
Apocalypse of Darkness

Gods, demons, dragons, and apocalypses, the past has become a fairy tale, and the mysteries of this world have receded, but some people have brought those bygone things back into the public eye. And all the clues and accusations point to a person named Chen Ye. "Ladies and gentlemen, are you willing to forsake this mortal shell and join us in embracing evolution?"

yichenyear · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Chapter 023: Mysterious Figure!

The sky over Beiling City was filled with a large group of armed transport helicopters, causing panic among the citizens. The helicopters seemed to have a clear target - they were heading towards Nanyan.

Nanyan Tower was still undergoing renovations due to the mess left from the previous battle. Apart from the construction workers, the only people in Nanyan were the followers of the Bee Queen.

The helicopters hovered directly over Nanyan.

"004's mental control ability is limited and cannot simultaneously control too many people, so she will choose to organize a set of behavioral logic for the controlled individuals to act according to this logic in a loop."

"But even so, 004 still needs to spend a lot of mental energy to sort out her vast mental network, so 004 needs longer sleep time than normal people."

"Observations indicate that 004 can be active for up to five hours a day, with the rest of the time spent in deep sleep."

"During sleep, 004 can still give commands to her derivative 004-1, but her body cannot move."

"It is currently unclear whether 004 is in a state of sleep. If it is found that the target is awake, please be alert to any liquids that may come into contact."

"004 can mix her venom into any liquid."

"If injured during the mission, please evacuate immediately. Repeat, please evacuate immediately. If you do not evacuate, we will assume that the injured party has been controlled by 004."

"And classify them as 004-1, to be executed."

"The primary objective of this operation is capture and containment. If 004-1 is encountered, it can be directly eliminated. Repeat, it can be directly eliminated."

"In addition, there may be the appearance of SRW No. 002 - Fishmen in this operation."

"The predicted number can exceed 200. 002 has extremely fast speed and actions beyond human capabilities. Its claws can cut through concrete and rock."

"Moreover, the target can also sense the location of prey by emitting a certain sound."

"But its head is vulnerable. Bullets hitting the head can kill 002. If conditions permit, please capture one 002-1 with vital signs."

"The code name for this containment operation is 'Operation Bee Capture'."

"This is the first official confrontation between humans and monsters. I wish you all a safe return, comrades."

Zhang Jinsong waved to the fully armed Nine-Tailed Fox soldiers on the helicopter. "Split into four squads for infiltration. I'll lead one squad, and the rest follow your respective squad leaders."

"If the squad leader is suspected of being under mental control, the deputy squad leader will immediately take over as temporary commander."

"Now, let the containment begin."

Rope ladders began to roll out from the helicopters, and one by one, the Nine-Tailed Fox soldiers descended quickly down the ropes onto the rooftop of Nanyan Tower.

It was a large-scale operation.

A total of four squads, each with eighty people.

A total of 320 people.

They set up ropes on the rooftop and slid down using the ropes, kicking through the glass to enter the building.

"Here is Nine-Tailed Fox 01-2 squad, I'm the squad leader. We have successfully entered the hive, over."

"Continue advancing, keep the thermal and night vision on. SRW No. 003 - Invisible Man may also be in the hive."

"Be cautious and vigilant, over."

The four squads entered Nanyan from all sides and began their search from the top of the building.

The top floor of the building was a large open space.

They cautiously moved forward, and soon they found a red velvet armchair.

On this chair lay a sleeping golden-haired woman.

Among them, the woman's hands were as thin as bones.

Zhang Jinsong saw the target and immediately opened the communication device. "This is Nine-Tailed Fox 01-1 squad, I am the commander."

"Confirming the discovery of the target. Repeat, confirming the discovery of the target."

"004 is asleep, initiate containment immediately. Other squads, assist from the side, be wary of potential danger, over."

The communication device crackled...

"Here is Nine-Tailed Fox 01-3 squad, I am the squad leader. Confirming a large number of 004-1s rapidly approaching the target. Shall we open fire?"

"Permission granted."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of gunshots suddenly rang out in the darkness. Faced with the well-armed Nine-Tailed Fox squads, the women couldn't even get close. They were instantly killed at the first encounter!

"This is Nine-Tailed Fox 01-3 squad, all 004-1s have been cleared, over."

"Maintain vigilance."

Zhang Jinsong said, backing away from the sleeping woman.

The soldiers around him aimed their guns at the woman, but at that moment, the woman suddenly woke up.

Zhang Jinsong immediately retreated.

The Bee Queen stretched lazily and looked at Zhang Jinsong with a coquettish smile. "So many people come to see me, I'm really flattered."

"What are you doing here?"

"Are you planning to shoot an unarmed weak woman?" 

No one among Zhang Jinsong's men dared to approach rashly.

"Calling the commander, this is Nine-Tailed Fox 01 squad, I am Commander Zhang Jinsong."

"We have confirmed the target's awakening, repeat, confirmed the target's awakening."

"004 has shown no signs of aggressive behavior and has exhibited a pretense of insanity. Shall we negotiate?"

"No need for negotiations, proceed with containment directly."

Upon receiving the response through the communication device, Zhang Jinsong made a gesture.

"Continue containment."

A group of Nine-Tailed Fox soldiers approached slowly with stun guns and tranquilizer guns, causing the Bee Queen to retreat hastily.

Damn it!

These people were professionals, and even ordinary worker bees couldn't get close to them!

"A needle?"

"No, too far."

They maintained a distance from the Bee Queen, and judging from their equipment, they were fully armed!

The Bee Queen couldn't make a move!

More importantly, why were these people here to capture her, and why hadn't her subordinate worker bees given her any warning?

At this moment, the Bee Queen realized that many of her worker bees had lost contact.

They must have fallen into a state of sleep!

"And that fish isn't here either!"

The Bee Queen's true form was almost powerless in battle. Faced with the sudden assault and siege by these people, she couldn't respond at all!

Bang! Bang!

Several tranquilizer darts came flying, and if they were effective, there would be no need to use stun guns.

Their mission was to capture alive, while stun guns could potentially induce shock death, so they were a last resort.

Two tranquilizer darts came quickly, but just then, a silver thread suddenly flashed through the darkness!


The two tranquilizer darts were pierced through by the thread and stopped in mid-air!

Seeing this scene, both sides were astonished!


Before they could react!

The next second, a black figure suddenly emerged from the darkness.

Zhang Jinsong immediately aimed his gun at the person!

It was a man in a black suit, wearing a white mask on his face, and countless threads wrapped around his hands!

Seeing the gun pointed at himself, the man waved his hand!

Suddenly, Zhang Jinsong felt a chill around his neck!

"Commander, watch out around you!"

Zhang Jinsong paused for a moment at the words. There was nothing around him.

But in the eyes of others, the thermal imager captured four heat sources at this moment!

They appeared to be four men, each holding a cold weapon similar to a Tang knife, forming a cross shape around Zhang Jinsong's neck!

And as Zhang Jinsong made a move, a blood mark appeared directly on his neck!

The sensation of being cut!

"For your own safety, you better not move."

"Nice to meet you. You can call me Os Kate."
