
AoT Unleashed | How to Survive in a World infested with Titans

Meet Kaito, a totally innocent man, or so he describes himself, kidnapped from his car into the thrown into this world of Titans and controversial beauties. Given some strange powers by god-knows-who, he must survive with his superb sense of humor and overflowing swagger. As he battles towering Titans and explores his powers, Kaito comes face-to-face with a disturbing truth - something more sinister than the Titans lurks beneath the surface. In this ruthless landscape, Kaito's mission is clear: adapt, survive, and uncover the secrets of this chaotic world. As he treads through the world infested with flesh-eating monsters, his purpose must go beyonf mere survival, revealing an epic journey that delves deeper than the Titans' shadows. ________________________ AU in later chapters: The book's premise is AoT, but there is more than meets the eye. Stay Tuned to discover something far bigger and badder than Titans.

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40 Chs


Sorry for long disappearance folks. Unfortunately, academics have gotten heavy this semester so i haven't been able to write much and i thinks that situation is not gonna improve much this sem.

Good news is I will have a 3 month break after April and i am thinking of blitz writing chapters at that time.

So for the following 2 months, that is, March and April, I may upload some chapters here and there, but no promises about that.

If you are still reading this book, I am very thankful for your time and presence and i hope my story have brought you some pleasure.

Good night and good luck!