
Ascender Curse: I don't want to reincarnate anymore

"I don't want to reincarnate anymore" Leander had always wished to be reborn into another world. After dying, he was reincarnated, his dream was real now, he had a wonderful life and died as a hero, however, he was reincarnated again and again. Leander realized this was a curse rather than a blessing, he kept reincarnating, living multiple lives, until something changed he was reborn into a second different world.

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9 Chs

Questions and spells

The air seemed to have grown colder the smell of metal was also strong in the house, yet Leander couldn't feel it, his mind seemed to have dulled his senses as he concentrated to make sense of the man's words

"Lydia, what is the meaning of this?" Celine was clenching her teeth to not lose consciousness the metal wrapped around her limbs kept her stuck, there was also the fire spell that kept the metal warm enough to burn her skin, only her anger and her concern for what could happen to Ferran kept her conscious.

Lydia's face had become serious, a stone-cold mask devoid of any emotions it was difficult for Leander to read her and discover why she was doing this.

"I'm sorry sister but I was forced to choose this" Her voice was serious as well, leaving no trace of empathy behind.

"Really, of all people him" Anger made Celine's voice sound like a snarl, she looked at the man with spite.

"You gonna break your brother's heart, Celine," the man said with a sarcastic smile.

"Go to hell Mathew" she screamed using all the air in her lungs her voice came out almost like a snarl

Leander was surprised by Lydia's change of personality but Celine's attitude surprised him even more, right now her expression. was between pure rage and a suppressed cry.

"I hate to admit but Mathew was partly right Celine, it just took too much time for me to realize, is time to take the place of our mother, for a long time we were nothing more than pawns for her" her eyes were filled with a cold determination that Leander never saw before, usually Lydia was very mature and composed.

Her demeanor now reminded Leander of a warrior determined to finish what he had started, whatever kind of contract she had accepted, she seemed determined to finish it.

"Spare me from this bullshit...At least this finally ends now," Celine said with a sad but firm voice.

She broke the metal thorn that gripped her right hand and slammed the palm of her hand on the ground causing thorns of the earth to come out of the ground toward both of them.

"I'm truly disappointed with your magical skill sister" Mathew kept the same smirk on his face while looking down on Celine.

"You idiot Look at her right hand" Lydia shouted pointing at the grounding.

On the side of Celine's right hand, she had written the runes on the wooden floor and used the attack as a distraction, the runes glowed with weak white light, Leander didn't know what they did but he could feel the mana pulsating because of them.

"When she did do that?".

There was a small knock on the door before an explosion sent it flying, the wood splinters from the door evaporated into mid-air with the heat.

In the place where the door was now stood a woman, Her red eyes swept the whole situation in seconds, she had brow hair that faded into a Golden blonde some strakes of her hair were blonde as well, she looked young as Lydia but her semblance was more mature and wise.

Leander thought that the heat came from the explosion but now he knew the heat was purely coming from her presence alone as if a second sun had just entered through the door.

He noticed how much he looked like her, actually, all the people in the house looked similar to each other making him wonder what kind of family reunion was happening there.

Both Lydia and Mathew were surprised by her arrival, Their eyes were wide open, and sweat began dripping on Lydia's forehead; it appeared that her entire plan had unraveled due to one minor detail.

'She already had a portal spell ready, the runes were just for activation' She thought.

"I found the other two traitors," Celine reported the situation to the woman, she took advantage of their distraction to free herself from Mathew's spell and walked over to Leander to carry him in her lap.

"Ferran we need to get out of here I will explain everything to you later".

She hugged him protectively, even as she tried to appear calm Leander could feel her trembling as mana inside the house increased rapidly.

"As expected of you mom, for how long you have been suspicious of me?" Lydia said quickly mana gathering quickly in her hands.

"I never been Lydia" the red-eyed woman replied with a serious voice.

"Then why does Celine has a portal spell ready?" Lydia was certain that Elentiya already suspected her, it wasn't that case then why would Celin have a portal spell ready?

"It was just in case something happened" Elentiya replied before having to dodge one fireball thrown by Mathew.

"You are such a bad liar Elentiya" This time Mathew spoke with spite in his voice.

"You are lucky Ferran looks like our dear mother decided to give you some attention, that's rare coming from her".

As he spoke, he launched a flaming spear in the direction of Elentiya aiming at her head.

