
Apex Of Apexes

Kaleo Ail, an illegal miner from Africa is buried alive inside the mine after the mine collapses due to an earthquake. He tries to dig himself out but a series of phenomena occur and he finds himself trapped in an unknown place, a place where one can literally smell death through the air, a place that doesn’t allow any light to exist in its presence, a place that doesn’t allow life to flourish, a place of absolute darkness. After overcoming trials and tribulations, Kaleo finally manages to leave the unknown place but to his dismay, the world is no longer the same as he remembers it to be. He also finds out that he has been buried for a hundred thousand years in human time.

Smallhands · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 13: Delicious

[Why am I feeling so uneasy like something horrible is going to happen? Just what terrors are coming for the Goblin race for such anxiety to fill my heart.] spoke a goblin to itself in the goblin language. It was about the size of a fully grown adult but much more muscular, its skin was a dark green and had body markings in black ink. Its eyes were in vertical slits like that of a cat and he looked majestic yet ruthless. He wore humans skulls as jewellery with his necklace made from skulls of babies.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! It's bad, there's an invader who has entered infiltrated our kingdom and has slaughtered countless of our offspring! We have the burrow surrounded from all sides and escape routes and awaiting your next orders!"

[What?! Imbeciles! Take me there immediately! Call everyone over and that includes the shaman and the fighters! Everyone!]

"Yes Your Majesty! I shall relay your orders immediately!" the goblin that had just reported to the goblin king quickly took out its communication device and if humans were there to see it, they'd attack the goblins with everything they had. This was because the communication device was a baby's head with runes carved all around it including the tongue. Not just that, the head had no eyes in its eye sockets, instead, the eye-lids were sewn using a beast tendon of some sort. The ears were chopped off as the runes around the ear lit up indicating that it had received the message and sent it.

Even though it was still at night, the goblins had perfect vision in this darkness, to them, it was no different from daylight. Rushing to the site, goblin king could already see a large crowd of goblins surrounding the place, both male and female. When the goblin king arrived, the female goblins were the first to kneel on the ground while crying.

"Your Majesty, we beseech you, please save our children!"

"Please save our children Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, please protect them!"

With the female goblins blocking his way and making it difficult to get the status of the situation and that irritated him, even though he could understand their emotions, he didn't have time to waste on them.

[Shut up and get out of the way! Judging by how nothing was destroyed while entering the burrow, the children are already dead I'm afraid! But I promise you this, I'll make sure that the human culprit won't escape and certainly will suffer a fate worse than death!]

The female goblins quickly made way for the goblin king because they could feel that he was on the verge of going berserk and slaughtering everyone in sight.

"Your Majesty, pardon me asking but how do you know that it's a human that's infiltrated the kingdom. And even if they did enter, won't using the children as hostages be better than killing them?"

[Use that big head of yours, the trolls, orcs, ogres, cyclops and giants are all to big in stature to use our small doors. And let's say one of the races has birthed someone who can shrink their size, would they do it? And if we're gonna talk about the cruelest race known then humans take the reward. The children are already dead, all we can do for them is to get revenge]

"His Majesty is wise."

[Enough with the pleasantries, we have a human to hunt down! I'll take the goblins here who can fight to confront the enemy and when the rest arrive and we aren't out yet, tell them to follow me to kill this bastard!]

"Yes Your Majesty!"

The goblin king then assembled a small army of around twenty million goblins and hobgoblins. Although they were weak, against a single opponent, they had strength in numbers and the goblin king was actually planning on tiring the enemy before taking his head.

The goblin army followed behind the goblin king as they entered the layered burrow of the baby goblins.

Crack! Splatter!

When the goblin king entered, he stepped on something that immediately cracked before he squashed it into a liquid. When he checked to see what it was, he was slightly surprised by it before rage took control of his emotions. What he had just stepped on was actually the head of a baby goblin.

[Watch your ste…]

Crack! Splatter!

He turned around to warn his army when he yet again stepped on another baby goblin's head. It was then that realisation struck him that he decided to check his surroundings, his eyes widened at the sight in front of him and so too was his army. The first floor of the burrow was quite spacious, with a length of about a hundred meters so with the floor full of baby goblin heads, meant that thousands of baby goblins were decapitated by the human.


The goblin king immediately saw red as he gave the order in a bone chilling tone that made even the temperature drop by a few levels.

[Put the heads of our children in one place. The rest of you follow me to skin that son of a bitch alive!]

The goblin king and his army went deeper and deeper into the layered burrow and on their way were either corpses of baby goblins or their heads and they numbered in tens of thousands. The reason why there were so many goblin offspring was because of the high fertility rate of goblins. And they were pregnant for about five months before giving birth and the children grew extremely fast, reaching adulthood in just twelve months.

