
Chapter two

I sat down when she pulled me down with her but I didn't say anything I just stared at her in silence."I'm Pinocchio nice to meet you ,"she said smiling.I looked at her and nodded my head to tell her I heard understood.I was about to tell her my name when she silenced me and looked ahead I looked at what she was staring at,"I'm sorry Nova but I can't talk now since the school student body is going to speak,"she said.I wanted to ask how she knew my name but I decided not to since in this school it seemed everybody knew about everybody and as for me that was going to be a problem.I looked at the middle of the hall where a group of students stood with different colours of uniform from other students and I saw the boy who had showed me around the school .

I heard Pinocchio whisper to my ear,"He is the school president by the way,"she said.By the way she said his name his name I could tell I was not the only one who appreciated that he was a fine piece of cake that a bite would not hurt.As soon as the he started speaking I completely blanked out and started day dreaming.I missed my mother alot I could not do anything to bring her back but just reminisce at her memory.Every time I remembered looking at the stars there were those clouds mocking me reminding me of my misfortune of a life.I sighed deeply to find Pinocchio staring at me looking puzzled I looked at the girl closely thinking of how she seemed like an open book I could read every single emotion on her unlike me I hid every emotion I felt .

"Nova what are you thinking of?"she asked I simply shook my head telling her silently through the action she had nothing to worry about.I stared at the table to find that I had food before me which I had noticed.I took my eyes from my breakfast and looked at the table around me and noticed there were sixteen other people apart from Pinocchio and I .There were about nine boys and the rest were girls all eyes were on me as I met them all but I didn't say a word.I ate what was placed before me in silence and continued taking my breakfast as I stared into my lessons attendance sheet which I found in my room this morning and I saw I heard literature first which was great.I loved literature it was one of my most favourite subjects.

Pinnochio pulled me along with her again after breakfast which was really annoying but silently I was grateful I had not even understood where places are located when grumpy Mr President had showed me around.From what I could tell about Pinocchio she was a good friend who valued friendship and she easily trusted and ended up getting hurt quicker than expected.When she finally came to a stop I realized she had taken me to my literature class which I was silently grateful for but I would never say that out loud.She hugged me and turned to leave but then she came back"Can we be friends?"she asked amused at her childish behavior when she pouted .I liked her but I would never admit that.Pinocchio!what a weird name I thought as I got into class.

I saw my name on a chair by the back of the class and I walked to it ignoring everyone since they were openly staring and not in a friendly way unlike Pinnochio .I could tell by the hostile stares they gave me.Ignoring them I sat down at my desk and opened the novel Jane Eyre and read through it avoiding the stares I kept getting.In our school in literature we had done the novel Pride and prejudice but here they were doing Jane Eyre which I thought was a great book .The first time they had sent me the scholarship they had told me each and every subjects requirements.My mother had urged me to accept the scholarship but I refused to because of her cancer it was on her first stage so I said no because I couldn't just leave I wanted to take care of her and be there for her.

To my surprise they said they would give me time if I decided to change my mind.After that I began doing extra lessons because I had considered I might want to join the school at some point if I wanted a promising future.I agreed to join only after my mother's death only because I I could no longer stay there since I had no money to pay for the apartment and I could barely feed myself so the scholarship was the only escape I got.I looked up when I had names been called having not realized the register was being called I had my name last as I raised my hand like everybody else did but I didn't say present.I made a mental note to stop daydreaming because one of those fateful days I would be in deep trouble.The class which was full by now was hyped for a reason I could not understand.

The teacher started a lecture on family from Jane Eyre but I zoned out which was a big mistake because my name was called out,"Mrs Nova Tsumi Nightfall you are new here but I would really appreciate if you paid attention to my class.I prefer my students attentive,"I stared at her not blinking when I had the class laugh at me."Now if you don't mind may you answer the question that the whole class could not answer seeing you zoned out I will repeat it .Why is Jane unable to stay with Mr Rochester after his marriage to Bertha Mason is revealed?"he asked.I looked at the serious man standing before the class about to lose his cool.I kept quiet to annoy him further then I decided to answer."Although Jane is very much in love with Mr Rochester she is unable to give in to the passion that she feels.

Her eight years at Lowood School and her conservations with Helen Burns taught her the importance of suppressing passion and lust morality and a sense of duty.If Jane were to stay with Mr. Rochester,it could only be as his mistress,and Jane is unwilling to sacrifice her sense of right and wrong in order to placate her personal desires.However,because Jane's love for Mr.Rochester is so strong,she realizes that she will be unable to resist him and her desires if she remains at Thornfield ,she sacrifices her personal happiness in order to save them both from committing a sin that would destroy the purity of their love,"I answered.The whole class was pin drop silent and my teacher was just staring at me awed.After I answered him he tried to mask his surprise but I could tell he was impressed but masking it he continued with his lecture.

I was sure that even though he saw me drift out again he never spoke maybe I got into his good books just maybe.The bell rang signifying the end of the class and I scurried out of class as quickly as I could unaware that I was making a mistake or more like breaking a rule.