
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Day Twelve: Decision

"Do you... know of a monster that has the face of a human?" John asked wearing a serious face, then he continued "It has an almost 4-meter height body that is covered in fur, anything comes to mind?" he asked as he sat down and looked at the ceiling, remembering his first night in Ashura.

John took another bite at the Alpora Fruit as he waited for the rabbit's response, a few seconds passed but nothing came back, he shifted his gaze from the ceiling to the rabbit at his side.

"Oi..." John called out to the rabbit as he was left hanging for answers, after a few more calls he frowns, he put down the Alpora fruit then crawled towards the rabbit and looked at it.

"Oi, what's up...!?" John called out as he reached for the rabbit's shoulder, and as he felt the trembling of the rabbit, he immediately turned it towards him.

"...!" John's eyes widened as he saw the expression of the rabbit, its face was ashen and stiff as if it was a rock, its eyes were shaking and its little mouth was trembling, John understood immediately what the expression meant, as he once before felt the same terror.

John grab both of the rabbit's shoulders as he shook them to wake the rabbit from its petrified state "Hey! get a hold of yourself! oi!" John cried out to the petrified rabbit, and as if it heard him, its shaking big blue round eyes gradually calmed down, then it looked at him and lightly nod its small head, it's big ears flutter back and forth.

"...that expression tells me that you know something" John frowns as he let go of the rabbit's shoulder.

"haa... my bad, even if you do know something, talking about it is a different matter" John sigh as he apologized, he felt that talking about the monster would only get them nowhere.

"..." the rabbit didn't answer.

"Anyhow, rabbit" John called out to the gloomy rabbit with a serious face, the rabbit raised its head and looked at John who was staring at it, John reaches out a hand towards the rabbit, his palm facing the ceiling as he continues.

"I'll be leaving this afternoon, so..." the rabbit's eyes widened as it saw John's hand in front of it, it didn't expect John's action, it's blue pupils glistened with expectations, and slowly put its right front leg on top of John's palm.

"...?" John cocked his head to the right as he looked at the rabbit's front leg on top of his palm "What are you doing?" he asked. This time it was the rabbit that cocked its head to the right, it looked at its front leg that was on top of John's palm, then move its gaze towards his face.

"Oi, rabbit..." John spoke with a low voice, his eyes were sharp as he gazes at the rabbit.

"...!" the rabbit immediately removed its front leg from his palm and hopped a few inches away from him, with a trembling body it ready itself for a stance, it plants its front leg on the ground and its hind legs were readying for an escape, its quivering eyes were scanning the nest for a path to escape.

John saw the reaction of the rabbit and was dumbfounded, he didn't understand the reason for its actions, even its reason for saving him nor the reason it put its right front leg to his palm was unknown to him.

"Oi rabbit, what's up with you? putting your front leg in my palm then backing off?? are you messing with me? if you are you better stop it now" he said as he withdraws his hand.

"If you're not going to give my blazer and shirt back, at least give me something I could use... It isn't easy not wearing anything on top you know!" John grumbled as he took a big leaf from his side and use it to cover his upper body, his school uniform that he was wearing was taken off by the rabbit when it was applying first aid to his wounds.

The rabbit was stupefied as it watched John covering himself with a big leaf, then after a few seconds, the rabbit finally registered John's words and immediately went outside its nest.

John watched as the rabbit hopped out of its nest and after a few seconds, it came back using its front legs it carried the two neatly folded white and blue fabrics and walked using its hind legs.

"..." the rabbit silently put the clothes down in front of John and hopped back towards its original spot then took another fruit from its stash, this time it was a Potus fruit.

John took the folded fabrics then spread them, 'I figured that it would be my uniform but, I didn't expect it to be this clean... did that rabbit cleaned it?' he thought as he saw the cleaned uniform that was filled with holes, they were the marks of his fight to the night wolves.

'Good thing's the shirt didn't get burned like the blazer, whoo...' John sighed a relief as he saw his uniforms, the white shirt that fortunately only got holes from the claws and fangs of the wolves and his blazers that has the same marks and a big hole on the backside of it, the side of the hole was burnt, it was due to John's 'Everyday Fire Magic'.

John immediately wore the white shirt, he then put the burnt blazer into his 'Storage'.


~ x16 Mugu Herb

~ x21 Lom Grass

~ x4 Night Wolf Fang

~ x3 Night Wolf Bone

~ x23 Red Hapin Flower

~ x10(22*) Yellow Hapin Flower

~ x19 Orange Hapin Flower

~ x14(20*) Sagra Twig

~ x19 Blue Hapin Flower

~ x12 Dried Potus Leaves

~ x4(6*) (Small) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x1 (Large) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x2 (Medium) Broken Haki Reindeer Antler

~ x7(45*) Night Berry

~ x2(3*) Potus Fruit

~ x1 Giant Pumpkin Leaves.

