
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Sometimes being a good person is really really really hard

"What did you just say?" Even while Okami was asking Tobirama, Hashirama and Madara realised this was not going to end well.

[Boss calm down. Please I beg you keep calm for gods sake.]

"Okami calm down." Madara said.

"No. I. Won't. Calm. Down." Okami said word by word while bones slowly were beginning to grow out of his body and he slowly pulled his sword out of its sheath.

"I AM THE FUC*ING KUMOKAGE AND HERE I AM SHOWING YOUR HOKAGE RESPECT BY CALLING HIM HOKAGE-SAMA BUT ALL OF YOU ARE SHOWING ZERO RESPECT TO ME. DO YOU REALLY THINK I WON'T DARE TO FUC*ING KILL YOU?" Okami cried out and even before finishing his sentence his body fell into particles in the next moment he appeared behind Tobirama and his sword was directly aiming for his left leg.

Before it could land Hashirama appeared and deflected it meanwhile Tobirama disappeared hiding his Raijin Jutsu appearing behind Okami.

He used a Kunai to go directly for the finish but his attack was blocked by one of Okamis bone spurs.

"Okami Stop it now." Madara said while shaking his head.

"Never. He called me little shit. I'll beat his ass up until he stays in bed for a few years."

From the ground suddenly branches begann to grow coming directly after Okami.

"Oh Hashirama-Sana'a wood release Kekkei Genkai. I am feeling honoured." Okamis was smiling under his mask he didn't even bother to block he directly passed through the branches as long as something couldn't destroy him on cellular level it was stupid to attack him with weapons or living Organisms like trees because he could just make his cells move through that Organism or tell them to let that weapon pass through himself.

In a way his Technique resembled Tobi's a lot except that his Clothes would get destroyed if they weren't made out of his cells.

„Haha Hashirama-san I can do something similar like you." Bones begann attacking Hashirama from the ground and anything that came into contact with the bones would just fall into pieces.

„What technique is this?" Tobirama could only try his best to dodge each attack.

„I call it ash-bones. Wanna have a taste of it?" Okami asked.

Boom the Office couldn't hold it anymore and they all were now standing on the buildings of Konohakure waiting for the others to act.

„Madara what kind of Monster have you brought up." Hashirama said blaming Madara.

„Hey, He is as much your student as he is mine....who was the one teaching him medical Nin-Jutsu." Madara countered.

And honestly the situation was such that even being touched by Okami would mean certain death. Fighting him was like playing tag at an insane speed and once he touched you, it is Game Over unless you're willing to cut if your arm leg or whatever part he has touched.

„What now brother?" Tobirama asked.

„How should I know? I can't seal him, I can't kill him and I have to constantly keep my distance. This is all your fault for insulting him. You know he reacts like that when someone is rude towards him." Hashirama replied completely focused on Okami.

[Boss you have to stop now!]

„Ai, he is always provoking me."

[I know Boss but Tsunade-Chan will be here in 10 minutes and whe have to clean up all evidence of us fighting her Grandfather and Greatuncle.]

„Fuc* Fuc* Fuc* this Tobirama is such an lucky bastard. I am getting tilted."

[Boss remain calm. Sooner or later he'll get what is coming for him.]

„Let's stop I don't want to destroy the village. I'll also repair your office while I am at it." Okami threw his hands up indicating that he was calm once again while doing the hand signs for the wood release Jutsu.

„Why can he use that Kekkei Genkai?" Hashirama looked as if he was going to get an heart attack at any second.

„Seems like he has grown up and doesn't want to hide it anymore." Madara said to himself.

„What do you mean?" Tobirama asked.

„Well when we set out years ago I thought he was just a talented like me and Hashirama and that is I tried teaching him to develop an affinity with all five nature elements plus the yin and yang element. And usually this would take a person at least 20 to 30 years to master but Okami just learned and mastered the basics in just two years. At that point he was talented but it still wasn't to this point and then he met a Missing-Nin named Kakuzu."

„Oh I know that guy. One time he came and watched me for a few seconds then he ran away as if i had sexually assaulted him or something. He didn't even say one word." Hashirama said with a deep frown.

„Well that guy had a certain kind of Kinjutsu which he stole before becoming a Missing-nin and Okami took a liking to it, beat the guy up, made him his follower and learned that Jutsu from him. Afterwards he collected what was needed on the many battlefields and now he has the method to train any kind of Chakra. Also the Boy is coming up with new ideas non-stop he has already developed over 200 personal Jutsu's and many kinds of Kekkei Genkai's and using something similar to yours isn't impossible he could even imitate the Sharingans effects before he became blind." Madara explained for them to understand.

Meanwhile Okami finished repairing the office and he also took his time to make it much mir to his own taste. On one side of the room were five big mirrors and each was inscribed with many kinds of Kanji and once someone touched them the would get to use them like surveillance Kameras overlooking the village and even outside the village.

On the other side was an desk with a chair made out of whit bone material with the inscription „He who sits here is burdened by the fate of many." and finally there was even another desk with some chairs in the middle of the room and on these chairs were again inscriptions and they were saying all the same thing.

„This seat is not meant for Tobirama Senju."

And on a big sign one could read „Tobirama sucks." and in little on the lower left corner „Don't even try destroying this sign. It'll just repair itself.".

„Why you little... before he could even finish his sentence Hashirama pressed his hand on his mouth and said

„Hehe, Okami-kun thank you for repairing everything."

„Sure sure no problem. We'll be family one day." Okami said while taking place as if waiting for something.

Just as Tobirama and Hashirama wanted to ask what he's talking someone entered the office and both their faces turned ugly because now they understood what he was talking about.

„Never Okami. You hear me this will never happen. Just over my dead body this is going to happen." Tobirama said.

„Please no... what is wrong with this boy..." Hashirama said perplexed.

„And how are you gonna stop me?" Okami taunted.

„Grandpa, what is Okami-kun doing here?" Tsunade asked.

„Hi Tsunade-chan, I had something to ask about a technique so I came and visited the Hokage and what Are you doing here?"

„Oh I am bored and nobody has time to play with me."

„Oh I am actually quite free right now wanna go and play?"

„Really? Sure let's go. Bye bye grandpa I'll visit you later." Tsunade Said while already at the door she is quite moody.

„Bye Sensei, bye Hokage-san, see ya later sucker." Okami said running after Tsunade.

„Okami come back here we've got something to discuss...." but too late Okami was already gone.

„Hashirama seems like that boy will be your problem in the future."

„Shut up Madara, just because you have no children he is going after my Granddaughter."

„What has that got anything to do with me. I am just not ready for marriage."

While they were bickering Tobirama was nearly crying.

„Isn't it already enough that I can't fight you alone why are you going after my family you sick bastard." he murmured to himself.

Meanwhile Okami and Tsunade were running towards the village to go and have fun.

„Okami-kun you're the best, you always have time for playing with me." Tsunade said.

But honestly Okami didn't like little kids all that much but she was really cute.

[Boss being a good person is really hard.]

„It is actually really really really hard to be a good person." Okami replied.