
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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477 Chs

Chapter 246

In the morning, Monica Bellucci, dressed lightly, stood by the window on the second floor, admiring the swimming pool in the yard. 

The fresh air seemed to relax her a lot!

After a while, Arthur got up from the bed and hugged Monica Bellucci from behind. "Up so early?"

"Yes, I'm awake," Monica Bellucci held Arthur's hand and kissed it. "And you? How did you rest last night?"

Arthur nodded, "Very well, with a sexy enchantress like you around, how could it be bad?"

"By the way, do you like this house?" Arthur said, caressing Monica Bellucci's softness and kissing her on the ear.

"Of course I do. It's big and luxurious, and the location is great," Monica Bellucci leaned into Arthur's embrace, breathing heavily.

"It is quite spacious!" Arthur said, and then kissed her lips directly.

After spending a few days in Los Angeles with Monica Bellucci, Arthur went to New York, where he made a point of meeting Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The Clintons were going to the Caribbean for a vacation before taking office.

In lower Manhattan, at the Galaxy Building, Arthur sat on the sofa smoking while Jim Colter briefed him on the situation with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

"Mr. William Johnson still wants to retain control of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel and is willing to sell no more than 50% of the shares. Moreover, he wants to keep the ownership of the Boston Ritz-Carlton Hotel himself!"

Arthur's face was expressionless. "How much is he asking?"

"A hundred million dollars. He is willing to sell 49% of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Group, while the Boston Ritz-Carlton Hotel's assets remain his, but still managed by the Ritz-Carlton," Jim Colter quickly responded.

"Is he out of his mind? How can a waffle seller have such ambitions?" Arthur laughed. "A few years ago, he bought the Boston Ritz-Carlton Hotel and the brand for just $75 million, right? Now the Ritz-Carlton Hotel only has around 20 franchises, and he wants to sell it for such a high price?"

Jim Colter shrugged. "I think it's worth negotiating. After all, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel hasn't yet established itself in major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago."

"Arrange it. I'll go to Boston in a few days to meet with William Johnson," Arthur couldn't accept this price.

Right now, the Ritz-Carlton brand was not as renowned as it would be in the future. The most valuable asset was still the historic Boston Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

In the evening, Arthur inquired about the situation with Seraphim Security Company from Carl Anderson.

"I've found a few people who are very willing to join Seraphim Security Company. We're currently scouting for a location to set up a training base," Carl Anderson said with a smile. As long as there's investment, they're never short of manpower!

Arthur nodded, "The security market is actually a huge one. Even if we rely solely on Hollywood stars hiring us, we could make a living.

However, we need to offer more perfect services that cater to the privacy of stars, or we could help the government train police officers or transport valuables, which all require experienced security personnel."

Of course, if in the future, anyone from Seraphim wanted to go abroad as mercenaries, Arthur wouldn't oppose them taking on missions.

After all, you can't stop people from making money. Seraphim would also provide them with weapons, equipment, logistics support, and intelligence analysis services.

"I know. In recent years, many special forces members from the Navy and Marine Corps or intelligence analysts have taken on this type of work," Carl Anderson explained. "Apart from some chaotic areas abroad, most security business is not actually very dangerous."

Arthur exhaled a puff of smoke. "Find a suitable place as soon as possible, set up the training base, and start recruiting personnel for training. There are plenty of opportunities to make money abroad. For me, it's a land of gold. How far Seraphim International can go depends on you guys. I can show you the direction, but you need to repay me with loyalty!"

Carl Anderson said solemnly, "Boss, my loyalty is beyond doubt. Seraphim's future will definitely prioritize your safety and business."

Arthur smiled, patted Carl Anderson on the shoulder, "In the future, aim to become millionaires. This is the best era!"

"Boss, there are many places in the U.S. suitable for setting up a training base. We were thinking of setting it up near California," Carl Anderson reminded.

"Sure, then buy a large piece of land in Colorado. Forests, swamps, highlands, hills, plains, it should have all types of terrain. It doesn't need to be a good farm or ranch. Even a large wasteland will do. With $5 million, we can buy at least 20,000 to 30,000 acres. Including weapon installations and construction, $8 million will be more than enough!"

Arthur suggested, thinking the scenery in Colorado was nice. He could also find a place to build a vacation villa later.

Afterward, Arthur left the Galaxy Building, driving his BMW Z1 to Tompkins Square Park in the East Village.

Yu Feihong was waiting for Arthur there!

"Hey, did you skip school to shoot a TV drama?" Arthur couldn't help but laugh as he picked up Yu Feihong.

"They haven't started filming yet. I might do a few days' guest appearance when they do. Right now, the crew is still raising funds and holding seminars," Yu Feihong explained with a smile.

"How much is the investment?"

"About $1.5 million. Mainly because labor costs are high in the U.S.," Yu Feihong said, pursing her lips.

"$1.5 million? That's not much," Arthur shook his head. "You should invest!"

"I'm a student. Where would I get the money?"

Arthur laughed, "I have it. Since you're studying film production, you could treat it as an internship next year."

Yu Feihong shook her head, "No way, you've already given me so much. This is too much!"

Yu Feihong firmly refused, but Arthur took out his checkbook and wrote a check for $1 million, placing it in her hand. "Take it. Pay me back when you start making money."

After saying this, Arthur kissed Yu Feihong on the cheek.

