
Another Typical Uchiha Fanfic

In an alternate universe devoid of Boruto or 'Naruto: The Last' events, a remarkable tale unfolds. Meet the Uchiha MC, blessed with the extraordinary power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there's a twist - this unique ability grants him access to a mysterious system. Penned by the author(me), this original tale follows the journey of the protagonist who, did not transmigrated nor reincarnated, he simply retains memories of their past life who lived in another world.(aka our world)

DaoistcaqwL5 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Shadowed Vigilance: A Night in Konoha

As night fell, the leaders of the volunteers returned to their respective clans and entrusting their nighttime responsibilities to other trusted members appointed by their clan leaders, as previously agreed upon with Fugaku. The volunteers are then replaced by their clan members who have rested during the day and are ready to fulfill their night duties.

It was one of the conditions set by Fugaku to ensure a constant number of patrollers during the night when the village was most vulnerable.

During the First Great Shinobi War, the Uchiha clan suffered significant losses due to their vulnerability at night. They lacked a night shift, which prevented them from identifying the culprit when they were vulnerable. As a result, a rule was implemented requiring half of the patrol squad to work during the day and the other half at night, ensuring stable manpower to protect Konoha.

They rigorously train the night shift patrol squad to adjust their sleeping cycle, knowing, adjusting one's biological clock is challenging and can have negative effects if not managed and trained properly, such as stunted growth.

However, not all volunteers could cope with the change, and some of them ended up falling asleep on the street.

Despite their annoyance, KMPF members had to constantly wake them up and tolerate their behavior.

Bearing sole responsibility for any failures during a potential attack was a heavy burden. However, they could only sigh, recalling the words and warnings of their patriarch and captain.


Konoha, Uchiha compound, KMPF HQ



As the sun sank below the horizon, signaling the end of Shisui's work shift, he returned to the KMPF HQ to submit his report.

It was an uneventful day, except for the awkwardness among clan members and the arrival of the volunteers; everything else remained unchanged.

He found no need to report, aside from a few panicked citizens reacting to baseless rumors about the addition of volunteers.

Nevertheless, Fugaku carefully reviewed his report and posed additional questions, seeking clarification on the report and any rumors he may have heard.

Despite the village rarely viewing them positively, he still felt a responsibility to protect it, holding onto the belief that the Uchiha would eventually integrate with the village.

However, he was far from naive; he knew that the current Hokage and elders wouldn't allow it to happen as long as their prejudice persisted.

Furthermore, he had to consider the internal dynamics of his clan, where elders from different factions harbored strained relationships.

Moreover, the number of radicals within their clan had increased by one-third after the war and were currently being 'suppressed' by their 'messiah.' However, the duration of this 'suppression' remained uncertain.

Shisui gently called out to Fugaku-sama, who had been waiting for a while.

After a moment of contemplation, Fugaku coughed and replied, "It's nothing, just thinking about other matters."

"Anyway, where is he?" he asked, unable to find Masato in the street despite multiple of his cat's summons roaming in the street.

Cats were renowned for their excellence in reconnaissance, with only a select few within the clan possessing the ability to summon them. However, if another individual also possessed the summoning contract, they could interfere with its use.

Shisui tried to recall where he went and remembered seeing him head to the Konoha hospital.

"I saw him go to the Konoha hospital, though he didn't say why." As he reported, Shisui wondered why he went there.

Unless he was sick or inflicted with some injuries, Shisui saw no need to go there, unless he was training himself to be a medical-nin.

"I see," Fugaku replied, already guessing his intention.

'How long are you going to pursue a married woman?' With his expression darkened, contemplated this matter briefly.

Initially, he didn't mind, considering Masato was still young and unable to get over it during the war. However, he found his fruitless pursuit of her after the war uncomfortable, especially considering she already had a child the same age as his own.

'Should I inform Mikoto about it or not?' He speculated until he began focusing on the matter at hand.

"Keep doing your duty, Shisui. Until then, you are dismissed," Fugaku quickly replied, doubting Masato would cross the line without noticing Shisui's curious gaze

"Don't worry, he has his way of monitoring the village, so there's no need to worry about him slacking off," Fugaku reassured, relieving Shisui.

As Shisui bid farewell to the patriarch and turned to leave, he inadvertently bumped into Inabi at the door.

"No need, just go." Inabi said sternly, allowing Shisui to go.

After ensuring Shisui was away from HQ, Inabi closed the door.

Fugaku asked, curious about his report and indifferent to his earlier behavior, "So, what did you find out?"

"I don't have an idea, but I found this place very fishy," he said, and handed over the report detailing his findings.

At first glance, Fugaku didn't pay much attention.

The report describes a location 13 meters southwest of Konoha, where some parts of the forest were destroyed by unknown means.

Considering civilian shinobi, Anbu and Root train in the forest, he didn't find it so surprising, but there was one peculiar detail.

In the forest, a trail of grass with a different shade of green was observed, which was extremely unusual. Unless a madman deliberately planted a different types of grass in a trail, this occurrence should not have happened

He ordered, curious about this development, "Notify me if you see it again, but don't risk your life."

While it was just a hunch, he felt it might be something related to the Konoha Upper Echelon if he let his imagination run wild. However, he preferred not to risk Inari's life by investigating further.

Inabi nodded and swiftly departed, leaving Fugaku to sigh in frustration at his lack of decorum.

Had Inabi not been a staunch supporter, given his considerable talent but lacking social acumen, he might have faced immediate reprimand or misunderstanding.

'If only my support within my own faction were stronger,' he sighed with a hint of regret before returning to his paperwork.


As Shisui strolled down the street, his eyes scanned the buildings, searching for the new residence assigned to him.

Although his time staying with the patriarch's family from all these years was pleasant, and he had become friends with their child, who was born four years ago, he always felt awkward there.

Even though they treated him well, he still felt like a stranger who was being pitied.

Moreover, dealing with his brother-in-law's occasional visits and his insistence on dragging him along for random B-rank missions was a hassle.

Although he hated to admit it, Masato's occasional visits from the war had significantly helped him improve, compensating for his unnecessary stay in the Academy and lack of participation in the war, which would otherwise have given him valuable combat experience.

Teaching him a stronger variant of their clan's signature Ninjutsu, instructing him in basic Fuinjutsu, Genjutsu, and Kenjutsu, showing ways to make medicine for common ailments and illnesses and, of course, teaching him the Body Flicker technique.

Though some of his terminology was confusing, such as how he coined words on the spot like 'crash course' or 'scales', his explanations were concise and included various examples of using the same jutsu to help understand.

If only their viewpoints aligned, he wouldn't mind supporting Masato's cause, especially considering his reputation for treating his subordinates well within the Uchiha clan.

Alas, it was fate; they were bound to have differences in their ideals.

Your sentence looks well-constructed and clear. However, here's a slight adjustment for clarity and flow:

Anyway, he needed to find his house quickly because, with the new responsibility, he lacked ample time for training. Despite the apparent exhaustion displayed on his face, he still eagerly anticipated his training sessions.

'Only the strong can influence others,' he muttered to himself before continuing on his way, recalling his speech.

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