
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantasi
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27 Chs

Day Eleven: Encounter

On the eleventh day of John's recovery, he now was able to gain consciousness.

John slowly opened his eyes then he looked around all he could be twigs and leaves around him.

'Where am I?, did I died and got sent to another World again? Nah, the windows are still here' John thought, he looked at the windows again before smiling.

'aah... I was able to survive...' tears once again flowed from his as he remembered the fight, then thoughts suddenly came to him.

'Why the heck am I here? Did someone saw me and drag me to their house? but this space is smaller for a human's... Was it a monster? if it is what kind of monster is it?' questions poured into his mind then he realized something.

'my wounds...!, they are all gone?! And my body feels even better?! what the heck happened?!... wait, that reminds me..., I haven't seen my status yet...' as John thought of this, a new window pop up in from of him.

[Status Window]

Name: Unidentified

Class: Unidentified

Level: 13 (1,260/13,000)

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Blessings: None

Titles: Apostle of a God, True Merchant

Health: 460/460

Mana: 700/700

Strength: 48 (+18)

Intelligence: 68 (+18)

Agility: 43 (+18)

Dexterity: 38 (+18)

Stamina: 43 (+18)

Persistence: 78 (+18)

Composure: 58 (+18)

Insight: 73 (+18)

{Stat Points: 65}


-Production Skills-

Blacksmith Lvl 1

Tailoring Lvl 1

Alchemy Lvl 1

Sculpting Lvl 1

Cooking Lvl 1

Butchering Lvl 1

Potion Making Lvl 1

Carpentry Lvl 1

Fishing Lvl 1

Masonry Lvl 1

Wood Cutting Lvl 1

-Passive Skills-

Poker Face Lvl 2

Cold Eyes Lvl 2

Grim Demeanor Lvl 2

Marketing Lvl 1

Administering Lvl 1

Bargaining Lvl 1

Quick Calculation Lvl 2

Ashura's Life Lvl 1

Weapons Mastery Lvl 1

Magic Mastery Lvl 1

-Active Skills-

Dimension Storage Magic Lvl MAX

Plunder Lvl 1

Everyday Magic

- Everyday Fire Magic Lvl 2

- Everyday Earth Magic Lvl 1

- Everyday Water Magic Lvl 1

- Everyday Wind Magic Lvl 1

Enhanced Discerning Eyes Lvl 1

'....' John was Speechless as he saw his status window, he was confused and didn't know what to say.

The skills and passive skills that leveled up was understandable, those were the most active skills used during his two days and the fight with the night wolves, he understood that and he was happy that they leveled up, but his confusion was not due to the leveling up, anyone who sees his status would understand it.

'Why... why are my name and class not showing up?' those were the questions that John himself didn't know the answer to.

'Does all summoned people have the same status window as mine?' John asked himself.

John pondered to himself, questions flooded his mind as he thought of answers, but no matter how much time pass, he could only thought of speculations.

"Haa..." John sigh as he shakes his head.

'...I should leave those thoughts for now, I need to know where the hell I am right now...!' as John wanders to his thoughts he heard a noise.


John Immediately turn his head to where the direction the sound came from and he immediately froze up, he saw a furry creature with two big blue round eyes staring right at him.



John stared quietly as the furry creature stared back at him, time passed as the two stared at each other quietly without moving.

The furry creature was the first to broke the silence as it hops to the side and puts down the objects it was holding and sat down.

"...." John was dumbstruck as he saw the furry creature sitting butt first and holding a fruit in its hand, to the others, it may look cute as it bites the fruit it was holding, but to John, it wasn't, because that very same furry creature was the same potus rabbit that almost causes his death.

As John looked at the potus rabbit anger swelled within him, but it immediately disappears as John looked around and realize what happened.

'This furry bastard was the one that saved me?' John thought as he stared at the eating rabbit.

John looked around the small space he was in, then looked at the rabbit once again, as if knowing that John's going to say something the rabbit stared back at him.

"...don't even think that I'm going to thank you... you're the reason those dog assholes attacked me in the first place" John grumbled as he moved his sight from the rabbit to the ceiling of the room before closing his eyes.

"..." the rabbit was silent and as if it's accepting John's judgment, it closed its eyes.

Time flowed as silence permeated throughout the room, both of them understood that saying 'Thanks' or 'Sorry' was meaningless.

After a few minutes of silence John opened his eyes and sat down, the rabbit's nest was big enough for him to sit down, the rabbit also opened its eyes and fixed its gaze towards John who was sitting silently, his gaze was looking faraway.

"..." the rabbit silently watched John as it continues to eat the fruit it was eating earlier.

"...You, do you know the way out of this forest?" John asked as he looks towards the eating rabbit.

The rabbit looked back at him, it put the fruit down before putting its front hand to its chin, it was pondering on John's question. After a few seconds, it looked straight at John's eyes then shook its head, signaling him that it doesn't know.

John lightly nodded his head, then he looked at the entrance the rabbit came from before sighing.


John adjusted his body before moving towards the entrance, the rabbit just stared at him as he went outside the nest.

