
As The God of Lust in DxD

Eromanga artist was having sex with his diehard fan in a hotel after a Doujinshi conference. As they both reached climax, a bright light engulfed him and thus! A new God is born! Note: This is an Ero novel for degenerates, so continue with discretion. Highschool DxD and related crossover. No killing Issei (Meatshield) No stealing Boosted Gear.

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6 Chs

A Lot of Stuff to Think About

As the ethereal glow faded away, I couldn't help but mutter, "Magic is truly fascinating."

The implications of what I had just witnessed swirled in my mind.

Was it teleportation?

Something even more extraordinary?

Holding the note in my hands, I eagerly flipped through its pages, revealing the confirmation that I was in another world that was suffused with supernatural forces.

A goddess, accompanied by a kitsune secretary no less, with Shinto Gods graced these lands.

And then there was the mention of a place called Kuoh, the very setting of the renowned borderline hentai series, Highschool DxD.

I hoped that this paper held valuable information, guiding me through the intricacies of this new reality.

After consulting with [Dark Sage] to confirm the feasibility of my plan, I reverted my hand back to its amorphous black state and devoured the note.

[Dark Sage], operating like a computer within my subconscious, diligently analyzed and cross-referenced the contents with my memories and its vast repository of data.

Speaking of [Dark Sage], this skill proved invaluable.

Unlike [Great Sage], which gradually developed an ego, [Dark Sage] remained a tool controlled by my subconscious mind.

It provided me with raw information, tailored to my comprehension.

No Google-like search results here—instead, it delved deep into the essence of each subject, allowing me to grasp its intricacies.

Turning my attention back to the surroundings, I marveled at the transformation of the shrine.

Once broken, it now stood restored and resplendent, bathed in newfound illumination.

The scale of the place became apparent to me, perched atop a hill, embraced by a forest at the outskirts of Kuoh.

Passing through the Tori gate, a vast plaza greeted me, its stone flooring stretching wide.

On the left, a building stood where talismans and sacred amulets were typically sold.

To the right, a gazebo concealed a well—a place for purification before entering a traditional Japanese shrine.

Making my way across the plaza, I beheld the shrine itself—a structure akin to a grand mansion, exuding an air of both opulence and humility.

It surpassed the size of ordinary shrines, yet felt proportionate and balanced.

Stepping inside, a spacious hall materialized, capable of accommodating a hundred or even two hundred people, if necessary.

At the center, a collection box beckoned offerings, while a designated area invited the lighting of incense for prayers.

Curiously, the spot where statues of the shrine's deities would typically reside remained vacant—a space awaiting the arrival of my own representation.

I pondered the design I should create for it, setting that task aside for later.

Turning my attention to the sliding door at the rear of the hall, I slid it open, revealing another, smaller chamber accommodating around fifty to seventy individuals.

But what caught my eye was a door emanating a distinct magical energy.

Driven by curiosity, I approached the door and opened it, revealing a breathtaking sight—a sub-dimension of sorts.

From my initial assessment, it spanned an expansive thirty hectares.

Numerous Japanese houses dotted the landscape, surrounded by picturesque gardens reminiscent of Zen aesthetics, complete with flowing rivers and tranquil ponds.

And at the heart of it all stood a mansion, surpassing even the shrine in size.

Was this space magic at work?

Or perhaps a sub-dimension hidden within?

Lost in contemplation, I was interrupted by [Dark Sage], which had just completed its analysis of the papers gifted to me by Amaterasu.

The information flooded my mind like a dense scientific essay, each detail meticulously woven together.

Were I still human, the sheer influx might have induced a headache.

Furthermore, [Dark Sage]'s processing speed left much to be desired.

I needed to find a way to enhance its efficiency, a reflection, perhaps, of my current power level.

Recalling my friend's account of Rimuru spending a month and a half devouring monsters in a cave, emerging as an overwhelmingly powerful entity, I realized the importance of acquiring strength in this world.

And maybe that was the reason of the near instantaneous calculation speed of his [Great Sage].

The papers contained rudimentary magic knowledge, a crash course on Shinto gods, common sense in the supernatural realm, and vital historical events.

Setting aside the other contents for later perusal, I focused on understanding the nature of this world—a crucial factor influencing my future actions.

Careful planning and countermeasures were necessary for any conceivable scenario.

Undeniably, this world intertwined with the realm of Highschool DxD, but its fabric was interwoven with numerous crossovers, offering a wider tapestry of possibilities.

[Dark Sage]'s extended analysis was attributed to the cross-referencing of my memories and available data.

Additionally, I allocated specific calculation quotas to "create" skills related to each experience, filing away information in real-time across various categories.

Seating myself in one of the gazebos, I delved deep into my thoughts while surrounded by serenity.

However, a pressing concern emerged—a multitude of crossover worlds.

Consequently, I couldn't assume that the characters would adhere strictly to canon behavior across all realms.

The note mentioned several crossovers alongside DxD, including Noragami, Kamuchu!, Kyokou Suiri, and Strike the Blood.

While there might be others, it was prudent to prioritize these initial encounters.

Foregoing the first ones, I recognized the gravity of Strike the Blood's significance, deeming it the most perilous among the crossovers.

With that realization, I resolved to adopt a cautious approach, employing the "Make 1000 friends, Zero enemies" strategy.

Some might label me a coward, but I cared not.

It was better to be a survivor, a strategic mind, than a prideful individual who believed themselves to be the protagonist, only to perish due to ill-conceived actions.

Pride, after all, was a perilous trait, one of the seven deadly sins.

It could lead to one's downfall—clinging to a futile fight or an unwarranted belief in invincibility.

To that end, I had already devised two strategies—the Orochimaru plan and Operation Meatshield.

The Orochimaru approach involved becoming an indomitable cockroach, a survivor who would seemingly perish only to rise again, defying death and outlasting all expectations.

Drawing on [Dark Sage]'s computational abilities, I delved into crafting a more detailed and feasible plan.

The Operation Meatshield strategy posed a more intricate challenge, as it required careful control and experimentation.

As the name suggested, I would employ every "protagonist" from each crossover as potential shields, leveraging their potential plot armor.

I couldn't fathom why some individuals harbored an intense hatred for Issei, failing to recognize his potential as a valuable asset—a living shield.

Rias, too, deserved a break, burdened as she was with teenage responsibilities.

Understanding escapism seemed beyond the grasp of many.

A princess thrust into a new world, unaccustomed to fending for herself, was bound to make mistakes.

Let it be clear, however, that I did not shun conflict entirely.

I would fight to protect, but I would not actively seek out battles.

Why engage an overwhelmingly powerful villain directly when I could offer support from the sidelines or rally others to the cause while I enjoyed a bag of popcorn?

This world had become my reality, and considering my powers in comparison to Amaterasu's earlier display, this approach was the most prudent.

I needed to grow in strength while contemplating strategic maneuvers, making friends, and ensuring my survival.

Only when I reached a level where I was strong enough to savor this world as I had fantasized about with my high school friends—imagining ourselves being isekaied into an anime—would I truly live.

Until that day arrived, I would humbly assume the role of the weakest.