
Arcane Exorcist

Yin and Yang, Order and Disorder, Life and Death, The Universal Equation of Balance. My world was once in Balance, until it came, The Arcane Drift. A massive flare of Mana flowed through Earth, giving birth to The Arcane Prime, soul like entities formed from pure Arcane energy. Humanity was devastated, as half of earth's population were wiped out due to Mana toxicity. The Half left behind were soon preyed on by The Prime's. We couldn't defend ourselves, as Humanity brought down to it's knees. Decades Later, we had a breakthrough. Humans, who were once preys, instantly became predators. The Hunted became the Hunter. Despite the fact we couldn't wield Arcane, we found other means to defend ourselves. By drawing power from Yin Yang Force Factor, Humans finally had the upper hand, as they went into all out war against The Primes.

David_Volpir · Fantasi
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20 Chs

Awakening [3]

"So even if I die, my death won't be meaningless" Jeremy said, cheerfully smiling.

Hearing this, Xavier couldn't help himself, as he began to laugh hysterically, "I like this Kid!" He exclaimed.

"One question though?" Jeremy said.

"What is it?" Xavier curiously inquired, staring at him.

"How do I become an Exorcist?" He asked.

"That's easy. Once you pass the entrance test, you'll be further tested, to check if you're really an Awakened. Once that's over, you'll receive an approval from the Board of Exorcist's, alongside your Identification Card" Xavier proudly said.

"Alright, that shouldn't be hard" Jeremy brightly exclaimed.

"But there's just one slight problem" Adam said.

"Which is?" Xavier and Francis inquired simultaneously.

"How can he take the Test when he can't even remember his name?" Adam asked indifferently.

"Oh, that's right!" Jeremy commented.

"Hmm, I didn't think about that" Xavier said, stroking his chin.

"Well, there's another way for him to become an Exorcist without going through all that stress" Xavier added.

"What is it?" Jeremy excitedly asked.

"Through a recommendation" Xavier said.

"That's great" Adam said.

"What's a recommendation?" Jeremy asked with his interest piqued.

"It's a situation where a Tier Six Exorcist, personally presents an individual to the Board for approval" Adam replied, glaring at Jeremy.

"Fortunately for you, Xavier happens to be a Tier Six Exorcist, so this will be very easy" Adam boasted.

"Well, I'm not really sure about that" Xavier said, awkwardly caressing his hair.

"What do you mean?" Adam said, wickedly glaring at Xavier.

"You see, in our last meeting, I actually threatened to kill them all" Xavier whispered.

"Huh?" Francis blurted, confusedly staring at Xavier.

"What the fuck?" Adam couldn't help but yell.

"I should have guessed!" He promptly added.

"It wasn't my fault" Xavier awkwardly said.

"Then who's fault is it?" Adam commented, glaring at Xavier.

As both of them bickered , Jeremy did nothing but watch the ongoing drama.

"I thought Xavier was Adam's superior, but why's Xavier behaving like a child?" He thought to himself.

"Don't worry about it, I'm going to solve this issue!" Xavier brightly exclaimed.

"How?" Adam asked.

"I don't know yet!" He replied.

"Idiot!" Adam cursed, smacking his face in disappointment.

"Oi Jeremy!" Xavier said, pointing at a presently confused Jeremy.

"What?" Jeremy asked.

"Don't worry about a thing, you're gonna get your approved ID!" Xavier brightly said.

Hearing Xavier reassuring words, Jeremy lips instantly curved up, forming a bright smile, "Thank you very much" He replied.

"Francis, how long would he need to stay in the hospital before he gets discharged?" Xavier curiously inquired.

"Hmm, Just two days or maybe less" Francis promptly answered.

"Two days, That will be enough" Xavier said, slowly exiting the room with his hands inside his pockets.

"Wait!" Jeremy exclaimed, halting Xavier instantly.

"What is it?" Xavier said, fixing his attention on Jeremy.

"I just want to know who the strongest Exorcist is" Jeremy curiously said.

Hearing this, Xavier released a sadistic grin "That'd be me" He replied, vanishing instantly.

"Wow!" Jeremy whispered.

"Hey Jeremy, I'll see you later" Adam said.

"Alright" The Latter commented.

Immediately Adam heard Jeremy's reply, his body instantly sunk into his shadow, gravely shocking Jeremy. He immediately shifted his attention to Francis, earnestly staring at him, hoping he would do some fancy trick.

"I'm just going to use the door" Francis said, pointing at the door.

"Oh" Jeremy disappointedly said, while Francis left the room.


Xavier's Residence.

Xavier's house was a clear definition of awesome. It was a literal giant mansion which had a silver color. The interior was as exotic as the exterior, designed with multiple paintings of Xavier.

The Handsome devil who owned the property, suddenly appeared in the middle of the Living room. Xavier immediately took a seat on his sofa, caressing his head softly.

"What am I going to do?" Xavier thought to himself.

Suddenly, Xavier's confused demeanor changed, as he was presently wearing a maniacal grin. He reached into his right pocket, pulling out a black colored smartphone. After scrolling through his contacts, he finally found the number he was browsing for, calling the contact immediately.

