
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Not my fault. I am just reacting.

Okami has been staying for more than three weeks in the land of Rain and he was depressed, annoyed and his mood was at an all time low, like never before in the past ten years.

"Okami-san the Hyuga Branch family have finally completely been freed, only those at home are still branded and enslaved."

"Mhh Thank you Kou. Do me a favour and tell Sara to go immediately to Konohagakure. I'll be waiting there for her so we can free the others." Okami replied.

After Kou left, Okami begann using his version of the Shadow Clone Jutsu, first he cut off one of his fingers, which immediately begann to regrow.

Okamis own flesh was going to be used as an Chakra battery for his Shadow Clone. This enabled his Clones to exist for an much longer duration, decades by Ai's estimation. Sadly unlike Naruto, Okami was not a Jinchu and had no access to that much chakra or else he would've gone and created an army of thousands. And he came up with the idea of using his flesh by thinking of Sasori, that guy replaced most of his body with his puppet body.

Why not apply the same concept on Shadow Clones and make them more durable.

Okamis Clones could do everything he could but only at 1% of his max power.

Once the Clone was done he used chakra to draw a mark on his body, this way the Clone would simultaneously function as a location marker for his Raijin Jutsu.

"Okay, You're going to go to Konohagakure and stay there and manage my three cute little disciples. Understood?"

"Sure sure... I am on my way stop hurrying me."

[Boss your Clones are just like yourself.]

"I know it is so annoying having to deal with myself."

Two weeks later, the whole Branch family was freed and joined the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

By the Time Hyu realised what was going on it was already over.

Meanwhile Okami was planning his revenge against Kondo, Okosune and his Grandparents. Sure they were his family and he didn't want to hurt his mother or being her in an awkward situation where she is forced to chose but all of this didn't mean there will be no room for revenge.

[Boss I am seriously doubting the viability of your plan.]

"Ai you have to understand that humans feel pain all the time throughout their whole existence, sometimes more and sometimes less. And as a human I have realised at some point that there are different kind of flavours to pain, there is good and bad pain and depending on who feels that pain the consequences are completely different."

[Why? What is the difference?]

"Well in my old life there was this horrible attack where people attacked a place, destroyed buildings and killed thousands of people. The retaliation soon came and it was cruel, for each 1000 persons killed they killed over 500000 people. Coming into contact with such information makes you realise inevitably, that pain is something subjective. The pain we ourselves create is never being focused on by us but the pain others create for us makes us angry and we want to retaliate. So I wondered, why not make people hurt themselves or at least make them believe they're hurting themselves. It is the best and most effective way because who're they gonna blame?"

[Boss your old World was literally worse than hell if the humans there came up with such cruel ideas and concepts.]

"You have no idea how cruel humans can get once they want something. At least Kaguya intended to give each and every person a sweet dream before killing them."

Okami felt constantly annoyed by being wet, the land of Rain as it's name suggests was quite rainy and just being in such a place for an hour is taxing, imagine being in such a place for weeks.

Okami has always been frustrated and toxic, this was just his nature even on sunny days and now in this place that is wet and cold. His mind was constantly coming up with new and creative ways to make Kondo feel the pain of offending him.

Circumstances are one major factor on how the mind is working and Okami being in this place was definitely not going to end good for Kondo.


Three months have passed since Okami sent his Clone to Konohagakure and started messing with the Hyuga Clan.

And finally he was summoned to the Hokages office and this time they were not going to annoy him because he was prepared for their dirty tricks.

Before even entering the office he could hear someone hitting the table and spouting profanities.

"Hello everyone. Why are you all looking so tense have we lost an battlefront or have they finally killed Tobirama?"

"Okami don't be rude to your seniors." And again these bastards have invited his mother.

"Oh Mom you are here too. How come you are always here when I get invited it is like they are doing this on purpose. Last time I got an Title and honour what am I gonna get this time for them to have invited you?"

"..." Hyu's veins were already popping out.

Who the actual fu*k would honour this guy and give him an Title for the shit show he has created.

"Oh Mom, by the way your son is really awesome." Okami said.

"And why are you awesome again? You're just a little twerp."

"Mom I have freed thousands of slaves and helped them regain their freedom and I have invited them to join my Clan."

"Really you have helped enslaved people? My son is really awesome." She began smiling while patting his head.

"..." this isn't going as planned this little shit head is totally leading the direction.

"Haha..." Madara couldn't help himself but laugh. Had they really thought he would fall for the same trick over and over.

"And Mom have I told you how some grownups have been bullying me, I thought I could deal with them alone but I just don't know what to do with bullies."

"Who fuc*ing dares bully my son if the bully you again just beat them up and I'll deal with the aftermath. No son of mine shall tolerate being bullied. So you little twerp deal with them instead of being a crybaby." She said while hitting the table.

"Yes Mom. Next time I won't even talk to them, I'll directly beat them up if they dare to bully me." Okami said while nodding repeatedly.

"So why are you here Mom?"

"I don't know. Just an hour ago your dad, Kondo-san and your Grandparents came and just forced me to come along." She said.

