
Ascension | Part 2 - Assault

The Ascension Arc

Gates Sanctum | The White House

Yuma Ro (Gates Member) : The bleeding scourge will happen to the north, the scar will take every living and breathing sector in that region. Myself and Avatar will take the portals to the frontlines- Lord Xefirak's assault and on the main target, the damned human who's been taking us out in the shadows. His name is Dreck GunWall. Take precautions, even with our abilities we may have to play the long game. But don't get too hesitant- they're still only humans.

Avatar (Gates Member/Creator of Bella) : At midnight we cut through the dam- releasing and flooding the surrounding area of chemically altered waters. Uni Vy will wait at the dams peak for any surviving humans that make way past our defenses (if any would even). And for a last resort, although- we won't need him *chuckles* If the humans somehow make it past the impossible defenses of us combined. The Shade will take over and rip anything human to shreds. Our main target is Dreck, we have around 4hrs to ambush and obliterate the humans- and report back to Lord Xefirak.

Dreck: Form is off, go again. Shoulders are hanging too low, fix your posture. You must be ready for all and any circumstances do you hear me?

Trained Survivors: SIR YES SIR.

A quarter from the attack

Lloyd: You think we'll get a rest day coming up?

Gabe: Why? A rest day for what reason exactly, at any point our enemies could come crashing down on us. We have to be ready- so take this seriously.

Lloyd: I know that but- It's been every day, 15-20hrs at a time. We're only human, what if they attack and we're already fatigued?

Gabe: I won't be, that's all that matters. Me and Sarge will handle all of em' on our own if we gotta.

Lloyd: We aren't always gonna be ready- I'm just saying that a day to recover wouldn't be so damn bad you know?

Gabe: Lloyd, you're my best friend but if you don't shut the fuck up I'm gonna punch you in the face.

Lloyd: Dude, this isn't the time to boost your ego man. This is serious.


Lloyd: Dude, your supposed to be my friend. You aren't hearing me, it's like all you care about is sucking up to Dreck.

A fist came hurling at Lloyd, just momentarily dodged. The impact of the swing shook the ground and caused a pile of dirt to evaporate into dust blowing off as the momentum had swayed.

Lloyd: Take a breather and think about something other than yourself for once.

Gabe: I'm thinking for all of us man, you gotta wake up to that.

Their dispute would never get full closure, at least as it seemed…

Some time passes by

Gabe: Damn, I gotta apologize to the little shit. Fuck, okay Gabe it's your best friend he's a dumbass sometimes. Wait; what's that s-

A blast from the sky hits the ground, Gabe rolling away just in time


The shackled sirens, created with a bell and rope were shaken around every corridor of the Base, alerting all men and women to the frontlines.

Dreck: Medics, over at the left wing- Sharpshooters on the old cell towers. Armory straight, STATIONS EVERYONE.

Four more blasts hit every corner of the base, engulfing a fire at each exit besides the main one ahead, where the Scar held their ground.

Dreck: Now listen men, women, soldiers. The enemy has one of three options- the first being to send the grunts in, scar k-9, scar arachnids, and scar unit 1-3's. The second option is to play the long game and surround the base, and make a way in through the rear. Creating a battle split into two separate fighting scenarios. The third and last one (Dear God) is that one of the Gates is amongst them. And that means they are here for me. Gabriel Argus and Lloyd FallSky will be front and center with myself if that is the case. So soldiers, ARE YOU READY?

Trained Survivors: SIR YES SIR.

The remains of the front gate were lifted, and the assault began…