
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasi
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55 Chs

Chapter 022: Nine-Tailed Fox Unit!

Inside a bar.

Several men eyed a drunken girl at the bar, exchanging glances. "Hey, hey... enough is enough."

A blond man stretched lazily as he approached the girl at the bar.

Just as he was about to reach out, his wrist was suddenly seized by a man wearing a raincoat.


"What's the meaning of this, bro?"

"Thinking of stealing a meal, huh?"

The man in the raincoat didn't say a word. With a gentle force, he snapped the man's wrist.


"Ah... damn, you bastard!"

The blond man screamed in agony, clutching his wrist as he knelt on the ground. He cursed at the man, rallying his friends behind him!

But upon seeing Li Yuan, everyone behind the blond man froze for a moment.

"That... Bro, maybe... we should just let it go?"

"Damn, what nonsense are you talking about? My hand is broken!"

For some reason, aside from the blond man, the rest of the group seemed fearful of Li Yuan.

Because this wasn't the first time they had encountered him.

One time, they came across a severely injured and dying old dog, intending to have some fun with it and send it on its final journey.

At that time, Li Yuan happened to pass by and gave them a beating.

They were not satisfied and called for a group of people to wait for Li Yuan again.

They called the local big shots and gathered dozens of people.

The result was the same.

Li Yuan single-handedly defeated all of them.

After that, one big shot called another, and another group of people arrived.

This continued for five or six waves, and all the local thugs were defeated.

Afterwards, Li Yuan became the big shot in that area.

That's why the few men feared Li Yuan.

They told the story to the blond guy, and upon hearing several familiar names, even he became flustered.

He could only sneak away in embarrassment.

Li Yuan remained silent as he approached the girl. She glanced at him and drunkenly said:

"Hmph, even if, even if you come to apologize to me... I, I won't forgive you, Li Yuan..."

"Unless you, accompany me... for a drink."

The bartender looked at Li Yuan, "What would you like to drink, sir?"

"No need."

Li Yuan declined directly.

Water was his Achilles' heel; he wouldn't drink water, and of course, he didn't need to drink water.

The girl looked at Li Yuan with a dazed expression, "Then what are you here for..."

"Just passing by."

Hearing Li Yuan's words, the girl pouted, "Where's your phone... Give it to me."

"Afraid of getting wet, didn't bring it."

Li Yuan hadn't touched a phone for a long time. The reason behind it was because of several previous experiences.

Phones getting wet and becoming unusable, or being inadvertently destroyed during fights, and then having to reapply for a SIM card.

Because it was too troublesome, Li Yuan simply didn't bring a phone.

The girl continued to ramble on, and Li Yuan responded absent-mindedly.

Until the girl suddenly passed out.

Without saying a word, Li Yuan single-handedly lifted the girl.

"Where do you live now?"


The girl was groggy and couldn't speak coherently.

Li Yuan shook his head and then took her to a nearby hotel.

Just as he was about to leave, the girl suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Where... are you going?"


Li Yuan was about to say something when the girl unexpectedly grabbed his collar and kissed his lips.

Her tongue entered Li Yuan's dry mouth, but surprisingly, there was no saliva.

At that moment, fish scales began to rapidly appear on Li Yuan's face, and his teeth became sharp!

Sensing his body transforming into that of a fishman, Li Yuan pushed the girl away and quickly expelled the liquid from his mouth.

The girl paused for a moment, "Do you really hate me that much?"

"Then why did you come to find me?"

Li Yuan didn't know how to answer the girl and could only turn and leave.

Unexpectedly, the girl suddenly shouted, "If you leave today, don't come looking for me again in the future."


Li Yuan said and walked out the door directly.

He didn't hesitate at all, his movements were decisive.

Fun fact: When people come into close contact with the opposite sex, their spirits subconsciously relax, and they begin to sweat with movement.

This was extremely deadly for Li Yuan.

Perhaps this was the best outcome.

For Li Yuan to kill someone, all he needed to do was to reveal his biggest secret to them.

And if he wanted to protect someone, the only thing he could do was to stay as far away from that person as possible.

Other monsters wouldn't care about Li Yuan's feelings, just like the decision the queen bee made before.

Since this girl might have already discovered their secret, she had to die.

Li Yuan walked with his hands in his pockets, suddenly, a man approached him.

He came to Li Yuan's front and then knelt down with a thud.

"Boss, I... I want to turn back into a human, please... please turn me back into a human!"

Hearing the man's words, Li Yuan turned his head indifferently.

"If even I can't turn back into a human, what makes you think I have the ability to turn you back into a human?"

"The world is unfair, but the power given by that person is fair."

"The premise of gaining is losing, that's the price of power."

"When you begged me for the power, saying you wanted to obtain the same power as me, you should have been prepared to lose something from that moment."

With that, Li Yuan turned and left directly.

The number of his dependents kept increasing, mingling in the streets and alleys of the city, and some even voluntarily asked to become his dependents.

But they never thought about the price of obtaining this power.


Just then, countless transport helicopters suddenly flew overhead.

Li Yuan looked up at the sky, the sudden appearance of these transport helicopters made it feel like something big was about to happen.



"Calling Command, this is the Nine-Tailed Fox 01 Unit, I am frontline commander Zhang Jinsong, we have successfully arrived at Beiling City, over."

On the transport helicopter, a group of fully armed soldiers were present.

Every inch of their skin was tightly wrapped, and the helmets they wore included tactical goggles and communicators.

They could be used as night vision goggles and thermal imagers, and could also display a satellite map.

And the weapons they held were also sophisticated, all standard-issue medium-caliber assault rifles.

"Three hundred meters away from the target, estimated to arrive in five minutes."

"SRW code 004—Mother Nest."

"The target appears to be a plump female, with hands as dry as bones, and can shoot needles with neurotoxins from her ten fingers."

"These neurotoxins can control a person's mind and senses, and can convert all male biological indicators into female biological indicators."

"It has been confirmed that some of the authorities in Beiling City have been subjected to mental control by 004, unconditionally acting as protective umbrellas for the target, and have now been detained."