~ x5 Sagra Branches

~ x31 Hallow Top Acorn

~ x61(62*) Fera Vines

~ x1 Haki Reindeer Dagger

~ x1 Blue Burnt Blazer

'Wait a minute... Is it just me or... there's no change from the storage?' Upon seeing his 'Storage' John cocked his head to the right, 'there's no drops... or something like that? don't tell me... do I have to take the loots myself?!' John holds his head as he screamed internally, the eating rabbit looked at John with eyes of pity, its trembling eyes before was now gone as it calmly eats.

'...! speaking of taking, I have the plunder skill, right? so.... why didn't I took the skills or stats of those Night wolves that I've killed?' John blinks his eyes as he tried to remember the fight.

'...' John's thought process came to a halt, as he was dumbfounded by his stupidity, he was so focused on the fight that he forgot that he has skills aside from 'Everyday Magic' that could use.

John was silent, as time passed the rabbit became worried as it went in front of him and stared at his face, the rabbit poke John's side, his face, his foot, and his arm, but there were no reactions. The rabbit went near his face and peer into his black eyes, it has no emotions nor life, it was the effect of the passive skill 'Poker Face' and 'Cold Eyes' that became Lvl 2, the low leveled rabbit was greatly affected by it.

As the rabbit stared at him, John's eyes showed a glint of light.



As the two silently stare at each other's eyes, John's mouth slightly gapes open as he uttered some words.

"S...Stu....kin...pid" the rabbit gave a confused look at it slowly move away from John, but before it can fully move away from him, John let out a loud shriek.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" The rabbit was startled as it heard John's scream, it took a few steps backward but ended up tripping, it then looked at John who was shouting.

"STUPID!! IDIOT!!! YOU F*CKIIIIING!!! IDIOT!!" He continuously repeated, he was pounding his head using his closed left arm and use the other to slam the ground.

"THINGS WOULDN'T TURN OUT LIKE THIS IF I JUST TOOK SOMETHING!!! AAAAH!" He screamed, the rabbit covered its big ears as it looked at John.

After a few minutes, John finally calmed down.

"Hoo... Haa... Hoo... Haa... Hoo... Haa..." He took deep breaths as he calmed his mind.


The rabbit removed its front legs from its ears and gave a small sigh before tilting its small at John.

John saw the rabbit's reaction and Immediately understood what it was trying to say, he then spoke; "Sorry 'bout that, I just realized that I'm an Idiot" he then gave a small smile at the rabbit.


The rabbit once again sigh as it shook its head, the looked on the rabbit's face can be perceived as dispirited, John ignored it and called out to the rabbit "Anyhow rabbit, do you know what happened to those Night wolves I've killed?"

The rabbit crossed its front legs and then closed its eyes, after a few seconds it then shrugged its small shoulders as it shook its head horizontally.

"...I see, Welp I didn't expect it to stay there, given how long I was out... that said, how long was I out?" as John gave a bitter smile to the rabbit he once again asked a question and looked at the rabbit.

The rabbit Immediately answered as it put two sticks in front of John.

"...2 hours?" he asked.

The rabbit shooked its head at Johns answer,

"Sorry, that was a stupid answer, given the many wounds I received, maybe... 2 days?" John apologized, as he corrected his answer.

The rabbit once again shooked its small head and pointed out to the two sticks parallelly facing each other. John blinked a few times as he saw the rabbit pointed at the sticks, his previous answer was wrong so he immediately realized the meaning of the two sticks.

"..." John stared at the two sticks, before opening his mouth.

"E-eleven... days?" He asked, which was answered with a quick nod from the rabbit.

"...I, was asleep... for that long? That's almost two weeks isn't it?! no, wait, now that I think about it... my hand was disabled back then... so, I guess sleeping for two weeks wouldn't be surprising" John was surprised but, it was immediately eliminated by his reasoning.

'So, I slept for that long...huh, I wonder how the others are doing right now' John thought as he shifted his sight to the rabbit nest's entrance.

"Hey Rabbit " He called.

"...?" the rabbit in front of tilted its small head to the right as it wonders what John's words will be.

And as if preparing for something, he leans to the wall behind him as he closes his eyes, with a serious tone, he spoke; "You know how to get out of this forest, right?"

The rabbit's already big eyes opened widely as it was stunned by John's words, the way John said those words indicated something, and the rabbit immediately understood what it was, tears began to flow from the rabbit's big blue eyes, as it can't control its emotion any longer.

"Hic...*sniff* Hic..."

John opened his eyes and stared at the crying rabbit before asking again "Well... do you?".

"If you're not going to answer... I'm going to leave now" he spoke as he urged the rabbit to answer.

The crying rabbit flinch as it heard John, it looked at John before slowly nodding, tears could still be seen from its eyes.

John grinned as he saw hope from the rabbit's eyes, then he reached out a closed fist towards the rabbit.

As the rabbit stared at John's grinning face, it shifted its sight towards the closed fist in front of it. It closed its eyes for a few seconds before opening them again, the rabbit reached out one of its front legs and grinned as it touched John's closed fist, it was fistbump.

The Irregular Potus Rabbit and The Irregular Other-Worlder, the journey of the two and many other companions, has finally begun!.