

A Woman on top of the alleged "Alpha male" chain, After life itself strangled her to her last breath, Arsinoe decided to put on her big girls pants and walked straight to the battle field, but life always does not play fair and this time it drew out its last card 'LOVE AND DESIRES', Arsinoe is forced to choose between her first Love and her desires and still hold her "Alpha Male" position. will Love knock her down? or will Love be knocked down by her? or will she loose it all including her high position??

Aceymak · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs


Since I was all prepared for the birth no compliçation was made apart from the fact that I gave birth to twins and not one as we expected. A boy and a girl, I held them in my hand, I did not want to leave them but mommy had to go save daddy and aunty Laura. "Madam you can't go out in this state...." the doctor said, I did know that i was to weak to go out like this but someone had to and if its me he wants then he will be getting what he asked for. I did not waste anymore time after saying farewell to my lovely children. I did now that there might be a chance that this would be my last time seeing them but not if I go prepared which I certainly was, With that in mind I wrote down the names of my two babies in a piece of paper just in case. Cassian came with the organisation army since this was more of a war than a small rift. We all set to where there last location was, Miguel is clever but not so clever, or maybe this was a trap for me. The location was the same even though it was heavily guarded I came prepared to fighy this war no matter what. We lauched our attack and made our way into there territory. Truly impressed with the security that he had but then its him so I did expect that. Cassian and I went to look for Leo and Laura, in our quest to finding them we found rather something way more peculiar, Sophia. "Well, well, well if it isn't my so called "sister in law" are you here perhaps to find your little husband and that maid you walk around with? If its so them let me bust your bubble they are not here. Hahahaha, so gullible did you think they would be here?." Before i could say anything something really heavy hit the back of my head and that was the last thing I remembered before waking up on a ship in the middle of the sea. Well I could tell since they tied me at the edge of the ship with a loose rope so if I try to wiggle it I will end up at the bottom of the sea. A bit futher was Leo, Laura and cassian, they had gone through alot of toucher you could tell just from one glance.

A malicious laughter was heard from a distance getting closer with every step before the face was fully revealed. "You have gotten rusty I must say or is it beacuse of the little babies you gave birth to earlier today?, you should have really stayed home you know, now I feel bad making those poor babies orphan." That was where he was mistaken, "well i guess you as dumb as you have always been Miguel, what did you think huh, that I would bring myself here without a back up plan, guess who is laughing now" I laughed but deep down my own laughter was choking me because I had no plan, he was right, I had nothing planned at all and I should have. Sophia was standing by Migeul side thinking she won, well in the real sense she has but I am not one to back down just like that i had to fight no matter what even if its dying trying. The biggest mistake was to underestimate my people. I remembered Alexandrea did plant a chip in me so as to track my location each time. I did not bring everyone from the organisation but did information to keep tracking my location no matter what. So I was suprised that they were not here yet but I knew they are on there way. I wasn't able to finish my thought when black men in suit boarded the ship, and i knew they were my people. I sighed a relief, i was tired and could tell that my body was loosing its blood. As some of my men were fighting some untied Laura,Leo and Cassian. As Leo ran towards me, we were both shocked by the gun shots I could see Leo screaming and increasing his pace before the second shot was taken, my entire body was numb, but i guess the bullet awaken my entire senses and a sudden pain overpowered me, before I could react the rope that was holding me was let loose and I could see myself falling my head hit the deck before falling into the water, Leo's face and voice calling me ran through my head until my eyes were fully shut. 


When my hands and legs were free all I wanted to do was run to where she was but noticed on the side of my eyes Miguel holding a gun pointing directly to where Arsinoe was, At that moment my senses were all shut down and all I could thing is "Get to her" I ran with all my might but how could I out run a bullet. When the first shot was taken, I lost all the strength that I had but I knew I had to get to her. But once more the same sound and the rope being cut, "Arsinoe!" I could only scream her name and ran to where she was standing but I was to late. It was dark but to me that did not matter. I wanted to just go after her when Cassian held me back "Sir i am sorry but I can't let you do that madam would not like that" in my head all I could think is what this guy was saying "Are you out of your mind, can't you see she is gone, GONE, and I need to get her right now so let me go" I said looking furious but he did not budge. "Sorry sir but these were direct orders from madam before we came after you, that incase something happens to her we should stop you from doing anything that you might regret later so I would advice that you follow me. The rescue team is here so you should not worry everything will be okay and we will find Madam."