
Apocalypse: I Have Infinite Talents

Great calamity has descended to ravage the world! Hordes of monsters led by the fearsome Leviathans raged across the planet. Countries collapsed, and all hope seemed to die out. But the world was not the only one to change. Awakened humans have risen to protect their home! But even the strongest ones were only limited to one talent. Alex found himself ensnared in a web of debt, a fugitive from those who had stripped him of everything he had. But one day, he came across an enigmatic purple stone. Alex had awakened not to one but two extraordinary talents, something unlike anything the world had ever seen. Watch Alex as takes back what he owed and carves his way to the top! ----------------------------------- Originally intended for last WPC, but life said otherwise lol

MasterOfGainDomain · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
22 Chs

Weaklings Can Only Die

As the battlefield echoed with the clash of steel and roars of monsters, Alex continued to watch Kunze struggle against the remaining boss monster. The dynamics between them had shifted drastically, and the air crackled with tension.

Kunze, caught in the midst of the battle, struggled to process Alex's words. The chaos around them seemed to freeze for a moment, emphasizing the weight of the accusations.

"You think you're better than me?" Kunze's voice rose, a mixture of anger and frustration bubbling to the surface. "Didn't you just kill Lukas and Adam yourself? You did what it takes to ensure your survival, just like I did. Stefan became a burden and on his own, he wasn't able to survive."

"Are you sure about it? How can I know he wasn't just sacrificed like Martin and Dominic to win you one second of time?" Alex, unfazed, responded with a smirk. "Survival, huh? More like sacrificing others to save your own skin."

"And why should I care for the life or death of some good-for-nothings?" Kunze, fueled by a surge of anger, retorted, "He was a liability. I did what needed to be done for survival."

As Kunze swung his greatsword with fervor, desperately trying to push the fiend back, Alex continued to watch, calculating his next move.

"You start to sound like a broken record. Survival this, survival that..." Alex's smirk deepened. "Better tell me this, was it the plan? To get rid of people who might hold a grudge after awakening? The four of us were all in debt, thanks to you."

The boss monster, sensing the internal discord, exploited the disarray between them. Kunze, still clinging to his twisted sense of survival, fought desperately, but his every move seemed burdened by the gravity of the situation. As Kunze struggled against the monstrous foe, his actions were no longer solely dictated by strategy; they were tinged with the desperation of a man exposed.

Kunze's movements became more erratic, a reflection of the internal turmoil that gripped him. His greatsword swung with a mixture of desperation and rage. The boss seized the opportunity, launching a relentless assault that pushed Kunze further into the defensive. The once-coordinated dance between the two warriors had devolved into a chaotic struggle.

"I wouldn't even bother with you if not for Holt. It was his plan to use you guys as workhorses to clear dungeons, I would have just killed whoever came to look for trouble in the future instead." Kunze replied, his words laced with a bitter resentment. "Using you guys as meat shields was a last-ditch plan, for when things go south."

"I suspected as much." Alex replied. "Still, it does not absolve you in any way."

Alex was aware of the potential consequences of today's events, but there was no turning back now. It was either him or them. And his choice was pretty obvious.

"And who would you be reporting me to? There are no courts anymore to punish me for my actions, not since the Awakening." Kunze, emboldened, returned his focus to the boss. "The world has changed. Even though the Union manages to keep a little guise on how things truly are, who would care about the death of some nobodies?"

Kunze was not wrong in the slightest, but it didn't mean Alex was going to accept it.

"Does that mean you are fine with dying today?"

Alex's words only further infuriated Kunze.

"Who are you to decide who dies here?" Kunze spat, "Maybe I will be the one who will walk away victorious."

 The boss took full advantage of his distraction, capitalizing on the opportunity and lunging at him with furious intensity. Kunze, despite his skill and power, was unable to repel the savage beast, and the scene of utter futility and despair played out before Alex's eyes.

For a brief moment, Alex considered lending a helping hand, but before he could internalize the thought, he realized that Kunze was flying towards him, carried by the momentum of the monster's attack.

"Was that your plan?" Alex said as he activated his skills. Several protective layers sprung up immediately but disintegrated the next moment, as Kunze's greatsword, wreathed in a red, flame-like aura came into contact with them. A look of crazed fervor appeared on Kunze's face, the determination and drive in his eyes intensifying, only to be replaced by confusion a moment later, as Alex's arm, covered in metal, grabbed his sword.

"What the?" Kunze uttered, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Alex, completely unperturbed, tightened his grip, making Kunze unable to continue his attack. With the other hand, Alex unsheathed a short knife, and with a quick, efficient motion, plunged it into Kunze's leg, splitting his femur in two, rendering him immobile.

"AAAAAARGH!" Kunze, helpless and disarmed, fell to the ground. 

"As you said, no one would care if a weak nobody like you would die." Alex's words, cold as ice, sent a chill down Kunze's spine. He quickly turned his head to see if the boss monster was closing in to finish him off, but it instead looked warily at Alex and kept its distance. The slow mobs, however, had finally caught up with them.

Kunze looked towards Alex, a mixture of fear, anger, and confusion in his eyes. "So? What now?"

"I am tempted to kill you right now." Alex said. "But I have a different plan in mind for you."

He carefully grabbed his leg and started ripping his flesh off.


"A fragrant piece of meat, indeed." Alex smiled.

Kunze struggled in vain as Alex tore a piece of his leg muscle off.

"W-what are y-you d-doing? N-no stop!"

"Hmmm, I wonder if it suits the taste of those guys." Alex said as he chucked the bloody piece of meat to the incoming mobs. The mobs, ravenous for flesh, scrambled for it.

"I also wonder if these braindead idiots would make the connection."

It was like throwing food to dogs for him. The mobs ate the piece of meat greedily and some of them even started fighting for scraps.

Alex chuckled.

"How did it feel when you sold the same idea to me? That for some, to die in other's stead is just their destiny?"

Kunze simply stared at him in shock, the grim realization of the situation sinking in.

"Do you know what it feels like to be abandoned? No? Then I'll show you."

Alex simply walked away.

"NO! WAIT! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!" Kunze pleaded, his pleas falling on deaf ears.

As Alex retreated from the scene, Kunze, though wounded, kept begging and screaming. However, the monsters paid no heed to his cries. No longer deterred by their fear of Alex, they rushed forward. One after another, they lunged at him and started eating his limbs.


The once proud warrior met his end amidst agonizing screams. It was an unpleasant sight, yet Alex's only thought was: 'It serves him right.'

Eventually, the screams went silent. The once imposing warrior had been reduced to nothing but bones. His death was gruesome and painful, but it was a fitting end for the betrayal he had orchestrated.

Now, however, it was time to work. Alex intended to clear this dungeon today.

Dozens upon dozens of [Ice Shards] materialized in the air. They seemed like glistening glass shards but glowed with an eerie blue light. Without delay, he shot the projectiles towards the encroaching monsters. The barrage of sharp icicles tore through their bodies, shredding their flesh into pieces. The brutal display of force served as a reminder of the power that lay within his grasp.

Alex then swiftly dashed towards the remaining boss monster. With each step, he felt an indescribable sense of power coursing through his body. The energy pulsed with a familiar sensation, reminiscent of the feeling he had felt earlier that day. It was a potent source of strength that invigorated him, igniting a sense of primal ferocity.

His vision grew sharper, his senses keener, and his muscles stronger. All of a sudden, Alex felt as if he could take on an entire horde of monsters without breaking a sweat. As he approached the boss, the creature lunged at him with all of its might.

Alex countered by conjuring several layers of [Arcane Aegis]. The transparent shield-like constructs created a sturdy barrier that protected him from the brunt of the impact.

At the same time, he cast his [Fiery Whip] towards the fiend's face. The fiery whip burned its pitch-black fur as it made contact. Alex took the chance to activate [Iron Claw], aiming for the monster's face.

With his claws digging into the monster's skin, he activated [Beastial Strength], amplifying the force of his blow. The impact ripped off part of the monster's face, exposing its bloody skull beneath.

The monster let out a cry of pain as Alex cast [Fiery Whip again], this time targeting its eye. The attack scorched the monster's eye socket, melting its eyeball into a putrid mess of sizzling gore.

Alex had inflicted a devastating wound on the monster, but the creature refused to give up. Indeed the disparity of power between [Ice Razor] and his other skills was quite large.

In fact, he had only used them in order to gauge their strength. But now, it was time for a final decisive strike.

Alex cast a dozen of sharpened, pointy spikes, focusing on piercing the monster's vitals. Each spike moved with deadly precision, striking its target with deadly accuracy.

The boss, writhing in agony, let out a pained roar before freezing over and collapsing onto the ground, shattering into pieces.

Now, the only thing that accompanied Alex on this battlefield was silence.

Hello! Sorry for the delay, had a tough couple of weeks.

Hope you like the chapter, gonna post the next one tomorrow. We are getting back on the schedule since I've managed to sort out most of the stuff I had to, so I can actually write now. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! Vote and tell your friends about my novel, it helps a lot!

See ya~

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