
Apocalypse : rise of the extraction sovereign

entry for OCT&NOV WPC, adding to library and power stone are much appreciated _________________________________ What would you do if you fell from the world's pinnacle to the depths of hell? If you witnessed your loved ones dying, your life's work crumbling to dust, and you were powerless to stop it all? After losing everything and teetering on the brink of death, what if you were granted a second chance, a second chance with limitless potential? When everything you once know changes and the unimaginable becomes achievable, what path would you choose? Will you forsake it all for vengeance, or will you rise to the peak, turning a blind eye to the past? follow Ashen's journey in an apocalyptic world, filled with danger, mystery and the unknown to know the answer _________________________________ 100 power stone = 1 additional chapter 200 power stone = 2 additional chapters 300 power stone = 3 additional chapters

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16 Chs

meeting with the prince faction

After a week,

Ashen stood atop a collapsed building, gazing at a radiant red tower adorned with intricate patterns that stretched into the sky before him.

He found himself captivated by the tower's stunning beauty. As he looked on, savoring its enchanting allure, he patiently awaited the return of the children.

Ashen was clad in complete armor. The chest plate bore a striking resemblance to the zombie leader one, but it exuded an even more majestic aura. This was a reward he had earned after defeating dozens of zombie lords in battle. An advanced version of the zombie leader .

Over the past week, Ashen had encountered numerous new and as strong or even stronger monsters. His new armor had effectively doubled the enhancement of the leader's armor .

He was holding a pair of violet and red daggers covered in some runes. They were a weapon he got after a fight with a monster called Serpentisaur . A ten-meter-tall snake ; it was a fight even harder than his fight with the flying cheetah. If it wasn't for the free points he saved he might be dead now. Its name was bloodviolet daggers and they increased agility by 100 points and strength by 70 points and mana by 15 points and it had a skill called Bloodsucking when used it would take some health from the enemy and add it to the holder's health healing him.

After a patient wait the twins appeared behind Ashen. Emma concealed her appearance with a cloak while Ethan dressed in attire reminiscent of a mage from the pages of a fantasy novel.

Ashen inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation, "So, how was the scouting mission?"

Emma, her voice hushed, replied, "Much as you predicted. The Nearby areas are filled with individuals, the majority of whom are of lesser skill than ourselves. However, amidst the crowd, we encountered some who could rival our prowess. In addition, there was one individual who effortlessly detected my hidden presence even while using shadow cloak"

" Unexpected " replied Ashen with a surprised tone , he didn't expect someone to easily detect Emma . " Even I may have a hard time finding you when you use shadow cloak. Since There was someone able to see throw your concealed presence easily it seems like we shouldn't underestimate the people here "

Emma gained the Shadow Cloak, a passive skill that concealed her presence from all the senses except for sight by defeating a creature called the Shadowswalker. This elusive monster had glowing, piercing eyes and could blend into darkness, becoming nearly invisible in dim places.

Emma was fortunate to confront it in a more open area, but the fight was incredibly tough. The shadowswalker pushed her to her limits.

Ashen saw the fight and chose to stay back and not intervene for two key reasons. Firstly, he believed that it was through struggle that the twins would truly grow stronger. Secondly, by observing their battles and actions, he gained insight into their personalities.

In particular, he noted that Emma possessed the indomitable spirit of a great warrior. She was willing to push herself to the brink, even at the risk of her own life, all in pursuit of her goals. It was this unwavering determination that made Ashen consider her a strong future ally worth investing in.

In the end, Emma proved herself more than capable, by not only surviving but rising to the top.

Moreover, during their journey, Ashen came across another pair of daggers designed solely to enhance agility. These blades were a perfect complement to Emma's newfound Shadow Cloak skill, aligning perfectly with her chosen path as an assassin, a path that she was always interested in.

Ethan, in contrast, made a different choice to pursue the path of a long-range fighter, specifically as a mage. Unlike his sister, he recognized that his talents in melee combat were much weaker.

In the past week, he acquired a passive skill known as 'Mana Regeneration' and got an active skill named 'Wind Blade.' These newfound skills played an important role in his decision, And gave him the first push on the mage path.

Ashen, on the other hand, continued to use his unique talent for long-range attacks. In addition to " lightning pierce ", he developed another close-range active skill of his own creation: 'Lightning Reflexes.' This skill granted him a brief burst of enhanced reaction and movement speed, a technique inspired by a character from a webnovel he had once read. The only drawback lies in its huge energy consumption.

"So what are we gonna do ? "

Ashen was momentarily pulled from his reminiscences by the question that broke the silence. He turned to address it, inquiring, "Has anyone entered the tower yet?"