"Oh Okosune, Sobo, Sofu and Kondo came and got you without even telling you why. Seems like they're as selfish as always."

"Cough... Okami-kun we're here to have a meeting your family matters can wait for after the meeting." Madara finally had to say something.

"Oh. Hi Sensei you are just as quite as always. I thought the meeting hasn't begun seeing how my Mother who is neither in an official position nor a Clan leader is still here. Mom you should go now, the meeting is beginning and I assume I have done nothing to deserve another Title or have I Hokage-sama?" Okami asked with an childish voice giving Hashirama goosebumps.

"Ähm Okami-kun you're right, you have done nothing to deserve a Title. But for some reason Kondo and Hyu wanted Chiasa-san to be present."

"Oh Kondo-san is it about the matter we talked about? Have you finally decided on making me the Clan Leader? But I thought you would wait until after the war. But well you are also getting quite old so handing the Clan over now is a good decision. Seeing how I am the stronger than you." Okami said sounding like what was saying were true facts.

"Okosune our son will become the next Clan leader? This is amazing."

Madara saw the situation and decided to join in.

"Kondo you've decided to finally hand over the Clan leader position to my disciple. Honestly I was already wondering why such an weakling is still Clan leader when there is an stronger alternative present."

"Okosune I have to go and tell this to everyone in the Clan." Chiasa said while running excitedly out of the room.






Before anyone could even react Chiasa was already gone.

"Hahahahaha you idiots did you really think I would not know what you old sack of bones are playing? Last time I wasn't prepared but for the future every time my mother enters this office you better be prepared to give me something amazing otherwise don't even try calling her."

"OKAAAAAMI!!! Stop messing around. You're here for creating disorder and chaos in the village." Hyu hit the table.

"Oh really? I don't remember doing what you are accusing me of doing. I've been doing nothing but training and I am not even here seeing how I am fighting your war." Okami said perplexed.

"Okami, Hyu's branch family has been joining your Ōtsutsuki Clan and this is a fact." Okosune said.

"Well it isn't like I am forcing them to join my Clan and the Hyuga Clan has their way of controlling the branch family. What has this all anything to do with me?" Okami asked.

"Don't play dumb. You must have done something." Hyu said.

"Oh Hyu-san, you've got some crazy imagination. I can't even see your face, much less find each and every member of the branch Family, identify them and somebody talk them into accepting going blind and joining my Clan."

"That is exactly the problem! They are not going blind and we can't control them."

"Well it has got nothing to do with me."

"Why are they joining your Clan then?"

"I don't know. I am not forcing them."

"Why is the seal not working?"

"I did many things but I don't think you want the whole list of things I am doing daily."

"I know you've done something!"

"Honestly it isn't my fault that the branch family is leaving your Clan once they've found an escape route. This just shows how overrated your Clans traditions are. Oh and if you start recreating the branch family, this might keep going on because they'll escape and join the Ōtsutsuki Clan."

"So you are admitting it."

"Honestly it isn't my fault this is happening. I gave you the option of repaying your debt but well it seems like I had to wait till this war is over and I am not really patient. What if you die or what if you lose your arms in battle or what if I die. There are just too many uncertainties so I chose to take something else from you. You should've not pissed me off."


"Oh and Kondo let me tell you something interesting. I don't like you but killing you is also not enough punishment. And so I've created a method to inhibit the Kaguya Clans Kekkei Genkai, meaning that the chance for the children to inherit the Kekkei Genkai in the Kaguya Clan will get lower and lower with each generation and in three generations there will be no more bone manipulation Kekkei Genkai in the Kaguya Clan. I thought really long on what to take from you traitors and I realised that you have absolutely nothing that interests me. So I'll take the Kekkei Genkai and once the last user of the bone ability dies this Kekkei Genkai will be known as the Ōtsutsuki Clans Kekkei Genkai. And then your Clan will slowly be forgotten."

"OKAMI WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Okosune cried out.

"Oh nothing much I have just done what I assumed would be an appropriate punishment for a Clan that thinks it is normal to sell out it's people. You all decided that I should carry the burden of the Clan and I have decided that you all should carry the burden of knowing that you've ruined your Clan." Okami said.

"And now there's only one person left who deserves punishment." Okami looked towards Tobirama.

"What do you mean?" Hashirama said.

"Hokage-asma are you unaware of your brother plotting against mu Sensei's Clan and myself? I assume you are very much aware but unlike my Sensei, you are unable to sacrifice your brother."


"I know he is your family but he loves being too smart and by being like that he is going to sow seeds of chaos which will bloom at some point. Humans are not like toilet paper that you can't use and then throw away." Okami said calmly.

"Okami-kun I am sorry. I'll remove Tobirama from his elder position please be lenient."

"Hokage-sama you don't have to. I am not one to hold grudges. But for the sake of the village I have to say this is a really good idea. Tobirama is just too young and not fit to be in any position where one needs to be neutral."

"I am older than you, you little shit!" Tobirama said.
