
Are you kidding me

Well life was never good to me but I somehow dealt with everything it threw at me. And I hoped once it is over I will chill in paradise and enjoy eternity in bliss but well no seems like God is out to mess with me! I ended up “reincarnating” WTF. I am not a Muslim... I am someone from another religion maybe I am not even religious but an atheist...seriously I could be anyone from anywhere... How can this even happen to me...

DaoistHBz6Sa · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Are we there yet?

"Hey Ai, how much longer till we reach Konoha?"

[Boss the is the 1276th time you have asked me so far and by my latest estimation 6 more hours until we reach our destination.]

"Well this was the most annoying week of my life so far... honestly this world is just a shithole filled with lunatics... who throws a Kunai at a god damn baby? If I weren't a Kaguya I'd be dead by now!"

[But Boss at least we know now that your bones are way harder than steal and you are nearly indestructible and your healing factor is at least 10 times stronger than a normal Kaguya-Clan member...and their healing factor is already 10 times that of a normal human from your old World... which makes yours 100 times... So they could even use you as an club and you wouldn't die Boss.]

[And you have also learned to better use your bones...the first time you fired a bone everyone was shocked beyond words.]

"Fuc* you Ai and fuc* your creator too... using me as a club... why are you setting flags for bad things to happen? They're already used to throwing me around like I am some kind of ball which is bad enough and now you want them to use me as a goddamn blunt weapon...also I didn't think it would have so much power...I was thrown away by more than 20 meters just because of the recoil."

Okami seems to be his usual self everyone that saw him thought...non-stop glaring at the world like just being alive makes him get constipated.

"Okosune what do you think how Konoha will react?" Sofu-san asked.

Sobo-san and Chiasa started paying attention...

"Honestly Sofu-san I don't know maybe they'll welcome us, maybe they'll imprison us or maybe they'll throw us out of the village... We can just hope they'll listen to us for now."

In the last week Okami tried for the first time his best to seriously learn the language and use Ai less for translation because at some point he has to be able to speak and always being quiet while glaring at the world... is untypical for a baby.

"I think things will work out...haha...they always work out somehow..." a savage looking, nearly 3 meters big guy clothed in animal skin roared while laughing.

"Dep-san I wish I had your optimism." Chiasa said.

"I like Mom despite her getting used to calling me little shit... well she's feeding me so that's a fair deal. But Old man Okosune treats me like I am owing him something."

[Boss you peed on him more than once... and every time he tries to pick you up you use your bones just like an hedgehog... honestly according to the data I have you should be happy he hasn't thrown you at his enemy's so far... Boss you are just being unfair to the poor guy by this point. You even cry whenever he's trying to accompany his wife for night activity...you're just horrible!]

"Ai whose System are you? You little shit dare to criticize me... lucky for you that you have no body of your own or I would beat you up!"


"Hokage-sama the Kaguya-Clan Shinobi that have passed our borders 3 days ago are still moving towards the village. By our observation they have no intention of attacking. We have already contacted them the moment they passed our borders and their explanation was they were on an mission to deliver a message to Hokage-sama and to the Hyuga-Clan. In a few hours they'll reach the village at the entrance we'll disarm them before they enter."

"Okay does the protocol says no need to take unnecessary risks!"


"Ai what do you think how the story will develop from this point on?"

[According to what I have analyzed from the Manga and Anime and conversations... The probability of Kaguya-Clan merging with Konohagakure isn't so bad! Madara Uchiha should still decide on leaving the village if you don't try to intervene.]


"We've reached our journeys destination now it is finally time for the real challenge." Okosune told his followers.

Out of nowhere an Leaf Shinobi appeared.

"Hello my Name is Biu and I am responsible for leading you to Hokage-sama. Those who're representing the Kaguya-Clan please follow me the rest please follow my colleague to the place we've prepared for you to rest."

"Biu-San thank you for your hospitality please lead the way." Okosune said.

Okosune, Chiasa, Sobo-san and Sofu-san followed Biu to the building where the Hokage worked.

"Please wait here until you get called in." Biu said and left.

"Thank you we will do that."


"It has been two hours since we've arrived and they've kept us waiting here." Sofu-san the old man kept raging und his mustache.

"Sofu you damn fool keep your voice down." Sobo-san warned him.

"Woman don't tell me what to do!"