Emma, thoughtful, replied, "It doesn't seem like it. They all appeared to hesitate for some reason. I suspect that one of the factions might be actively preventing others from entering. In this post-apocalyptic world, the tower holds immense significance, offering a strategic advantage to whoever possesses it. Thus, I believe that everyone is vying for its control, but the current party guarding it appears to be strong enough to stop any attempts. Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first"

Ashen's eyes gleamed with intrigue as he processed Emma's words, muttering, "Interesting, really interesting."

Ethan, his curiosity unabated, pressed on, asking, "So, what's our next move?"

Ashen's response was chillingly confident, "I shall grant the people what they desire ."

Ethan, puzzled, questioned, "What do you mean? What are we going to do?"

A malevolent grin crossed Ashen's face as he clarified, "Not 'we,'. I will step forth and enter the tower, and anyone who dares stand in my way can certainly try, but the price for their interference shall be nothing less than their life." His words dripped with a dark and sinister intent.

Ashen had once stood at the top of this world, and while his recent cautious demeanor may have taken precedence, it didn't diminish his profound sense of pride. In fact, his pride soared to such heights that he harbored no fear of engaging in combat with any other human in this new, harsh world. His unwavering confidence in his abilities and talents remained unshaken.

Ethan, his voice laced with shock and concern, protested vehemently, "Wait, what? No! Why on earth would you consider such a reckless move? Going alone is incredibly foolish! You'd be hurling yourself into the jaws of danger!"

Desperate for support, Ethan turned to his sister, urging her, "Say something, sister."

Emma, however, responded with measured confidence, "I don't believe it's a poor decision. In fact, I think it's our best course of action."

Ethan, bewildered, questioned, "Huh? What do you mean?"

Emma calmly articulated her reasoning, "Ethan, think about it. We're at level 20, and we can't advance further until we choose a class. Our only path to do so is by entering the tower. The sooner we do this, the better. If we delay, the party currently occupying the tower may gain a considerable advantage over us. The gap between us will widen, and we won't be able to close it. Besides, Ashen is our strongest member, and it only makes sense for him to lead the way. Having us accompany him might actually hinder his progress."

Ashen couldn't help but express his astonishment, remarking to Emma, "I find it hard to believe that you're just ten years old. Your intelligence is truly scary."

Turning to Ethan, Ashen spoke with unwavering confidence, "Ethan, Emma's analysis is precise. There's no need for concern. No one out there can stop me. This will be a stroll in the park."

"Be careful," Ethan voiced his concern, although he realized there was little he could do to dissuade Ashen from his determined course.

Ashen assured him with a confident nod, then sprang from the building, landing gracefully on the street leading to the tower's entrance—a towering, radiant gate. As his feet met the ground, numerous eyes from the watching parties fixated on him.

With a swift, assessing glance, Ashen pinpointed the positions of most observers. Not detecting anyone of exceptional strength among them, he strode purposefully toward the gate, ready to face whatever and whoever stood in his way .

Everyone watched the situation cautiously as this newcomer might be able to change the current situation, but they were not too optimistic as they had witnessed the kind of power that person possessed.

From the midst of the onlooking crowd, a voice rose, carefully examining Ashen's countenance. "Wait, isn't that Ashen, 'the fallen king'?"

Beside them, a curious individual inquired, "Who's that?"

The first person explained, "You know, the fighter who got banned for using banned stimulants."

Recognition dawned on the second individual. "Oh, you mean that person. But what's he doing here? I thought he was left for dead after everyone abandoned him following his downfall. Is he here for revenge?"

Shrugging, the first person responded, "I have no idea. Let's watch and see." The crowd remained watchful, intrigued by the unexpected presence of the 'fallen king.'

As Ashen approached the gate, an individual emerged from behind a building, their voice raised in protest. "Hey, you there! Stop! Where do you think you're heading?"

Ashen responded with a matter-of-fact tone, "Where else would I be going but to the tower?"

The man, his voice raised high without fear of Ashen overhearing, exclaimed, "Huh! Why can't my turn pass in peace without encountering these reckless daredevils who fear nothing!" He then continued in a stern tone, "Listen to me. This tower falls under the prince's control. If you take another step forward, you'll become an enemy of the prince. You might have some illusions about you having a chance to rise in this post-apocalyptic world, but don't entertain them. The prince is poised to rule in this new era. If you want to save your life, get lost. Don't force me to take action"

An evil smirk twisted Ashen's lips upon hearing the man's words, and his eyes took on a vivid violet glow. A menacing aura seemed to envelop him.

"So, this tower falls under the prince's dominion. The one destined to rule in this era, you say? good, very good!" Ashen said, his voice carrying a spin-chilling tone.

In an instant, Ashen vanished from his position, leaving behind nothing but cracks in the ground where his feet once rested. The man had no time to react before Ashen reappeared behind him. With a swift, deadly swing, the man's head was severed from his body, soaring into the sky.

good evening everyone! I hope you all are having a good day. Here is the daily Chapter. Enjoy!

sword_katanacreators' thoughts