The army continued to charge forth until they reached the very depths of the burrow. There, a man was setting up what seemed to be some sort of sacrificial ritual. He was bald, brown skinned, a full beard, a flame like eye on his forehead, a black tongue, saliva and teeth were as black as ink.


He was so engrossed in whatever he was doing that he didn't even notice the goblin army that had arrived and just continued his chanting while the goblin army watched him from the side. The reason why the goblin king didn't immediately attack was because he was studying his opponent, trying to figure out his weaknesses and this took about five minutes. James also finished chanting.

The two immediately locked eyes and the mood changed as an invisible pressure enveloped the whole space, making it hard for the goblin army to even breathe. Looking at James's eyes, the goblin king's face became darker but it wasn't from anger, it was from fear. James's eyes held nothing but darkness inside them, no emotions whatsoever. And to make it worse, the goblin king saw more than just nothingness inside those eyes.

[You… you… what kind of monster are you?!!!] he asked with beads of sweats trickling down his forehead. James raised an eyebrow because he was shocked by the goblin king speaking perfect human language. The goblin king though didn't wait for a response and quickly took out his communication device.

[I, Goblin King Garuda, order ALL goblins, male or female, fighter or not, old or young to come and help me and the world to eradicate this evil human! The one to kill him shall be immediately appointed the new goblin king!] this message though was spoken in goblin tongue.

James was surprised not by what the goblin king said but because he could clearly understand what the goblin king was saying in his goblin language. And once his thoughts reached this point, the ability revealed itself in his mind as well as its brief description.

[Death Tongue: Able to speak the language of any intelligent creature that you've killed.]

'Wow, this is such a convenient ability to have but where does it come from? Is it from the Three Eyed Death Crow, I'll have to ask Nine once I finish my work here. I wonder what else I can do.' thought James to himself.

"Hello. I'm James Rubert and fear not, I haven't come here with evil intentions. I'm only here to repay the debt that the goblin race owes me. Once I've collected my debt, I'll leave so please bare with me." said James in the goblin language while giving them a warm smile. If his teeth were white then the goblins would maybe have believed him but with his makeover, he was too scary to be a good person.


The goblin king didn't even bother to ask how the human knew their language and just directly gave the order to attack as he also launched his own attack.

[Earth Spikes!]

Numerous spikes made from the earth appeared in James's location but he had already blended with the darkness that came from the absence of light. He didn't even know if it was morning already or still nighttime, not that it would matter.

He took shelter in one of the goblin's shadow and assessed the situation, 'These guys are too weak to be my opponents. For crying out loud, I'm a Planetary Lord, how dare City Lord level insect challenge me.' he thought jokingly to himself.

He was about to decapitate the goblin with his wooden daggers that Nine had created for him. Nine hadn't just created the wooden daggers but a variety of weapons that James had to choose one he was most comfortable with and it turned out to be the two wooden daggers. He was about to use them when suddenly he had another thought, 'Can't I use my hands as weapons?'

This thought came out of nowhere but was stuck on his mind that he had to try out his theory and as though his body had been waiting for this very moment, his hands turned into two crow claws with sharp metallic talons.

'Wow, I have crow legs for hands and their so sharp! Let me test these bad boys out!' at this moment, James was acting like a little boy who was suddenly given a very cool toy to play with. A crow's claw came out from the shadow and pierced the goblin's neck and decapitated it, James felt like he was cutting through butter with a hot knife because of how smooth and unobstructed his attack was.

After killing the goblin, he jumped to another goblin's shadow and did the same thing to it, easily decapitated the goblin and once he started killing again, the delicious taste filled his mouth again and James was beginning to become addicted to this otherworldly taste. The more he killed, the more delicious the taste became.

'Just what is this taste? Where does it come from?' he thought to himself and an explanation appeared again.

[Taste Of Death: Makes you enjoy killing and addicted to it.]

These explanations were short but concise, not wasting any words or being vague with their details but went straight to the point. It was yet again another ability coming from the Death Crow. Even though it seemed detrimental to the one experiencing it, it was actually quite beneficial to the one experiencing it. For instance, if one was against killing or just didn't like killing, this ability made them love killing without putting much thought into it but just for that delicious taste in the mouth.

It also helps in easing a lot of guilt or stress one may have after taking a life and stimulates the basic instinct of every living creature; Survival of the fittest. The taste is just a bonus.

James continued slaughtering the goblins with euphoria coursing throughout his entire body. A feeling he completely immersed himself in as it was only time he could forget about his pain and suffering over the years and just lose himself in his indulgence of killing.
