
Ascension | Part 1 - Void Scar

"It was before the androids linked the systems-core to Bella. That damned machine… Before the rise of the Scar. Our unit down south of the Metal City, rumors began to make haste of an android unit that became self aware. It began as an ambush from Dr. Yuki Void, hoping to takeover the government and annihilate the president Turf Logan. The story was Logan had sent a bomb squad to the West of South America, out of his jurisdiction and murdered the wrong group of individuals- Yuki Void's family. The crazed doctor had every right to be upset and take action, just not in the way he did. Separating mind and matter and creating an abomination. The Androids were powered at such an advanced level that eventually in the first battle, known as the Void Assault- The androids became self aware. Murdering Void brutally, ripping his tongue out and gouging his eyes. They continued the assault on us humans, innocent or guilty… at least I believed that before, but I know… we are all goddamned monsters. Bella was created by one of the android generals/scientists, by the code name Avatar. One of the 4 Gates. The Gates were the first defense and ultimate power behind The Machine Bella, and someone else… much darker. Something else… -"

Gabe: For fuck sakes Lloyd, stop writing you dumb bastard. We've got patrolling today- So get your ass ready.

Lloyd | 6'0 | 165lbs | Slim but athletic build | Long black hair, covering his eyes almost completely

Lloyd: Heh, yea sorry bro- I'm just a bit shaken about… uh nothing. Yeah let's get our shit on, sorry for spacing out, I just get lost in the words dude. It's like, well it's like some kinda drug -

Gabe: 6'7 | 257lbs | Muscle headed lad | Short grey hair, a buzz cut

Gabe: It's not like we're kids but I don't blame ya for needing an outlet bro. But we have to get serious, or I'll kick your ass before Dreck can.

Gabe and Lloyd had grown up together, both being the age of 17. Gabe's hair was the result of an attack and biochemical reaction causing a benign tumor Gabe had to spark out of control and erupt into a digitized form. The result left him forgetting half of his life and his hair greying and shortening- for good.

Lloyd: You might be bigger than me dude but don't underestimate the Living Dread.

Gabe: Such a stupid name bro, I can't believe you chose a name we came up with as kids for your code name.

Lloyd: Superhero alias, code name- what was I supposed to use, last names and all that at basic was all washed away. It's not like we are working for the government. If you consider this the government, I consider it a survival group. We don't even have many out there at our side. It's this group of us trained dipshits against thousands of androids.

Gabe: Man, chill- have you gotten yourself checked in with the aid recently. Maybe see the therapist over at sector 23? These nightmares and the past are fucking you up man. I'm fucking worried dude, I don't want you to do what Luis did.

Lloyd: I'm- I'll be alright man, I - yeah let's head to patrol.

The Animus Section | Bella's Core

Android 13275: Preparations for delving further into Bella are underway my lord. Our general has done something not even he expected- the void within Bella will lead us straight to the heart of this world. Shutting down electronics and killing nature to almost extinction were only the baby steps lord- We will take over every universe and every world with this power-

*An instant flash, oil and circuits fled the area around*

Xefirak: Hush, I will take it all within my reach, my time. I don't need one of you weaklings telling me that.

A beastly android that stood at 9'0ft tall, with a circuit combined look of a skull outline as his facial premise. The cybernetic unholy aura of darkness combined with ego flooded the area.

Xefirak, the ultimate evil- one even above Bella, or so had been presumed of the Gates.