
Apex Of Apexes

Kaleo Ail, an illegal miner from Africa is buried alive inside the mine after the mine collapses due to an earthquake. He tries to dig himself out but a series of phenomena occur and he finds himself trapped in an unknown place, a place where one can literally smell death through the air, a place that doesn’t allow any light to exist in its presence, a place that doesn’t allow life to flourish, a place of absolute darkness. After overcoming trials and tribulations, Kaleo finally manages to leave the unknown place but to his dismay, the world is no longer the same as he remembers it to be. He also finds out that he has been buried for a hundred thousand years in human time.

Smallhands · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Chapter 12: Cruelest Man Alive

Amy was frozen in shock and could only close her eyes in fear, she had never been in this type of situation before. The attack though never reached her, she slowly opened her eyes only to see a grand firmly grabbing onto Chris's claw like the jaws of the crocodile. She had completely forgotten that her father had hired a bodyguard for her and she couldn't be blamed for this as Kaleo's nonexistent presence made people easily forget he was there or even existed.

"I'll kill you first then!" Chris turned his attention to the person grabbing his arm and was about to attack but when he saw the man's appearance, his body began to shiver in fear. It wasn't the appearance per say that made him fearful but the man's eyes. His sclera was completely black and the pupils pure white like two moons, it was like he was gazing at the moon in a starless night.

"Who do you work for? Who's your contractor?!" asked Kaleo.

Even though the man wasn't specific with his question, Chris felt that he could understand what the man was asking him but didn't want to answer.

"I won't repeat myself!" said Kaleo as he completely crushed Chris's claw arm.


[Master, judging by the word pentagram and this huge pentagram magic circle on the ground, it's safe to assume that it has something to do with Baphomet. Possibly one of his underlings.] a voice sounded inside Kaleo's head.

'Mhm? Then let me see who it is. Let's use these guys as bait.'

Kaleo then pulled Amy behind him, picked Chris up by the neck, suffocating him but he didn't care. He then placed his index finger on Chris's forehead who then began convulsing in pain as black veins squirmed around his body, especially his forehead. A pentagram symbol appeared on his forehead and it was glowing so was the one on the ground.

[By blood, by body, by soul. With my sacrifice of millions of lives, appear before me and give me my share, give me power to wreak havoc upon the world!] chanted Chris and the magic circle on the ground glowed even brighter and then it happened.

Space became distorted as a small crack appeared, a strong stench of death permeated from the crack that was slowly growing bigger. From a fingernail size, to a palm size, arm size, human size, it grew bigger and bigger until it was about ten meters tall, two hands from within the crack grabbed the sides of the crack and forcefully opened it.


The bellowing of a cow sounded from within the space crack as the crack became wider and wider and the stench of death became stronger and thicker. Those who hadn't collapsed felt their bodie become extremely cold and their bodies stiff like corpses. The space inside the space crack that was now fully opened was completely black. After fully opening the space crack, the two hands disappeared into the darkness then it became silent.

An enormous cow leg covered in brown hair and black metallic hoof was the first thing to come out of the space crack, then the other leg followed, then a human torso came into view together with muscular human arms and finally the head of a Cape buffalo covered in black fur, the horns were blood red. On the head was a pentagram symbol. What had come out was a Minotaur of about ten meters in height, covered in old scars of battle.


Even though it wasn't releasing any type of aura, its presence alone was so overwhelmingly powerful that the people here had a hard time breathing. The Minotaur looked around and saw countless people laying unconscious on the ground, excitement bubbled inside it as it looked for its contractor but when it saw Chris, who had reverted back to his human form and was taking in deep breaths, it was confused.

Although it didn't know what happened, it could clearly identify a trap when it saw one thus became vigilant.


One word and it fell to its knees, not just the Minotaur but everyone in a hundred meter radius knelt, it was then that the Minotaur noticed the man who had suddenly appeared in front of it. The Minotaur didn't waste time on the man's appearance and focused on the man's eyes which made it extremely fearful, a deep rooted sense of fear enveloped its entire body as it also started having trouble breathing. There was something about those white pupils resembling a full moon that terrified it.

[Do you know who I am?] asked the man but the Minotaur remained silent. It was confused by the question, then finally decided to pay more attention to the man and his appearance but before its eyes could even look at the man's face, the man grabbed it by its horns and spoke coldly.

[Such insolence! Die!]

The Minotaur felt something invading its consciousness and destroying everything in its path. Even in death, the Minotaur was confused by what was happening, it just wanted to look at the man's face but was killed instead. It wondered why it was killed, for not knowing or recognising the man, for not paying attention to him or for simply trying to look at him but unfortunately, it released its last breath and died.

[It's probably a low level demon that was forcefully given more power to become a useful puppet or else it would have recognised you if it held some status in the Demon World. It would also explain why it's so disrespectful to you Master, after-all, the number one rule in the Demon World is to always make eye contact with Master. Then this means that…]

"It's fine, whoever is trying to penetrate through the Demon World better not ruin my vacation in my home world or else…" Kaleo interrupted the voice in his head by reassuring that everything was fine but when he said the last sentence, he crushed the pitch black energy that was very similar to the Nine's that he found inside the Minotaur's body.

Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw what the man just did, it was their first time coming a across such a powerful creature, a creature so powerful that it shouldn't exist in the world or at least in the scope of existence where humans lived.

Kaleo then turned around, his eyes already returned to normal and looked at Chris. Chris felt completely naked under Kaleo's gaze and that feeling was uncomfortable.

"From now on, you will be the gatekeeper between this world and the world of demons. No demon without my permission is allowed to pass through to this side, got it?"


"Good. Now, let's give you a complete makeover of your Demon Form, after-all, what kind of gatekeeper has the appearance of a weak Imp. A Minotaur should do the trick. And don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this out of the goodness of my heart, it's because you have the best interests at heart for humanity. Plus, I'm on a vacation, you relax when you're on a vacation." said Kaleo as he snapped his fingers and the Minotaur's corpse became a dry corpse that turned into dust after.


"What is it?"

"I smell something delicious but I don't know where it's coming from." said James while salivating uncontrollably.

"Enough with your nonsense. You're about to go to war with the Goblins and all you're thinking about is food. I guess you're confident in yourself but remember, I won't save you if you find yourself in a life threatening situation so do your best to not die. And also, the purpose of this war is not to kill but learning how to wield your powers and element!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine… I hope."

James chatted with Nine who was sitting on his head while walking in the Wilderness at night like walking in the park. In the far far distance, James and Nine could see something emitting light, probably a campfire.

"Good luck!" said Nine as he jumped off James's head.

"Thanks!" said James as he disappeared into the darkness of the night. Nine also disappeared into the darkness of the night, one who's destination was Goblin extermination and the other's unknown.

"Grrr… gaaa… guu… raaa…"

"Griii… geee… gu…ri… riii…"

"Raaa… vaaa… kaaa…"

Two creatures stood on their wooden self made watch tower as they communicated in their own language. The creatures were short in stature with green skin, a long arrowhead shaped nose, goat eyes, pointed ears, sharp protruding teeth and a bald head. Goblins ,these creatures were extremely hideous and scary, even though they were about one and a half meters tall with well developed muscles. They were wearing beast skins that only hid their private parts.

They were communicating with each other when suddenly one of them lost their head, the other one was shocked by this and looked around to see who the attacker was but its head also fell off and it died, James then appeared out of one of the goblin's shadow and smiled cruelly. If anyone saw James now, it would completely destroy the kind and caring image they had of him because right now, he looked like the cruelest person alive.

There were a total of six watch towers and this one was the last one with goblins on the night watch. After finishing off these last two goblins, he disappeared again into the darkness of the night.

After travelling for about fifteen minutes, he finally arrived in the Goblin Kingdom, the place was completely covered by a wooden wall that was sharpened at the top. There was yet again another six watch towers but compared to the first ones, these ones were lax in their purpose, there were goblins sleeping, some copulating and others just doing their own thing.

James entered the kingdom unnoticed by the goblins and once inside, he could smell a peculiar scent probably from the goblins. Houses made from mud and wood filled the place, patrol goblins constantly surveying the surroundings. There was one place that was heavily guarded and James chose to start there.

He moved through the shadows until he entered the place unnoticed, once inside, he was surprised to see countless baby goblins either sleeping or playing. And the place was larger than it looked on the outside, it was built going down like a house built inside a pit. The baby goblins looked cute and innocent with their toothless mouth, big watery eyes and chubby cheeks.

James then stealthily walked to the one sleeping in the dark corner and picked it up. He looked at it with kind and loving eyes and even began to shed tears of sadness.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I'm sorry for sending you to your deaths. I'm sorry for filling your heads with dreams of becoming holy children. I'm so sorry but don't worry, father will get revenge for all of you! Your deaths will not be in vain." he said softly before decapitating the baby goblin.

Right after killing the baby goblin, he felt something within him break and turned into something else but he didn't know what it was. The vertical line on his forehead also slowly opened to show a small grey flame burning within and with the opening of this third eye, an intoxicating smell filled his nose and lungs with a craving. James then killed another baby goblin and it felt like he had just eaten something delicious.

He kept killing the baby goblins without even batting an eye but he didn't feel any guilt but satisfaction and a strong urge to continue killing. In just half an hour, he had killed all the baby goblins on the first floor and they numbered in the thousands. It was clearly obvious that from this day forward, Pope Rubert James, the loving, kind and caring man had ceased to exist and was replaced the cruelest, heartless and merciless man to ever exist as he went on a killing spree.

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!