
Ascent (Pokemon Story)

Beginning on Episode 1 of the anime. You start your journey alongside Ash Ketchum and Gary Oak. Can you go the distance? Follow along as Cobalt Sota journeys along to become a top tier pokemon trainer and rake in all the cash. This is from a Second Person PoV, so it might not be for everyone. It is initially being written as a quest first after all. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 15

Honestly speaking, you were beginning to think that setting up camp for lunch, or to sleep was cursed, at least for you.

After catching Electabuzz, you decided just to set up for lunch there and then, and let your pokemon get some training in. And things were going really well honestly. Sandslash's new speed when digging was amazing, it was like he was swimming through the ground. And Nidorina managed to learn the attack from him to.

Still, you didn't even get to fully finish your food before things went to shit. Granted, you made sure all your pokemon's food was prepared first, but still. Just as you were about a quarter of the way into your lunch, you felt it.

The ground rhythmically began shaking. And the sounds of thick heavy objects hitting the ground resounded in your ears. Lowly at first, but over the course of a few seconds it grew louder, and louder till it was nearly drowning out your thoughts it was so loud.

Your head snapped towards where the sound was coming from, alongside Ivysaur and Nidorina's, the only two of your pokemon that weren't sleeping off their training and full lunches.

A full on stampede of Rhyhorn rushed towards you, easily ten of them, running so fast and hard they were kicking up a dust storm behind them.

But that wasn't the worrying part. The worrying part was the massive Rhydon sprinting behind them, barely visible in the thick dust cloud even with its huge bulk.

"You've gotta be kidding me." you groaned.

"Tch!" you clicked your tongue as your surged to your feet. If you let them rampage over your campsite, they'd destroy it all.

And while you could afford new shit now. You were a tight cunt, you wouldn't part with money without a good damn reason. This was not a good reason.

"Nidorina!" you snarled, turning to your only female pokemon who looked over at you sharply, probably never hearing this tone from you yet, "Stop them with Supersonic!"

"Nida!" She nodded seriously and bounded forward with a quick kick of her Double Kick on the ground to propel her forward into the air. At the apex of her jump, she screamed, releasing a large collection of orange sound waves that quickly swept towards the charging Rhyhorn and Rhydon at the back.

They charged through the orange waves for a few more seconds, before each and every Rhyhorn started veering off course in difference directions, stumbling and crashing into each other, resulting in a massive pile of rock hard bodies.

"Razor Leaf!" you pointed to your starter and quickly issued your next order.

Ivysaur was already moving before you fully finished your order, unleashing dozens upon dozens of razor sharp leaves in the blink of an eye, slicing into the pile of rock and ground types.

He would have continued, if the Rhydon didn't suddenly nimbly jump over the pile with a grace that belied its massive size. It landed in a slide, and you noted that it was covering both of its ears with its thickly clawed arms.

An orange orb of light swirled into existence at its mouth, humming as it compressed. Your eyes widened, but before you could snap off a warning, the Rhydon stopped its slide, arms shooting out to its side diagonally, one going down, the other up, and the Hyper Beam it was forming was...unleashed into the sky as it posed like some kind of...rock star maybe?

"What the fuck!?" you couldn't help but gape.

It suddenly blinked, dismissing its attack and then whirled around and started pointing and roaring at its downed herd mates. You got the feeling it was admonishing them.

Your eye twitched. "Screw this!" you bit out in annoyance, "Sleep Vine!" you ordered your starter.

Rhydon was so busy admonishing its herd that it didn't even notice the six vines coated in sleep powder zooming towards its back and lashing it six times, very hard.

It probably didn't even notice it was falling asleep, that was how moronic it seemed.

You eyed the downed giant, and its pile of comrades and couldn't help but shake your head in disbelief, "The fuck?" you uttered again in bewilderment.

"You know what, fuck it." you shook your head.

You balled every Mew damn one of those Rhyhorn. Moronic or not, that was a Rhydon, that knew fucking Hyper Beam. And letting it keep its...groupies? Posse? Might just make it more amendable to you in the future.

And if not. Well, Oak could deal with it.


After the weirdness that was the Rhydon and its herd being captured by you and sent off to Professor Oak, you packed up your things and continued on your way.

It was too much of a distance to reach Vermillion City by the end of the night. But at the very least, after walking for hours on end, right up until nine at night, when the moon was full and the sky was dusky, you were near enough that it should only take a quick few hour walk in the morning and you could be in Vermillion City before lunch tomorrow if you moved fast enough.

Missing training was grating, but it could be worth it in the long run if Vermillion had anything good in stock at their mart that could help you. Like maybe a Moon Stone or two. You'd heard they could evolve Eevee into one of the vaunted, few dark types, Umbreon. And one for Nidorina would be great too. She'd be a big help in Surge's gym if she evolved and gained the ground typing.

At least one good thing was coming out of all the time you spent walking though, hardly ever taking the time to rest. Your stamina seemed to be increasing by leaps and bounds, and you were by no means low on endurance when you started, Delia could attest to that.

Damn right she could.

Moon Stone's working for Umbreon in this setting go back to the Moon Shard's from XD, and them basically just being a Moon Stone by a different name.

Cobalt's Pokemon, as of the end of day 4:

Ivysaur - Level 36

Kingler - Level 31

Nidorina - Level 35

Sandlash - Level 32

Charmeleon - Level 34

Scyther - Level 32

Eevee - Level 15

Electabuzz - Level 29

Rhydon - Level 41

Rhyhorn(x10) - Level 16

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts