
AoT Unleashed | How to Survive in a World infested with Titans

Meet Kaito, a totally innocent man, or so he describes himself, kidnapped from his car into the thrown into this world of Titans and controversial beauties. Given some strange powers by god-knows-who, he must survive with his superb sense of humor and overflowing swagger. As he battles towering Titans and explores his powers, Kaito comes face-to-face with a disturbing truth - something more sinister than the Titans lurks beneath the surface. In this ruthless landscape, Kaito's mission is clear: adapt, survive, and uncover the secrets of this chaotic world. As he treads through the world infested with flesh-eating monsters, his purpose must go beyonf mere survival, revealing an epic journey that delves deeper than the Titans' shadows. ________________________ AU in later chapters: The book's premise is AoT, but there is more than meets the eye. Stay Tuned to discover something far bigger and badder than Titans.

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Christa returned with the binoculars, and as she focused on the distant fire, a perplexed expression crossed her face. "Uh, guys? It's Kaito, and he's... waving!"

Sasha's eyes widened with joy, "Really!?" snatching the binoculars, she focused on the fire. "I-its really Kaito! he is alive, see, I told you!"

Jean scratched his head, still trying to process the unexpected revelation. "I have no idea what's going on, but if Kaito's alive, I'll take it."

The mood lightened as a chuckle escaped from Reiner. "Well, he's definitely got his own way of making an entrance."

As the group continued watched Kaito from the distant wall for some moments, Sasha made an astute observation. "I think his gas must have run out."

Jean shrugged, a bemused smile on his face. "Well, I knew he wouldn't die."

Connie chimed in, "Liar, you were the one who seemed depressed in the armoury"

"Tch", Jean clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Reiner chuckled, "Whatever the reason, at least we know he's alive and kicking. "

Sasha, always ready for action, took the lead. "I'll go get him," she declared, a determined glint in her eyes.

Jean stepped forward, "We will go with you." Christa, showing unexpected enthusiasm, chimed in, "Yeah, me too."

Sasha hesitated, glancing at the city below, still teeming with Titans. "You guys sure? We just came back from there."

Connie, ever the loyal friend, asserted, "Hey! Kaito is our friend too. He also distracted that other Titan for us. How can we not payback!?"

"Okay, guys, let's go," Sasha agreed, and the group rallied together.

Between the murmurs of determination, Reiner stepped forward. "You guys fetch him; I will keep these Titans distracted here."

Jean, acknowledging Reiner's commitment, patted his shoulder, "We will trust you for that, Reiner." The words, for the briefest moment, caused a subtle crack in Reiner's smile.

Moments later, Reiner lowered himself slightly from the wall. The Titans near the foot of the wall, stirred by the movement, amassed at its base.

The distraction worked, and the rest of the group, with Connie staying near Reiner in case he needed assistance, swiftly ran along the wall and descended. They flanked around the Titans, moving in the direction of Kaito.

Kaito's POV

After waving around a bit, as he stopped. His work was done.

Kaito's perspective shifted as he observed the unfolding events. "Wow, didn't think Reiner would act as bait! What a sight to see." Squinting his eyes, he focused on the trio approaching to 'rescue' him. Well, isn't that something?

Oh, on second thought, it wasn't. How can someone be totally uninjured after such a dire fight. Extending out his nails, he made a bloody incision in his right calf and willed his clothes to take a war-torn form.

 "Just a bit more" he clenched his hands, his nails still extended, tearing through his palms. "Done!"

Some time later, Sasha, Jean, and Christa found him sitting on a broken rooftop, sitting on a piece of debris. His clothes, red with blood

She tightly hugged his body, his head buried within her ample bossom "Kaito! Are you okay? Please don't die, please, please please"

She couldn't contain her worry, how could she? Seeing someone you held dear covered in wounds from head to toe was heartbreaking for her.

"I am fine, dear potato," Kaito replied with a slight smile as he separated his head a bit from the super-comfy heavens, "just some scratches here and there"

"You call that scratches!? You dumbhead baka!!"

Interrupting the concerned exchange, Jean questioned, "What the hell happened? "

"Hmm, just had an awesome party" Kaito answered with a feigned thoughtful expression, rubbing his chin for added effect.

"This guy ain't dying any goddamn soon..." Jean mumbled, not buying into Kaito's act.

Christa, sensing the need to redirect the focus, gently stepped in and separated Sasha and Jean. "Save the questions for later. Let's get out of this place first."

"I am sorry, Kaito!" Sasha apologized sincerely. "Let's go."

"What about your gear?" Jean inquired, practical as always.

"I donated it to some Titans," Kaito replied sarcastically. Annoying Jean was such a fun sport.

Sasha, unable to contain her curiosity, glanced at Kaito. "Seriously, what happened back there? We thought you were a goner."

Kaito, weaving a mix of seriousness and humor, replied, "Let's just say the Titans and I reached an agreement for cease fire. I wasn't that tasty so they left me here"

Jean couldn't help but chuckle at Kaito's nonchalant demeanor. "Cease fire with Titans, huh? You sure you didn't take a shot or two to the head?"

Christa, ever the peacemaker, interjected, "Let's focus on getting back to safety. We can swap stories once we're behind the walls."

"Yeah, that's true," Jean said, his gaze fixed on the horde of Titans swarming around the foot of the inner wall.

Connie, contemplating the devastation in the city, mumbled, "Did the same happen in Shinganshina too? So many deaths, such destruction..."

