
As a Kasuga Arata in Multiverse

A mere otaku who, like Kasuga Arata, was transported to the world of Seraph of the End after answering a strange survey

Akasaki_Ryujin · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Chapter 31: An Unexpected Encounter in the Capital of the Dead

"Who are you?" - asked Arata, looking at a beautiful girl with long red hair tied up in a ponytail. She had red eyes and blue earrings.

She was dressed in a blue uniform, consisting of a blue jacket, white shirt, and blue skirt. She also wore long stockings.

Arata had been in a good mood a while ago, thanks to getting a Full Counter from Meliodas and acquiring the abilities of Creation and Snatch from Ban and Diane.

Not to mention, he had also defeated Guila with an Explosion attack, which is why he was in a happy mood, playing around with Guila, just like Meliodas and the others.

Due to this, he was blown away and met a person who was disguised as Maya.

How did he know?

It was easy, because if this was the real Maya, she would have rushed to hug him. Moreover, the person in front of him had a deadpan face and emotionless eyes.

"Master, it's a Goddess," Takiko said, looking warily at the girl in front of her.

Being a being with divinity, Takiko could sense the overwhelming divinity emanating from the woman in front of her.

"Goddess," Arata murmured, and soon one possibility popped into his head - "Are you the Supreme Deity?"

"That's right, I am from another world," replied the Supreme Deity, taking on the form of Maya.

"Then why are you taking on the form of Maya?" - asked Arata, as black flames surrounded him, ready to attack if he heard an unpleasant answer.

"This appearance," Supreme Deity said, examining her own body, "is a technique that makes me look like the person you most want to see."

"What a despicable technique," Arata said irritably, and the black flames around him disappeared. "Then what do you want to see from me?"

"Deal," said Supreme Deity, turning her attention back to Arata.

"What kind of attribute would you like to have, Supreme Deity?" - Arata asked nonchalantly, clearly not interested in this deal.

"Take me out of this world when you leave, and I will grant you one wish," Supreme Deity said emotionlessly.

Supreme Deity knew it was only a matter of time until Mother of Chaos was freed from the seal she used on the Demon King.

Supreme Deity held deep reverence for her creator, the Mother of Chaos, but her fear outweighed that reverence, which is why she didn't hesitate to run when she got the chance.

'System, can I take her with me to another world?' - Arata asked in his thoughts, tempted by the idea of obtaining a wish from Supreme Deity.

[Ding, the host needs to have a relationship with the person you wish to take, such as loved ones, friends, Shikigami, and Master, etc.]

"Unfortunately, it seems impossible for me to take you with me," said Arata, feeling a bit disappointed that he couldn't get a wish from Supreme Deity.

"Why? If one wish is not enough, I can grant you more," Supreme Deity asked, horrified upon hearing Arata's reply, even though her voice and expression remained emotionless.

"That's not the problem," said Arata, shaking his head lightly and explaining, "there are rules for taking others with me, and that is that I have a relationship with the person I want to take, like lovers, friends, servants, and masters, and I think it's impossible for us to have any of these relations."

"..." Upon hearing Arata, Supreme Deity fell silent, thinking about what she had just heard.

Having a boyfriend was impossible because it was as if she was cursing herself for her daughter's ultimate reincarnation due to having one.

(Notes: I don't really know how Supreme Deity Elizabeth was born, but I will write it as being born of her halo)

As for the other two options, this was something she could not think of under normal circumstances, but she found herself thinking about it.

Ordinarily, it was impossible to consider the option of befriending or serving a lower being like a human.

True, to her, man was just an inferior being and a mere object of hatred, but Arata was different.

She was certain that he wasn't a human, and the fact that she felt an extremely great power that was even greater than the Mother of Chaos sealed inside him denied the option of forcing him.

Supreme Deity was sure that if she tried to force Arata into something, she would suffer greatly, so she quickly dismissed the option from her head.

"Let me think about it for a while," Supreme Deity said, and her body began to light up and disappear. "Until then, keep this because it will allow you to communicate with me."

"..." - Arata stared curiously at the thing that landed in his hands, which the system quickly evaluated.

The thing in his hand was a simple ring without any adornments or aesthetic patterns, and its pure silver color radiated an aura of peace and purity.

[Name: Communication Ring]

[Type: Item]

[Rank: A+]

[Description: A two-piece artifact that allows users to communicate with each other without caring about distance as long as they are in the same world]

[Allowed Users: Supreme Deity, Kasuga Arata]

'Login' - Seeing the description of the system, Arata quickly remembered the login command.

[Ding, congratulations on logging in and obtaining {Magic Sense}]

[Name: Magic Sense]

[Type: Active]

[Rank: B]

[Description: It allows the user to perceive the surrounding magicules to see a full 360 degrees around them, without leaving a single blind-spot. By observing the fluctuation of light and sound waves, they can be processed and converted into perceptible data, allowing the user to see and hear their surroundings. With this, one could see in complete darkness as if it were bright as day and could continue fighting even if their eyes and ears were to be crushed. Ambushes become virtually impossible as the user is fully aware of their environment.

It also allows the user to understand and express the intent of spoken words by deciphering sound waves that have willful meaning stored inside them, even if the language of their conversation partner is unknown to them.]

[Negative Effects: It is an indispensable skill for anyone to have, but continuous use of the ability, even for a short activation, can cause a normal Human brain to fry due to the never-ending flow of data overloading it. The effectiveness of this skill relies heavily on the user's processing capabilities.]

"Interesting" - Arata muttered and quickly activated his Magic Sense.

Arata could sense everything around him, such as light, sound, magic power, etc. He could even see himself from behind, which was a strange experience.

"Go back to your spiritual form," Arata commanded Shiro and Takiko because he could see Ban and the others heading for him using Magic Sense.

"Seriously, mental drain is no joke" - murmured Arata and quickly turned off his Magic Sense as he began to feel a slight headache.

"Are you alright?" - asked Meliodas, who quickly arrived with everyone.

"Yeah" - Arata nodded as Guila's attack didn't even scratch his clothes.

"So who is this shining person?" - asked Arata, pointing to the disappearing King.

"You also light

up," said Meliodas, putting his broken sword in its scabbard.

"What is this!!" - Diane exclaimed anxiously upon seeing her hands turn into lights.

"The capital of the dead began with your rejection" - at this time everyone heard the voice of one of the children Ban fed before entering the capital of the dead.

"Take care of Ban, please" - Arata heard these words as if the wind were whispering them in his ear.

"..." - Upon hearing those words, Arata could easily identify the owner of the voice and turned his eyes to him and moved his lips with something.

"Leave it to me" - these were the words that the other person understood upon reading the movement of Arata's lips.

The girl with blonde hair and golden eyes couldn't help but smile because her boyfriend had good friends.

True, this girl was none other than Ban's sweetheart and King's younger sister, Elaine.


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