
As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse

A mere otaku who, like Kasuga Arata, was transported to the world of Seraph of the End after answering a strange survey

Akasaki_Ryujin · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
93 Chs

Chapter 30 : Arata's Innate Magical Power

"Is it really okay for me to go with you?" - asked Arata, looking at Ban and the others - "I won't intrude on your party".

"It's okay, isn't it, Captain?" - said Ban, putting his arm around Arata and Meliodas' neck.

"It's okay," said Meliodas with a laugh, "don't treat yourself like a stranger, because from now on we'll be comrades, since you decided to help us save the kingdom of the Liones."

"Then I'll take your word for it" - Arata nodded and slipped out of Ban's embrace effortlessly.

Once Ban was awakened, Arata had asked him to absorb his magic power, which Ban readily agreed to, causing his magic power to awaken.

Because of the mission and as a token of thanks for helping The Seven Deadly Sins to help him awaken his magical power, Arata asked them to help them free the Liones from the hands of the Holy Knights.

They found no reason to refuse, so they agreed, especially after feeling Arata's own tremendous magical power.

Arata's magical power was up to 3000, making it the third highest magical power among The Seven Deadly Sins after King and Merlin.

As for Arata's innate magical power, it was called {Perfect Copy}.

As the name suggests, this innate magical Arata can copy other's innate magical once he sees it, even allowing him to copy all the magical Technique once he sees it.

Honestly, Arata didn't know if this innate magical was his or an influence from the Original Kasuga Arata, but he decided not to care too much about it.

Arata, Ban, and Meliodas walked towards the doctor's house while talking and laughing, and Arata quickly merged with the two.

Both Ban and Meliodas were simple and straightforward people, which is why they quickly got along with Arata, who was a straightforward and honest person.

They soon reached the doctor's house where Hawk and the girls arrived earlier.

"By the way, where did you get those clothes from?" - asked Meliodas as they climbed the stairs to the roof where the party was going to take place.

"I found her lying on the floor by accident" - Ban lied without hesitation, apparently remembering Arata's lie when they were in the dungeon.

"Hmmm" Meliodas murmured, apparently not believing Ban and staring at Arata to see where Ban got the clothes from.

"It's the truth" - Arata answered Meliodas' unspoken inquiry and lied because he didn't want Ban's lie to be exposed.

"You're late, you bastards!!" - Hawk shouted as they reached the roof.

"..." - Ban stopped and stared at Hawk in silence, his brain apparently not processing what had happened for some time - "The pig just spoke!!"

Upon realizing this strange phenomenon, Ban backed away from Hawk, staring in dismay.

"Is this the thing that scared you!!" - Hawk exclaimed and felt offended when a monster like Ban scared him.

"There's no sense in a pig speaking human words," said Ban, and he couldn't accept this phenomenon simply and his mind quickly came up with an explanation - "I get it, you're the right King."

"You got cursed and became a pig, huh?" - Ban said, seeming to really believe his explanation.

"..." - Arata stared at the funny interaction between Ban and Hawk as he drank a mug of beer that was on the table.

"You're wrong," said Diane, seemingly tired of Ban's stupidity.

"The King is dead," said Meliodas lightly, as if he was talking about the weather, "or so the rumor says."

"You know, I'm no ordinary pig," said Hawk, trying to act proud, "I'm Captain Leftovers Mild."

"Wonderful!!" - Ban said dramatically, staring at Hawk in awe - "I've never heard of anything like this."

Hearing the astonishment in Ban's voice, Hawk cocked his head arrogantly.

"Ignore the bastard pig for now," said Meliodas, looking at Ban and Arata and speaking, "come over here, and I will formally introduce you to Elizabeth."

Upon hearing Meliodas, Arata put the beer mug on the table and walked over to Elizabeth with Ban.

"First, this is Fox's Sin of Greed Ban" - said Meliodas, pointing to Ban and then pointing to Arata - "and this is the one who volunteered to save the Kingdom of the Liones with us, Arata."

"Nice to meet you, Ban Sama, Arata Sama" - said Elizabeth weakly because she was injured from the previous battle - "I apologize for welcoming you with this guise. I am the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones."

"Nice to meet you, Princess Elizabeth," said Arata, bowing slightly to Elizabeth and placing his right hand on his heart.

Frankly, Arata did not care about etiquette or anything like that, but he wanted to try this move after seeing it in many anime.

"You don't have to worry, Princess, we sins don't care about etiquette or status," said Ban, and he went up to Elizabeth and leaned slightly, placing his left hand on his right breast. "Nice to see you, Princess."

'I wonder which way is correct' - thought Arata upon seeing Ban who used his left hand when bowing as opposed to who used his right hand.

"It seems that you have finished getting to know each other," said the doctor who was preparing food with his daughter. "Let's start eating before the food gets cold."

Upon hearing the doctor, the partying and fun soon began as Arata and Ban started a drinking contest, with Arata losing after one barrel.

After his victory, Ban took off his top clothes and started dancing and singing while hugging Hawk and began referring to Hawk as the teacher.

While playing and having fun, many meteors fell in the sky, and it was a very beautiful sight, and upon seeing this, the doctor began to tell them an old prophecy about reviving the Demon Clan.

Although he did not understand the meaning of the prophecy that was in the form of a verse.

And so the day ended while everyone was celebrating and playing while eating and drinking.


"Good morning," said Arata, and went downstairs to see Ban preparing food. There appeared to be two unknown children.

"Ban, promise to bite for me," said Arata, and sat down on a random seat.

"Make it yourself" Ban grumbled annoyed but pulled out more ingredients and started making Arata's portion.

"I finally woke up" - said Hawk, apparently annoyed by Arata.

"What's up?" - yawning, Arata asked in confusion why Hawk was so upset.

"Hawk tried to wake you up a lot, but you were refusing to get up, which bothered him" - answered Meliodas, laughing amusedly.

"Oh," said Arata, ignoring Hawk because that boar had been so annoying since early in the morning. "So what are we going to do now? Are we going to the Capital of the Dead?"

"We've already arrived and are about to get information about her," said Ban, placing the food in front of Arata and the unknown children.

"Oh, Ban, we've already found King, so there's no need to go to the Capital of the Dead," said Meliodas, and he was puzzled as

to why Ban wanted to go to the Capital of the Dead.

"There's no way that the brat is King" - Ban said, not believing that kid was King, who was clearly fat and older.

"The capital of the dead... Huh" - murmured Arata, and there was a twinkle of nostalgia and sadness in his eyes as he remembered Maya.

"What's up?" - asked Meliodas, who was sitting next to Arata upon hearing his mumble.

"No, only if you want to go to the Capital of the Dead, I know the entrance." - Arata shook his head lightly, and the sadness quickly disappeared from his eyes.

"Really," Ban asked, returning the hope he had lost upon hearing the children's story about the Capital of the Dead.

"..." - Upon hearing Arata, the children stared at him with surprise in their eyes.

The two were residents of the Capital of the Dead, or you can say that they are the gatekeepers to the Capital of the Dead, and they honestly wanted to tell Ban about the entrance, but the rules did not allow them to do so.

They did not expect that Arata would know the entrance to the Capital of the Dead.

"It's the truth," said Arata, finished his meal and got up. "Follow me, and I will show you."

"You guys, make sure you finish eating," said Ban, and quickly followed behind Arata.

Seeing Ban and Arata rushing out, Meliodas and the others quickly followed behind.


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