are you allowed to be offended by his accent? You feel like you'd be allowed to be and not be accused of whatever 'ism' it would be.

"Here, I'll go easy on a chump like you and show off ma two first!" he boasted, grabbing two pokeballs from the bag, "Doesn't matter what I send out I suppose, come out whoever you two are!"

He released the two, and in twin flashes of light, the pokeballs burst open and released a Machoke and Exeggutor out before him.

You sighed. The Exeggutor's leaves are limp and the Machoke a bit small. He clearly doesn't take good care of his pokemon. You might have to report him at this rate.

You only needed one pokemon for this. "Go, Scyther." you released the boss of Viridian Forest, the bug and flying type scoffing as he took in his opponents. And you didn't blame him.

"Oi, you mockin' me?" Damian growled, stomping his foot like petulant brat. "Well fine, les' see how big you tink' you are when a' crush ya'! Machoka use da Karate Chap! Exeggyater' use yer confusyin!"

God you hated his voice.

"Quick Attack, Then Fury Cutter and Wing Attack!" you ordered your pokemon.

"Scyther!" the bug type boss exploded forward in a blur of speed, just as the Machoke took its second attempt and the Exeggutor's eyes glowed blue, though the blue power missed completely, suffusing the air around where Scyther previously stood.

Scyther quickly downed Machoke with a swift clothesline with his glowing white wing before it even took its fourth step, and the Exeggutor only had time to blink dully before twin crimson energy clad, bladed arms sliced into its front and put it down like its comrade.

In the blink of an eye it was over.

You heard the ding resound from your pokedex, declaring you the winner.

"W-what!?" Damian screamed in shock, "H-how, w-wut?"

"Pathetic," you spat, "Those are good pokemon you have and they're in terrible condition, you don't take care of them at all."

"S-shut up!" Damian snarled back, raising the twin pokeballs of his pokemon and with a press of the buttons, blue light hit his pokemon and you blinked in shock, this was the second time you'd seen this! "Obviously they're tae' weak! Utterly yooozless! But les' see ya' beat this one'! Go Poliwrath!"

A Poliwrath, one that looked to be in actual good condition burst out. It turned to its trainer and waved its arms placatingly at him, but he shouted something garbled and pointed at you. You saw the Poliwrath's shoulders slump for a moment, before it squared them again and turned to face your Scyther.

You could see the apology in its eyes. But what the fuck was this idiot doing. Attacking someone like this is against the law!

"Bubbabeam!" Damian snarled.

You might have been shocked, but you weren't so shocked that you'd let him attack without a counter, "Wing Attack!"

Poliwrath thrust its stomach out, unleashing a barrage of massive, glowing blue bubbles shooting towards Scyther like cannonballs. Your bug though, with nimble movements flew between them, and slashed his wings, once into the water and fighting type, then spun on his foot and repeated, sending Poliwrath to the ground.

It forced itself to its knees, trying to force itself up even after taking massive damage from two super effective attacks-

"PATETIC!" Damian screamed, and you your utter astonishment, like before, he pressed a button on the water pokemon's pokeball, and the blue light beam you were familiar with struck Poliwrath, releasing it from his ownership, "One attack!? Feh! I'll just buy a better pokemon than a losa' like ya three weaklin's!"

He huffed like the brat he was and utterly ignoring you, went to talk away, sack slung over his shoulder. You almost gaped before you caught yourself and a snarl of rage left your lips, "Where'd you think you're going faggot?" you shouted at him, "In case you don't realize, you just broke the damn law!"

He turned to you, a snarl of his own on his lips before he realized what you were saying, "Oh shit!" Damian shouted, and started running.

"Get him!" you shouted to Scyther.

Your bug type nodded and shot off after the blue haired prick, but before he reached him, Damian turned and threw a small bag that Scyther went to bat aisde, only for it to explode on contact in a plume of dark smoke, and when Scyther beat his wings to blow it away within seconds, Damian was gone.

...And three interesting items lay on the ground, probably the contents of the bag Scyther just destroyed.

It was a damn shame what that fool did to his own pokemon. You'd turned near babies into fighting machines in a few days. It disgusted you to think that people couldn't even put in the paltry little amount of effort you had so far in your journey.

How did that fool get three badges? Did he fucking buy them or were the gym leaders just giving them away?

Machoke and Exeggutor were totally out of it, and Poliwrath looked to be incredibly, pathetically sad. you just couldn't leave them like that. So you caught them. Well, Poliwrath was a bit hesitant, but agreed when you balled the other two and sent them to Oak's ranch to heal up and enjoy life, and said that they'd have an easier time with it there to help them.

If nothing else, you could let them keep Delia company. A little bit of extra security never hurt, and the company would probably make her feel better now that her son was gone on his journey and you weren't mating pressing her silly everyday.

So a few minutes after that blue haired cunt of a gay ass foppy cowboy ran away like the little bitch ass punk he was, you were down three pokeballs and up three pokemon. Honestly, totally a bargain in your opinion. Seriously, it was a Machoke, Exeggutor and Poliwrath!

And honestly, it would be a big help in the future too. During the league tournaments, one common tactic was to research your opponent's trainer page, which the league had access to and granted to trainer's during the tournaments. If you could get Machoke to evolve into a Machamp, that would be three extra fully evolved pokemon under your ownership that they'd see, and throw off their strategies.

Win, win, win..and another dozen or so wins for you! Fuckin' suck it ya blue haired pussy!

Scyther appeared to appreciate you efforts as well, especially when you told him the benefits in the league. He seemed to like your thinking ahead for future fights like that. But then he was a total warrior type that just loved training and fighting, so what else would you expect?

At least this time when you called old man Oak, he cut off his lecture for your absurd catch rate of pokemon and actually praised you instead of just complaining about all the more work you'd be giving him.

It was easy for Oak to pull up the Pokedex ID of Damian from his battle with you, and report it himself. No effort from you needed, just the way you liked it.

And you were out of the door just as quick, when Professor Oak filled you in on a rumour about Surge giving out an interesting prize to anybody who could beat him for the next week. Some promo from the league apparently.

Keep in mind for each new day in the story, I'll be updating Ash and Gary's journey chapters to show their progress.

Cobalt's Pokemon:

Ivysaur - Level 36

Kingler - Level 31

Nidorina - Level 35

Sandlash - Level 32

Charmeleon - Level 34

Scyther - Level 34

Eevee - Level 15

Electabuzz - Level 29

Rhydon - Level 41

Rhyhorn(x10) - Level 16

Squirtle(Shiny) - Level 26

Machoke - Level 16

Exeggutor - Level 20

Poliwrath - Level 27

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