"Oh you want to challenge me old man!" Sobo-San said while bones started growing out of her back.

"Cough...cough... Sorry I was just agitated because of the long wait." Sofu-san immediately explains while trying to calm his wife down.

"Mom please calm down we're in somebody else's home!" Chiasa tried to calm down her mother.


"You may enter now the Hokage-sama has time for you!"

After entering the room they noticed six people sitting in the room and the two groups looked at each other trying to estimate the other party.

"Hello I am Okosune Kaguya the envoy these are my Wife, her parents and my child. Hokage-sama we're here on behalf of the Chief of the Kaguya-Clan and thank you sincerely for receiving us."

"Hello I am the Hashirama Senju the Hokage and the Senju-Clans leader, these are Madara Uchiha the Uchiha-Clans leader, Tobirama Senju and finally the Hyu Hyuga the Hyuga-Clans leader my from the Kaguya-Clan.I apologize for the long wait we had something to discuss that couldn't wait." The Hokage introduced

"The other two people are representing the other Clans of Konhagakure and the Daimo. May I please ask what you wanted to talk about?"

"I have been ordered by our Clan leader to first tell you all a sentence and then explain the Situation we're confronted with."

"[By allowing us to join Konohagakure all the branches shall be one tree again.]" Okosune said.

"So the Kaguya-Clan wants to join Konohagakure?" Madara asked

"Well our Clan leader said to be honest so I am telling you later about everything but please before that look at my son. Chiasa show them Okami."

"What is this shit am I an animal you can exhibit?" Okami was fuming once again.

"Oh my god look at his eyes!" The two elders exclaimed.

"How did you steal the Hyuga-Clans Kekkei-Genkai?" Hyu asked with quite a lot of underlying threat in his voice seemingly ready to attack if the answer didn't please him.

"That is why we're here we didn't steal anything he was born like that. And we hoped to use our honesty to show that we have no bad intentions. Our Clan leader said that it might be possible for our Kekkei Genkai's to combine to create a stronger fighting power." Okosune explained

"Furthermore our situation is looking bleak we can defend our land but the question is for how long. While we grow weaker after every confrontation the Kirigakure will grow stronger and at some point our superiority with our Kekkei Genkai will not be enough. So the Clan leader decided to find a way out before we reach that situation but until now we had nothing of interest. It is true that the individual fighting strength of our Shinobi's are superior to most but our numbers are lacking and our clan has offended many and befriended none. So we hope to make an Alliance with the Hyuga-Clan like the [Ino-Shika-Cho-Alliance] and become part of Konohagakure." Sobo-San laid bare the situation and motivation of the Kaguya Clan.

"So you're telling me this Boy has the Kekkei Genkai of my Clan which means that you're part of my Clan?"

"No we believe he is a mutation because he has both Kekkei Genkai's and we believe offspring of mixed Origin of Hyuga and Kaguya have a high chance of inheriting both Kekkei Genkai��s. Which would result in a more perfect and talented Shinobi." Chiasa answered Hyu's question.

While they we're talking Okami had his own plan. He stretched his little arms towards Madara signaling him to pick him up using all his Baby charm in the process.

"Is this Baby trying to communicate with me?" Madara thought to himself.

[Boss I don't think this is such an good idea!]

"Shut up! Seeing how the situation is developing they'll say no! There're 4 people here who have actual voting rights...Hyu, Hashirama, Tobirama and Madara. The other two have clear aims one is following the Hokage will while the other the Deimos will."

[So what?]

"Hashirama will vote yes, Tobirama will vote no, Hyu will vote yes and Madara will vote no and the other two one yes and one no so tell me how can we change the situation? It is 3vs3."

[But Boss why do you think they'll vote like that?]

"Easy Hashirama wants to improve the villages strength while his brother wants to control it and more strength means harder to control. So 1 yes and 1 no! Madara doesn't want to see the Hyuga-Clan get more powerful while the Hyuga wants exactly that. Another 1yes and 1 no. The daimo doesn't want the village to overpower him while the clans support Hashirama. So once again 1 yes and 1 no."

[Okay I get it now but Boss seriously your idea is borderline suicidal!]

"Madara is the only person whose opinion can be swayed! So now shut up and let me do what I have to do."

I think this is how they would think about the situation base on the personality's that have been shown in the anime.

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