

Inside the meeting room the ten people taking part in the meeting wer shocked out of their mind...

Okosune thought to himself "What is wrong with this little shit now?"

Okami kept signaling for Madara to pick him up and Everybody noticed the baby's behavior and the kept glancing at Madara who just kept his Pokerface and ignored them all.

"Madara, seems like the boy has fallen for you?" Tobirama said with a sneer.

"Just because..." even before Madara could finish his answer a bone spike flew at lighting speed towards Tobirama which startled everyone in the room.

"Who DARES!!!" Tobirama cried out while causally catching the spike with two fingers.

"Which one of you was it?" He glared at the four Kaguya Clan people and noticed them looking at the baby.

He lowered his gaze and noticed the baby glaring at him.

Pin drop silence.

Everyone thought the same "Is he understanding what we're saying?" Why else would he attack Tobirama?

Slowly four bones grew out of the sitting baby's back resembling spider legs.

The baby used those creepy spider legs to lift himself up and slowly move towards Madara and then he sat there in front of Madara and kept looking at him.

The Bones slowly shrieked back into the baby's body and he signaled for Madara to hug him once again.

"Ähm Okosune-san your son seems to be a little too smart." Hyu said not knowing how to react at all.

Okosune, Chiasa, Sobo-san and Sofu-san didn't know what to do. They had noticed Okami's weird behavior at times and how he behaved way too adult like for his age but the just assumed he was a little bit smarter.

"What do you want?" Madara asked.

[Boss we should abandon your plan. Coming clean and telling him everything will doom us to lab rats!]

"Ai shield my memories as I told you when he uses Genjutsu on me! And now answer his question by writing it for him."

A bone leg grew once again out of the baby's back and began etching sth into the table.


"You want me to take you as my student?" Everybody's mouth hanged wide open he can even write.

Okami tried nodding his little head but because of his body's proportion, he fell backwards and hit his little head on the table.

Nobody knew how to react or deal with this baby so no one tried to help him or appease him.

He looked at them all then his eyes began to tear up and he began crying...actually he started cursing them all but he couldn't form the right sounds so it just sounded like a baby's crying.

[Boss I just want to say even though our time together was short it was an honor for me being your System.]

"Ai stfu for me."

[Yes Boss.]

Seconds ticked by and the people inside the room didn't make a sound and the baby stopped crying after 30 seconds or so.

Everyone's brain had short circuited. Okami's Family didn't know how to process this new information, Konohagakure's leadership each tried to process the situation and understand what is happening.

After some time the Hokage finally broke the silence and begann talking to the baby.

"Okami-kun are you able to understand what we're saying?"

Okami's little face became funny before his bone leg began etching a sentence on the table.


"What does that mean?" Asked Hyu.

But Okami didn't answer he just looked towards Hyu as if trying to think of something.

After a few seconds Madara said "He understands parts of what we're saying but not everything because either he hasn't heard or doesn't understand the meaning of the words. It is also possible that he can only write the few words he has seen before and understood what they mean which shows he's smart enough but hasn't gotten the necessary education. So communication is going to be difficult not because he's not smart enough but because he hasn't the necessary vocabulary to express himself."

Okami looked at Madara seeming like he tried to understand what the long sentence might mean.

"You want to be Madara's Student?" Tobirama asked

The bone leg moved again and began etching [Student. Yes.] and he signaled for Madara with his little arms to hug/pick him.

At this point Hyu asked "Is it possible that all mixed offspring of our bloodlines will be so outstanding?"

"We need to postpone this meeting Okami's outstanding intelligence is something nobody was prepared for. We have to discuss before coming to an conclusion on what to do." Hashirama said.

"Thank you for your time." Okosune and the others said then he went over to pick up Okami just to once again be met with Okami's little hedgehog move.

Okosune face darkened like a pots bottom

"This little shit has been doing all those things on purpose..."

He covered his hand with a layer of bone and picked up Okami whose spider legs were trying to grab the table not wanting to move away from Madara.

Father and son were now in an semi-Battle mode, glaring at each other. Finally Chiasa came over totally ignoring the little hedgehogs spikes. She stretched her arms out to pick him up and all the spikes retreated back into Okami's body so his mom could pick him up.

"Okosune-san seems like little Okami doesn't like you... haha..." Hyu said while laughing.

The others just watched the show not knowing how to react.

"Hehe... I don't know why he doesn't seem to like me." Okosune said helpless while scratching his head and laughing awkwardly.

A bone leg grew once again out of Okami and etched something on the table which made Okosune freeze.


"Omfg this little shit is still resentful for his birth where I slapped him..." Okosune thought to himself.

"Hehe.. I think it is best we leave now and continue the meeting on another day." Okosune said trying to end the meeting.

"Good please enjoy your stay in Konohagakure." Hashirama said.

The Kaguya-Clan people left the room and moved to the place that was prepared for them to stay.


Still inside the meeting room.

"What are your opinions about their proposal?" Hashirama asked.

"I think it sounds like an good idea. Their Clan will improve Konohagakure's fighting power and if it is really possible to combine our Kekkei Genkai's an Alliance with them is a good decision!" Hyu said showing his intention of an alliance.

"We support whatever the Hokage decides on." the elder said.

"I have to report this to the Daimo and ... " The other elder said but before he could even finish his sentence Madara was looking him in the eyes and using his Sharingan on him.

"Madara what are you doing?" Tobirama cried out while hitting the table and standing up.

"I am protecting my Student." Madara said calmly.

"So you've decided on accepting him?" Hashirama asked while smiling


Once again it is me your dear author...I don't know if you use dear to describe me but I'll just assume it.

Actually I am rly happy you like the story over 3000 people have at least read 1 chapter and 28 (including myself have the story in their library that is just awesome XD)

I just finished writing chapter 8 and I myself quite fond of reading novels so I know the wait is quite annoying but now as I'm the writer and not the reader I notice :O the wait is necessary cause developing the plot takes time...

But I hope you like the story :)

Chapter 8 is really really good even I myself am astonished by my idea ;) haha

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