
Apocalypse: Infinite Conquest System

As the apocalypse descends, zombies rampage, and countless ferocious beasts and monsters pour out from time-space rifts! Sylas, an ordinary person, discovers that he has gained the Apocalypse Conquest System! Frost, flame, lightning, even the undead... everything in this world will be at my disposal! Innocent school beauties, alluring mature beauties, stunningly beautiful wives... Power, resources, beauties... mine! Mine! All of it is mine!

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs


A box of milk and a piece of bread were quickly devoured by Clarissa.

But it wasn't nearly enough.

Clarissa looked at Sylas with anticipation and softly said, "Can I have a little more to eat? I'm still very hungry."

"I have two sausages here. Eat slowly, you've been hungry for too long. Don't eat too much at once," Sylas said gently.

He then gave Clarissa two sausages.

"Thank you," Clarissa said gratefully.

She quickly grabbed the sausages and ate them with delight.

After eating, Clarissa felt much better.

"Thank you for the food. I will repay you someday," Clarissa said gratefully after swallowing the last bite of sausage.

"You don't need to repay me. After all, you're my slave now. Giving you food is part of my promise," Sylas said with a smile, his eyes scanning Clarissa's figure.

No doubt, her body was incredible.

In this world, Clarissa's figure was even better than in Sylas's original world, almost as if it had been optimized.

Tall and full-figured, she was captivating at first glance.

Clarissa clenched her fists uneasily and softly said, "We were just joking earlier, right? Being a slave is impossible. How about I give you money instead?"

Clarissa wanted to back out.

She had been starving, but now that she was full, she didn't want to sell herself for a bit of food.

This was understandable.

Sylas understood but had no intention of letting her go.

How could he give up such a perfect slave?

Sylas shook his head and said, "It's already impossible because when you agreed, we completed the contract."

"This may be the apocalypse for humanity, but it is also an era for the rise of new humans."

"Some turn into zombies, while others awaken new powers."

"I am one of those who have awakened new powers."

"When you agreed to be my slave, you completed the contract with me."

"Now, you are my slave, and this cannot be changed."

"If I die, you will die too."

"If I want you to die, you will die."

"If I am pleased, I can bestow power upon you."

"For example, like this."

Sylas snapped his fingers, granting the dimensional space to Clarissa.

Clarissa was startled as she felt a surge of power flow into her.

She now had control over the dimensional space.

Because the dimensional space was activated due to Clarissa, she could fully access its capabilities.

It was just as large as Sylas's, equivalent to ten football fields.

However, other skills wouldn't be as effective for her.

For instance, if Sylas shared the Zombie Aura skill, its effects would be weakened, and Clarissa wouldn't be able to completely avoid zombies.

Nevertheless, having Clarissa was like gaining an additional super storage facility, which was a significant advantage for Sylas.

Clarissa picked up a nearby teacup, and with a swift motion, the teacup disappeared.

The teacup had been stored in the dimensional space.

With another swift motion, the teacup reappeared in Clarissa's hand.

Clarissa was visibly delighted, playing with the teacup in fascination.

"Now, do you still plan to leave me?"

"In this apocalypse, do you think you can survive on your own without me?"

Sylas asked, looking at Clarissa seriously.

Clarissa lowered her head, deep in thought.

If Sylas were just an ordinary person who had given her a little food, she wouldn't have been willing to become his slave.

But now, Sylas had demonstrated his extraordinary abilities.

Living with Sylas might actually turn out to be a blessing for her.

"Alright, but you can't force me to do things I don't want to do," Clarissa said softly, looking at Sylas.

Sylas thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

Since she was now his slave, he wasn't worried about her running away.

He also understood that they were still strangers to each other, and suddenly forcing Clarissa to do something would make her uncomfortable.

She needed time to adjust.

And Sylas knew that with women, it's only meaningful when they are willing participants.

Forcing a woman would be pointless.

Sylas didn't like to force anyone.

He preferred mutual consent and natural progression when emotions were strong.

Hearing Sylas agree, Clarissa breathed a sigh of relief.

She was worried that Sylas would ignore her feelings and force himself on her.

If that had happened, she would have ultimately submitted, but she wouldn't have been happy.

Sylas agreeing to her terms showed that he wasn't a difficult person to get along with.

Having such a master might indeed be a blessing.

"Stay hidden at home and don't open the door for anyone except me."

"I'm going out to gather more supplies."

Sylas said.

Clarissa's home had no food left, and since Sylas decided to stay at her place, he needed to bring more supplies.

He also planned to go back to his own place and bring his personal belongings.

Previously, Sylas wasn't sure if Clarissa was at home, so he couldn't bring too many things with him.

Now that his relationship with Clarissa was established and he had the dimensional space, he naturally needed to bring all his belongings.

"Be careful," Clarissa said, expressing her concern.

Sylas was her only support now, so she naturally didn't want anything to happen to him.

"You're already worried about me. That's progress. Just remember to call me 'Master' next time," Sylas said with a smile as he opened the door and walked out.

"Call him 'Master' next time?" Clarissa thought, blushing.

Once outside the villa, Sylas began to mimic the way zombies walked.

He needed to disguise himself as a zombie to avoid suspicion and reduce potential trouble.