"You Never change do you, Mathew?" Elentiya ignored his spell like it was only an annoying fly, her tone different from when she spoke to Lydia, seeming much more stern though her face remained calm

"Ha ha ha Neither do you Elentiya"

He waved his hands again, but this time looked like he was really serious, The metal that came out of the ground was so hot that it took on a golden-orange color, and intertwined to form a snake-like creature.

Lydia started moving as well, she was so fast that her figure became a blur, in an instant she was behind Celine, Golden blades on both her hands one of them pointed at Leander's neck, he could see that there was no hesitation in her eyes, she was ready to kill him any second.

'Shit' Leander was totally defenseless against her, he could feel the heat coming from the blade ready to Pierce his neck.

Elentiya slashed Mathew's spell in half with a golden blade composed of pure heat similar to Lydia's; when she turned around, Lydia had already taken two hostages.

"If you wave even half of a spell they get hurt" she took the blade closer to Leander and Celine's neck.

"To think you would stop so low" Elentiya's voice was sorrowful as she talked.

"Speak for you—".

Before Lydia could finish a golden blade of pure heat formed in mid-air opening a large wound on Lydia's arms causing her to lose concentration on her spell, If Lydia's movements were only a blur to Leander, Elentiya was even faster than her and could cast the same spell with double of the strength.

She cast another spell making the Earth come from the ground, breaking the house floor and trapping Lydia's limbs.

Leander was dumbfounded by everything that was happening, in a blink of an eye his normal reincartor life had become complete chaos, Lydia apparently was a traitor and not his mother but he decided it was better to try to understand things later and focus on the battle in front of him.

"Don't forget about me dear mother" Mathew threw more metal spikes in her direction.

With a sweep of her hand, lava sprang from the earth and burned more metal spikes that Mathew had created. The lava then wrapped around Mathew, solidifying and trapping him.

The fight seemed to have ended but the air started to vibrate in an unnatural way, Elentiya looked at Lydia and saw blue-cyan fire forming around her.

Leander just had a glimpse of it as an explosion made his body shake and a flash of light temporarily blinded him. When he recovered vision, the house had vanished and all that was left were a few pieces of wood being consumed by the blue fire.

He realized that the only reason he and Celine were intact was that a semitransparent crystal shield had enveloped them, before he could even wonder how this spell worked Elentiya dissolved the crystal shield into dust to concentrate on the fight ahead.

She was fighting Lydia and Mathew at the same time again, both seemed to be giving their all but none of their spells could even touch elentiya, she was fast enough to side-step half of their attacks, and the other half of the spells didn't make through her lava barrier on heat blades

Leander wondered how powerful she was to be able to fight two strong opponents and still protect him and Celine.

While Mathew seemed to be struggling Lydia was barely capable of standing, after her last spell she had vomited two times already, for some reason that blue fire explosion spell seemed to take a burden on her body.

Elentiya used his lava spell once again and at her will lava came out of the ground at high speed, the liquid moved as if it had life and hardened turning itself into stone trapping the two of them.

"This is not over" Lydia shouted trying to break free from the spell, blood coming out of her mouth.

Eletiya looked at Lydia and Mathew in a way that is hard to describe, even though Leander was close he still couldn't see her emotions through her calm mask, it was then to his surprise that her mask fell a little showing him a sad and regretful expression.

"I have failed to be a mother to you".

She looked back at Celine and Leander.

"To you both as well, Celine, Ferran, I hope you two also forget me for failing as a mother".

The air started to vibrate and cyan flames surrounded Lydia again but this time Eletiya was faster, she waved her hand, and a tornado of black fire formed in mid-air and engulfed Lydia and Mathew.

When the black flames dissipated there wasn't even a trace of their existence the black flames had consumed everything in their path.

Elentiya walked toward them, While she was checking them both, Leander noticed the wounds on Celine's skin, the metal spikes had pierced and burned her skin, but she refused to stop holding Leander to protect him.

A glass tube with a green substance inside appeared in Elentiya's hand, she carefully placed the liquid in Celine's mouth and a few seconds later the wounds began to heal after a minute they were no longer there.

The calm landscape had changed, now what was left was the scene of a battle, the house had been totally destroyed the grass was burned and craters of different sizes had formed marking the place as the end of a battle

The only thing that was left, was the garden.

Within minutes Leander's life had changed, making him realize that this life was indeed different from his many others, his peaceful life in the middle of nowhere had ended here.

"We will explain everything to you but for now is better if we leave this place," She said letting her expression soften a little, her smile was warm but she was incapable of disguising the sadness in her eyes, she entered the portal followed by Leander and Celine.

He wondered what would be the explanation for the madness that just happened there.