"....!" John's eyes widened as he looked around the outside scenery of the nest, what greeted him was not the same forest he was before, it was still a forest, but the greenery and number of living creatures running around were more than the forest he was before, there was also a lake bigger than the river he saw before.

And as if to indicate that they say, John, the animals stiffened, they all stopped moving and just stared at him, fear could be seen from their eyes.

John immediately realized the situation and raised his hands in the air, then he shook his head left and right, he was telling them that he would not do anything.

But the animals around him aren't all as intelligent as the potus rabbit inside the nest, hence chaos was the result of his actions, they ran around the area looking for a place to hide, some stumbled on the ground, some played dead, some jumped to the lake, and some wasn't able to move and just froze up from where they were.

John was once again dumbfounded as he saw the scene happening in front of him, and as he was in a daze he felt something touched his left shoulder, it was the potus rabbit he was with, it jumped high enough to reached his left shoulder and patted him, as if consoling him it did it once again, and after it landed it crossed its front legs and closed its eyes and shook its little head left and right.

"...you" John couldn't find the words he wants, the potus rabbit at his side was totally different from the others, he saw some potus rabbits earlier among the animals in the area, and all they did was panic and looked for a place to hide.

John's evaluation of the potus rabbit at his side has now changed, he realized that it was no ordinary potus rabbit nor was it also an ordinary animal, it was able to treat his wounds like some doctor, and it also has high intelligence to foil his plans. He looked at the still chaotic area in front of him and found a frozen up and shaking rabbit near a tree, then he describes it as he used 'Enhanced Discerning Eyes'.


-Potus Rabbit-


An Intelligent rabbit that can be found in the center of a forest where Potus trees are located, This intelligent little creature grew eating the fruits of a Potus tree, making it incredibly hard to catch, the stamina of a Potus rabbit is 3 times higher than a normal horse, and it's stored mana is higher than an average human.

*Using Potus Fruits as bait will be an effective way to capture it. But, be mindful, for the Potus Rabbits are as Intelligent as an adult human, making it the favorite pet of young nobles.

'hmmm...?' John cocked his head to the right, he was confused as his memories about the notification about the potus rabbit was slightly different from what he remembered, so he shifted his sight to the rabbit at his side, he stared at the rabbit with curious eyes, then he described the rabbit, and used 'Enhance Discerning Eyes' on it.


-Potus Rabbit-

<Harmless/Attention is Needed>

An Intelligent rabbit that can be found in the center of a forest where Potus trees are located, This intelligent little creature grew eating the fruits of a Potus tree, making it incredibly hard to catch, the stamina of a Potus rabbit is 3 times higher than a normal horse, and it's stored mana is higher than an average human.

*Using Potus Fruits as bait will be an effective way to capture it. But, be mindful, for the Potus Rabbits are as Intelligent as an adult human, making it the favorite pet of young nobles.

"....!" John immediately understood the difference, the description was no different to the shaking potus rabbit that no one can easily tell it, but the effect of 'Discerning Eyes' pointed it out to him, the words 'Attention is Needed' immediately catches his sight.

'So, this bastard is really different from the rest...? or the shaking one was a different one? I guess only one way to find out.' John quickly scanned the area, he was looking for another potus rabbit to prove his hypothesis, then he found one hiding behind a rock, he quickly used 'Enhance Discerning Eyes' on it, and the result...


-Potus Rabbit-


An Intelligent rabbit that can be found in the center of a forest where Potus trees are located, This intelligent little creature grew eating the fruits of a Potus tree, making it incredibly hard to catch, the stamina of a Potus rabbit is 3 times higher than a normal horse, and it's stored mana is higher than an average human.

*Using Potus Fruits as bait will be an effective way to capture it. But, be mindful, for the Potus Rabbits are as Intelligent as an adult human, making it the favorite pet of young nobles.

'It was no different than the first one...' John nodded his head as he accepts the truth, then he looked back again to the rabbit at his side who was also looking at him.

Hesitantly he said, "...hey, wanna talk?".

Potus Rabbit closed its eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and nodding, it leads the way back to its nest and John followed behind it.

The rabbit immediately sat down butt first, then it took two fruits from its side, it bit on the other and throw the other towards John who was crouching, John quickly catches the fruit, and he also sat down, John wasn't familiar with the fruit so he used his skill 'Enhance Discerning Eyes' as he describes it.


-Alpora Fruit (matured)-

<Attention is Needed>

A Fruit from a matured Alpora Tree, a must-have ingredient for making a special soup, has a yellow outer color and has red for its insides, the yellow outer part of an Alpora fruit from a matured Alpora Tree is edible and can give more nutrients than normal meat, the red inside of it is also edible and can give as many nutrients as a full set of a full meal. The Alpora Fruit is also known as Satiety Fruit, as it can give the nutrients that the body needs.

* Alpora Fruit can only give nutrients when it is taken from a matured Alpora Tree, when an Alpora Tree matured, an Alpora Fruit which was brown from outside means the tree is not matured yet and can't be eaten raw as it will emit poison instead of nutrients.

'haa... things in this world should not be taken lightly...' John thought as he took a bite from the Alpora Fruit, he then stared directly towards the rabbit.

With a serious face, John spoke "Do you... know of any kind of monster with the face of a human?".