
Another Typical Uchiha Fanfic

In an alternate universe devoid of Boruto or 'Naruto: The Last' events, a remarkable tale unfolds. Meet the Uchiha MC, blessed with the extraordinary power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there's a twist - this unique ability grants him access to a mysterious system. Penned by the author(me), this original tale follows the journey of the protagonist who, did not transmigrated nor reincarnated, he simply retains memories of their past life who lived in another world.(aka our world)

DaoistcaqwL5 · Komik
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8 Chs

The calm before the storm

Konoha, Uchiha compound, (Evening)


The once-vibrant compound now appeared dim, as if draped in a cloak of shadows, the moon struggling to pierce through the thick veil of clouds, its feeble light barely illuminating the desolate landscape, leaving a haunting silence hanging heavy in the air.

The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops echoed through the streets, each droplet adding to the melancholy atmosphere that enveloped the area.

Parents hurried into nearby shops with their children, seeking refuge from the biting cold brought on by the rain. Despite the dreary weather, the compound was still bustling with activity.

The sound of laughter and lively chatter reverberated through the bustling shops, intertwining with the gentle pitter-patter of rain against the rain-streaked windows. Inside, the warm glow of lights cast a cozy ambiance, contrasting vividly with the gray, overcast skies looming outside, creating a vivid tableau of bustling activity against the backdrop of dreary weather.

With the rain continuing to fall, the aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air. Its irresistible allure drew in those seeking shelter. Food shopkeepers, who seized the opportunity, rejoiced as people sought shelter in their establishments. Their enticing displays of fresh produce and sizzling dishes attracted them, turning them into customers.

Despite not being as renowned as Akimichi restaurants, they were not inferior, especially with support from the leader of the radicals providing quality ingredients, allowing them to outcompete civilian restaurants offering comparable prices.

In one corner of the street, a small group of children huddled together under an awning. Their faces lit up with excitement as they shared stories in civilian school or academy. Laughter spread among them, oblivious to the world outside their little bubble of joy.

Meanwhile, the relentless rhythm of metal striking metal reverberated through the narrow avenue, the sound amplified by the pitter-patter of raindrops. Weapon shopkeepers and blacksmiths alike persevered in their craft, their silhouettes illuminated by the flickering glow of their forges, undeterred by the downpour.

Shinobi, undeterred by the weather, made their way to these shops, eager to purchase and collect weapons regardless of any reason, a constant reminder of the village's militaristic nature.

Amidst the bustling indoor activities, the members of the KMPF faced a significant challenge as they became increasingly aware of the disadvantage posed by their adversaries.

Recalling their times on the Kirigakure war front, they urged the Aburame members to relay messages for backup in case of an attack. They remained vigilant, fully aware of the consequences should the assailants strike at that moment. The tension in the moist air was palpable as they prepared for any potential threat.


Shisui finally arrived at his residence after walking in the rain for an hour, his clothes thoroughly soaked from the downpour. His home, located southwest of the KMPF HQ and east-south to the Naka Shrine, offered him sanctuary from the dreary weather outside.

His residence, equipped with common appliances like a fridge and rice cooker, was fairly large compared to most, with two floors to accommodate him.

Pulling keys from his pocket, he unlocked the door.

Despite the chill in the air, a sense of warmth enveloped him as he stepped inside his home. The familiar scent of incense greeted him, along with the comforting warmth of the hearth.

After removing his soaking wet clothes, he hung them on the clothesline rope on the veranda before heading to the bathtub with a packet of unique medicinal herb mixture. This blend was specifically formulated for a rejuvenating bath, ideal for relieving stress and revitalizing the body.

As he turned on the knob to fill the tub with warm water, he tore open the packet and poured its contents into the tub.

After mixing it with his hands, he finally stepped into the bathtub.

As he let his body soak in the medicinal water, he could feel accumulated stress washing away.

He felt a simple euphoria, which allowed him to relax, while he made efforts to stay awake, avoiding the risk of catching a cold the next day.

After wiping his toned and thinly muscular body, which was impressive considering his age of eleven, he donned the standard attire of the Uchiha clan, consisting of a high-collared, black-colored outfit.

As he looked around his room to ensure everything was in place, he pulled out a small cylinder container containing pills. These pills aided in the recovery of stamina, growth, and chakra. He ingested them before returning to the living room.

Feeling famished after a long day, he eagerly opened the fridge to see what was available for dinner. Before he could start cutting the ingredients he found, he noticed a couple of boxes on the table.

One had rice, pickled vegetables, and miso soup.

The second one had ice cream and karaage.

The third one had a couple of Dango.

He read each note attached to them.

"Don't forget to put water in the rice cooker when cooking rice :)" from Mikoto.

"I specially buy ice from the land of ice merchants to make ice cream, and oh, here is some Karaage! " from Masato.

"Don't forget to train me, Brother Shisui

(^ ^)" from Itachi.

"I don't think I'll have to cook for a while," he thought with a smile, estimating that they would last a week.

After returning the ingredients to the fridge, he brought plates and bowls to serve the food.

As he sat down to enjoy his meal, the aroma of freshly cooked rice and miso soup filled the air, bringing him a sense of comfort and contentment while the fried karaage tantalized his taste buds, sizzling in his mouth almost to the point of scalding, the coldness and sweetness of the ice cream and dango neutralized the heat. With each dish, he felt a deep sense of gratitude.

The sumptuous feast invigorated him, infusing his being with a surge of vitality and imbuing him with a delightful sense of contentment. He was ready for the training session later tonight.

After finishing the ice cream and dango, he stored the remaining food in the fridge before starting his training.

The atmosphere in Shisui's home was serene as he settled in after a long day. The soft glow of the lamp illuminated the room, casting a warm, inviting light over the traditional Uchiha decor. Outside, the rain continued to fall, its gentle patter providing a soothing backdrop to Shisui's evening routine.

Due to the rain outside, he opted to forgo training in the Body Flicker technique and Taijutsu outdoors, instead choosing to train in his bedroom, which contained all the necessary materials for other studies. Each soft sound of his footsteps echoed through the quiet house as he walked towards his destination.

As he reached his bedroom, he began his training session.

Weaving signs and accumulating fire chakra in his mouth, he dispel it quickly as he can before repeating the cycle.

This method of practice was typical for ninjutsu, like the Fire Release: Great Fireball jutsu. It helped decrease the time needed to weave hand signs, accumulate fire chakra, and become familiar with the ninjutsu. Through this, he was able to decrease the number of hand signs needed to execute the jutsu, although it took far more time compared to the former method.

If it didn't drain stamina as well when performing it, he could maintain it indefinitely while also keeping his chakra levels constant.

This practice was crucial, especially in battles where average shinobi could be gravely injured by remaining unprotected from C-rank jutsu and killed by B-rank jutsu. Speed plays a significant role in combat where even a single kunai can be fatal if you are too slow to dodge.

Moreover, due to Masato's training, Shisui's battle style revolved around speed, with his defense and offense supplemented by his agility, strengthening his reliance on speed.

After two hours of practice, he retrieved sheets of paper, a brush, and an ink pot, and started practicing calligraphy.

With each stroke of the brush, he meticulously drew a sealing formula on a piece of paper, repeating the process on multiple sheets.

This was one of the methods he was taught to learn fuinjutsu. It required him to ensure that each letter in the formula was correct, placed centrally, and written uniformly.

If even one letter was miswritten, the entire sealing scroll could burn, much like leaves when chakra isn't infused correctly, or explode, depending on the formula. The same applied if the shape of the sealing wasn't uniform or spherical, depending on the sealing formula.

Moreover, if the sealing formula wasn't positioned at the center of the scroll, its effectiveness would decrease, making it less potent.

Additionally, applying an appropriate amount of chakra to different sealing formulas in order to activate the seal and maximize their effectiveness.

Instructions to write them were deceptively easy, but writing the formula without making mistakes in writing, shape, placement, and chakra consistency was the hard part, which became more challenging in the heat of battle.

Hence, one must be a master of calligraphy first in order to use fuinjutsu effectively, which is not an easy feat.

Shisui received strict instruction from Masato and excelled in calligraphy to perform basic sealing and unsealing techniques. However, he found it challenging to master fuinjutsu beyond those jutsu, as the sealing formulas were far more complex, and the precise amount of chakra required was difficult for him to consistently achieve.

Nevertheless, he continued to practice in hopes of mastering sealing jutsu for combat, where it could prove invaluable in the hands of a skilled fuinjutsu practitioner on the battlefield.

Thus, he persisted in his practice until his wrist began to ache after two hours. before shifting his focus to revising necessary information.

He revised various subjects, including chakra nature, the villages, Kekkei Genkai, clans, bounties listed in bingo books, and more.

Although relatively easy because he was only revising, daily practice was crucial, as fatalities resulting from a lack of information were quite common.

Armed with the knowledge that one of the assailants possessed Ice Release, he dedicated himself to studying the Yuhi clan, renowned for their mastery of Ice Release techniques.

He doesn't hope to defeat them, understanding the strength of a Kekkei Genkai user and lacking actual combat experience. However, this won't be an excuse when he eventually confronts them face to face.

He may even face death, just like his parents and uncle did during their respective missions, as this is the world where taking lives is often easier than saving them.

The day may not be far off, so he must be prepared when it arrives; at least it would be less embarrassing than being helpless against their onslaught

With his mind sharp and his body weary from a day of training and study, Shisui finally retired to bed, prepared to face the next day.

*Apology for the readers(especially once who unfortunately used to it). Due to exam preparation, I won't be releasing chapter anytime soon upto 5th June. Still then let's hope I my dedication to this fanfic doesn't falter..... like the others *cough* *cough*

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