"Hello!" A voice boomed out from his phone.

"Hey Elena!" Xavier awkwardly said.

"It's you!" Elena replied.

"I was wondering if you'd love to go out with me" Xavier inquired.

"Are you serious?" She exclaimed, causing Xavier to grip his ear in pain.

"Yes!" He replied.

"Whoa, yes. I'd love to go out with….." She said.

"Wait a minute, Xavier!" She added.

"Huh?" He said.

"What the hell do you want?" She furiously asked.

"Nothing…Nothing" He obviously lied through his teeth.

"You're lying!" She commented.

"How did you know?" He bluntly said.

"Fuck you Xavier!" She cursed.

She immediately pulled out an ID card which contained Jeremy's face and details. "Here, It's the ID y"Alright, you got me, I need your help" He begged.

"What is it?" She inquired.

"You know that Kid!" He said.

"The contaminated one!" She asked.

"Yeah… It turns out he's an Awakened" He added.

"So what!" She said with indifference.

"I actually want to get him an approved ID" He calmly said

"Is that all?" She inquired.

"Yup!" He answered.

"Alright, I'll be busy tomorrow. Stop by my office the day after!" She said.

"Thank you you're a life saver" He brightly said.


"So, how about that date?" Xavier asked.

"Bye!" She replied, immediately cutting the call.

"Huh, that was rude" Xavier said, dropping his phone on his lap.

"And I was really serious about that date!" He added.

Two Days Later,

Elena's Office,

Bureau of Exorcism HQ.

Elena was seen burying her face into a bunch of paperwork, laid out on her large desk. Sensing a familiar energy, she tilted her head towards the door, staring solemnly at it.

"Xavier, would you quit standing at the door like that!" Elena promptly exclaimed.

Immediately, Xavier casually opened the door, entering with an awkward smile.

"So you knew I was there?" Xavier asked.

"Yup!" Elena said, glaring wickedly at Xavier.

"What's with that look?" He curiously asked.

Despite hearing Xavier's question, Elena remained silent while she glared at him.

"Er… Did I do something wrong?" Xavier said while stroking his chin.

"You're not doing anything right!" She answered.

"What do you mean?" He confusedly inquired.

"I swear I sent you Jeremy's details. Did you check your Email?" Xavier added.

"Would you shut up!" Elena angrily erupted.

"I'm not talking about the boy!" She immediately added.

"Then what are you talking about?" Xavier asked, staring at Elena.

"What month is this?" Elena asked, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"June" Xavier slowly answered as he realized what Elena was talking about.

"June… We were supposed to get married last month!" She angrily exclaimed.

"Oh Shit!" Xavier said, smacking his face in shame.

"Look, I'm sorry" Xavier added.

"Don't sorry me!" Elena exclaimed, banging her fist on her desk.

"You've been postponing the wedding since last year and when I ask you why, what's your response?" She furiously yelled.

"When you're as strong as me, you'll do what you want!" Xavier and Elena simultaneously said.

"Look, I'm done!" Elena sadly commented.

"What? You can't be done, we're supposed to get married!" Xavier blurted.

"I said I'm done. I can't keep doing this anymore" Elena said, glaring at Xavier.

"But I'm Xavier" He said, earnestly staring into her eyes.

"You think you're charm's gonna work on me again" Elena sadly said, reaching into a drawer, underneath her desk.

ou wanted. Take it and leave" Elena said, handing the Card to Xavier.

Taking the card, Xavier soberly stared at the card, "Shit, I really messed up!" He thought to himself.

"Elena" He said, grabbing her attention.

"What?" She replied, staring at him.

"I messed up and I'm sorry. Can I make it up to you" He said.

"How?" She nonchalantly replied.

"Let's get married" Xavier brightly said.

"Next Month!" He promptly added.

"Are you serious?" Elena angrily asked.

"I'm being serious this time!" He replied.

"I don't know Xavier… I" Elena said before she got interrupted.

"Alright, Let's go out on a date next week" Xavier said with a cheery smile.

"Please give me a chance, if I blow this one up, then we're done" Xavier said, staring deeply into Elena's eyes.

"Hmm, Fine" Elena said as her frown turned into a smile.

"Next week, you're taking me out!" She added.

"Yeah, it's a date" He happily replied, giving her a peck on her left cheek, causing her to immediately blush.

"I'll see you later" Xavier added.

"Okay" She smiled, brimming with joy.

Hearing her reply, Xavier slowly exited the room, leaving Elena who was still blushing behind. Immediately he closed the door behind him, he spotted Adam casually resting by the side of the door.

"What the hell Adam!" Xavier exclaimed in shock.

"You really messed up" Adam commented, as he waltzed away.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Xavier curiously inquired.

"Of course" Adam replied.

"Come on, we've got get going" He added waving at Xavier while he slowly emerged himself into his shadow.

"That kid" Xavier said, shaking his in annoyance.

"I'm gonna kill him one day!"