Jean, his voice heavy with anguish, added, "The Armored Titan hasn't appeared this time at least. That son of a... would have destroyed even the inner wall."

As they discussed the grim realities around them, behind them, Kaito was engaging in a playful banter with Sasha, and Christa observed them with a knowing look.

Kaito, putting his arm around Sasha, whispered, "So, my potato, will you carry me to safety?"

Sasha snorted, "Asking a girl to carry you? Shameless!"

"I'll take that as a yes," Kaito whispered back with a mischievous grin. He turned to the others, "Hey, guys, Sasha has agreed to carry me. Let's go."

"What!? Noo," Sasha whimpered, but Kaito hugged her from behind. "I'm ready!"

"Hey! I-it's t-too close," Sasha stammered, her face turning crimson.

"Saying something?" Kaito's warm breath near her ear and their bodies pressed together caused her to turn away, flustered.

"N-no, let's go, guys," she hurriedly said, avoiding eye contact with the others. Kaito couldn't help but notice Christa giving him a disapproving look before leading the way.

"Sasha, are you okay?" Connie asked, injecting a note of concern into his voice. "Is this bastard too heavy?"

In the midst of the Titan-infested city, an unexpected romantic tension lingered, adding a touch of warmth to the cold realities they faced. The whispers of the city carried tales of camaraderie, love, and the unspoken bonds that blossomed amidst chaos.

"Oh, come on, Connie! I'm strong, not weak," Sasha retorted, trying to mask the blush on her face.

Kaito, enjoying the banter, added, "Yeah, I'm not that heavy. Just a weak injured soldier on a leisurely ride."

Connie rolled his eyes, "Leisurely ride, my foot."

Jean, sensing it was time to get back to business, interjected, "Sasha, behind me. Connie will be at the vanguard. Let's get out before those uglies see us." Activating his ODM gear, he propelled himself forward.

"Behind you," Connie commented, ready for the action.

"Buckle up," Sasha chimed in, activating her ODM gear on a nearby building, carrying the 'injured' Kaito, followed closely by Connie

The metallic whirring of ODM gear resonated through the night as Jean led the charge, swiftly darting between buildings and alleys. Sasha, carrying Kaito, zipped through the air like a shadow, her movements precise and calculated.

Jean shouted over the wind, "Keep your eyes peeled! Titans might catch up any second!"

Sasha, responding with a nod, adjusted her course with ease. Kaito, clinging onto Sasha's back, chimed in, "You know, this is a bit more thrilling than a regular night out."

Behind them, Connie's voice crackled over the ODM gear, "Don't get too comfortable, Kaito! Titans don't appreciate a good thrill!"

The moonlit cityscape blurred beneath them as they retraced their path through the labyrinth of streets. Titans below roared in frustration, their attempts to catch the escaping humans futile against the agile maneuvering of the Survey Corps.

Jean's eyes scanned the surroundings, alert for any signs of danger. He barked another order, "Left turn, now!"

Sasha, with Kaito on her back, seamlessly switched between buildings, her focus unwavering. Kaito, despite the 'injured' act, remained vigilant, his senses attuned to the movements of both allies and potential threats.

Approaching the inner wall, Jean signaled a brief halt. The group regrouped, exchanging glances that spoke volumes about the challenges they had faced and the camaraderie that bound them together.

Jean turned to Kaito, a smirk on his face, "You really know how to make an entrance, don't you? "

Kaito grinned, "Glad I could spice up your day, Jean."

"It was already spicy enough" Jean grumbled.

With a nod from Jean, they resumed their escape, the distant roar of Titans fading as they left the danger zone behind.

"Ok, we are here. Let's climb up," Jean directed, eyeing the towering inner wall.

Kaito tapped Sasha's shoulder, "Hey, gimme the handle."

"Hm? Why?" Sasha asked, a bit confused.

"Come on, girl, I know your arms are tired," Kaito teased.

Sasha chuckled, "Alright, Mr. Injured, you better not slow me down."

"We'll see about that," Kaito said smirking. As they prepared to ascend the wall, he fired the trigger, and the hook latched onto the top of the wall.

"Buckle up," he said with a mischievous grin.

In an instant, Kaito pulled with incredible force while wrapping his legs around Sasha's waist. Sasha, caught off guard, felt her feet leave the ground in a millisecond. Her eyes widened as they were sent soaring upward, and those below watched in awe. The hook, initially secure, fell loose, but the momentum carried them through the air at high speed.

Despite Sasha's enhanced nerves from using the ODM gear, a loud scream escaped her lips. As their speed slowed, she found herself floating momentarily in the air. Looking down, she exclaimed, "Huh, nani!?" They were suspended in the air, at least 20 meters above the ground.

Just as gravity began to reclaim them, she heard Kaito's voice, "This is where the fun begins." The world accelerated again, and she was thrust upward at an even greater speed. Suddenly, the wall in front of her disappeared, revealing a wide expanse of greenery.

"Beautiful..." she mumbled, captivated by the unexpected scenery. "Isn't it?" a soft voice whispered in her ears, sending shivers down her spine. Moments later, the greenery receded, giving way to a small settlement.

Her foot touched the top of the wall, and she felt herself freed from the tight embrace of Kaito. The unexpected journey had taken them to a new vantage point, leaving Sasha both exhilarated and intrigued by the mysterious vampire at her side.

Meanwhile, Jean, Connie, and Christa, who were climbing the wall on foot, watched with jaws widened.

"What the heck was that?" Connie rubbed his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating.