
Chapter three

I heard someone shout my name and I halted.I turned to find the annoying boy who took me around the school staring at me what was his name again yeah Sylvain and he looked really mad.I just stared at him without saying a word,the look he gave me was that of an authoritative figure but I didn't flatter I hated authority trying to boss people around."You are going to stay in the attic for three days and nights without food and water.I looked at him and shrugged my shoulders it's not like I cared at all.I needed some alone time and I could careless about what he said.

It had been three weeks since I was in Arabelle High and I had been told no running in the hallways but I never listened after every class I was bolting I guess my punishment had come.I wasn't a trouble maker but it baffled me how petty mistakes were taken seriously I was curious and wanted to see what happens when one defies a rule.In the three weeks I was there I never talked to anyone but Pinnochio kept following me around .It was really great to know that someone was there for me although I kept my thoughts private and never talked at all only when necessary.I simply nodded my head in agreement not objecting what he said to me.He motioned for me to follow him and I obediently walked behind him without saying a word.

We walked about four flights of stairs before we got to the attic and I kept on following quietly even when he kept telling me next time the consequences of my actions would be dire and I might even be suspended.When he mentioned the words suspension a nerve was caught and I couldn't let that happen since I had nowhere to go no parents to bring me back to plead my case after that and this was a golden opportunity and I was never going to let it go that easily."I'm sorry it won't happen again,"I mumbled.I thought he had not heard me when he suddenly turned around and faced me.He looked at me scrutinizing me from head to toe then he continued walking I couldn't tell what was going on in his head so I kept quiet.We finally reached our destination then he pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door.

He stepped away from the door and let me in the room which I thought was supposed to be a creepy scary attic but what I saw in front me rendered me speechless than I usually was.The room was beautiful with many books to keep me company for a while.When he tried giving me a bottle of water for the three days I politely said a no."Remember you said no food and no water rules are rules and must be followed,"I simply said.Again he stared at me with wide eyes and quickly regained his composure.He locked the door and I heard his footsteps slowly fading away and I sat at the bed in the middle of the room which was really cosy.

This school was really prestigious indeed an attic was better than my own apartment back at home.I planned the three days I would be spending there,the first day I would handle my school work the second day I would read the s and the third I would read the books and enjoy them.I would sleep only when necessary and there was a window but I know I wasn't allowed to open that so I told myself I would only do it at night in the middle of the night when everyone was sound asleep.I took out my books and placed them on the table next to the nightstand.I sat down on the chair as I started studying.I had read for a couple of hours when I noticed the moon was high in the sky.I guessed it was around midnight because I had no phone since it had been confiscated.

I sat at the window seal as I stared at the sky filled with so many stars as so many emotions ran in my heart and for the first time in my life I felt the tears stinging my eyes so close but I didn't let them fall I blinked them away as I smiled.I felt the night silent and tense like there was something going on around the school and I got down from the window and closed it.I took off my clothes and slept only in my underwear and brassiere.The three days went first than expected I had discovered so much about the school after reading the books and I had caught up with most of my school work and I wasn't hungry or thirsty at all.I guessed I had gotten used to it since I had once stayed a week with no food just to pay my mother's hospital bill when she was first diagnosed and nobody noticed I was stronger than that and three days in a fancy attic with good books to keep me company I couldn't give a care in the world and besides I stared at the sky every night which was really amazing.I sat down and swung my legs down the bed when I heard the knob turning and Sylvain got in.

He was about to say something when he looked at me then he turned around and I realized I was still in my underwear and brassiere and I quickly put on my clothes and packed my books and told him I was done.I followed him outside without a word and I watched him lock the door."You should go have some food and water,"he said."I prefer to go and freshen up and I will have food later if that's fine with you,"I suggested.After we got down from the attic he let me go to my room and freshen up and once I was done.Pinnochio came in with food and water in her hands She placed them on the small table as she hugged me,"I thought you died in there"I simply chuckled as I pulled away."

It will take alot to kill me than that,"I said.Her face lit up as she realized for the first time I had actually spoke to her.I ate my food in silence as she told me what went on around the school when I was not around.She also mentioned Sylvain was the one who asked her to bring me food and all that while I was quiet.I secretly enjoyed her bubbly personality and her excited nature since my own personality was filled with a dark aura unlike hers.Maybe for the first time in my life it wasn't so bad having someone who talked to you even if you remained quiet and she stook around.