
Another Typical Uchiha Fanfic

In an alternate universe devoid of Boruto or 'Naruto: The Last' events, a remarkable tale unfolds. Meet the Uchiha MC, blessed with the extraordinary power of the Mangekyo Sharingan. However, there's a twist - this unique ability grants him access to a mysterious system. Penned by the author(me), this original tale follows the journey of the protagonist who, did not transmigrated nor reincarnated, he simply retains memories of their past life who lived in another world.(aka our world)

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8 Chs

Do you expect a cheetah to climb a tree at their first try?

As people walked through the streets — workers, shopkeepers, shinobi, and parents escorting their children to school or daycare — they noticed something unusual.

In addition to the KMPF patrolling the streets with their strict and harsh approach towards offenders, members of the Inuzuka and Aburame clans were also observed accompanying them.

It wasn't an isolated incident occurring at a specific place and time. No, this change was widespread throughout Konoha, with individuals noticing Hyuga clan members participating in border patrols as well.

This was an unusual sight, as the Uchiha clan, along with the other three prominent clans, were not accustomed to interacting with members of other clans, where awkwardness between them was apparent.

Unlike the Sarutobi clan and its satellite clans, which seemed to live in harmony and even practiced intermarriage as the norm, the Uchiha and the other prominent clans rarely interacted outside their own compounds, except during wartime.

Out of curiosity, some approached members of the Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyuga clans who were engaged in conversation, inquiring about their role as 'volunteers' assisting the KMPF.

As for why, no one knows, considering those loose mouths became shut after receiving glares from their clan members and KMPF.

Veteran shinobi, familiar with the reconnaissance capabilities of the three clans, always gave them an edge over other villages during wartime.

While they provided comfort during times of war, the current situation seemed reversed.

There appeared to be no need for such extensive surveillance during peacetime unless there was a potential threat to their homeland, prompting the village to remain vigilant against potential enemy attacks.

While attacks from foreign adversaries had never reached their homeland, the possibility of an attack could not be ruled out.

Even during the era when the God of Shinobi, their First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was alive, conflicts persisted in Konoha, with numerous assassination attempts taking place. Some even harbored the delusion of attempting to assassinate him, believing he was weakened after battling the former scourge of the world, Madara Uchiha.

While people suppressed their panic, trusting in the coordination of the four prominent clans and their Hokage to prevent any potential conflict, one person sat smiling in the corner, engrossed in reading one of the Sannin's famous works.

Who would have imagined that the supposed threat was simply fabricated by that crazed man?

Konoha (East region)


After giving commands to his subordinate, Shisui rested at the cat store funded by Masato, feeling drained as he sank into a comfy chair.

It was a nice haven that his superior created for himself and shared with Shisui, believing that he might need it to recover his mental fortitude.

With the scent of catnip and fish lingering in the air, cats roam around the store, enticing customers to pet them or even consider purchasing them, all under the meticulous training of the store's owner.



Feeling the weight of his new role and the scrutiny from those around him, even a simple order was enough to exhaust him.


Starting as an academy student, who was compelled to 'study' there for six years at his Patriarch's insistence, he swiftly transitioned to becoming the youngest police officer post-graduation amidst a 'manpower shortage'. Now, he serves as a Police Lieutenant of the Patrol Division, leading both clan members and volunteers with concealed motives

He was not used to this huge change in his standing, especially considering he was only eleven years old and rarely ventured outside without supervision from Lady Mikoto or her little brother.


To him, it felt as if he were asking a cheetah to climb a tree. It was possible and manageable, but it doesn't mean you push it to that role without prior training, as they were not natural climbers


He initially deemed the responsibility placed upon him as unreasonable. Yet, upon reflection, he came to understand it as comparatively less burdensome than the actions of their esteemed Hokage, who had sent Academy students to the battlefield. Their chances of survival were disregarded by those who are known to be devoid of empathy, such as Orochimaru, Masato, and others

Moreover, it's not as if he was doing it alone; having his superior there indeed gave him some courage, knowing that as long as Masato was present, no one would argue with Shisui.

"Oy, are you alright?"

Looking up, he noticed his white-haired senior, who wore a slightly gloomy expression, standing in front of him.

Giving an awkward and confused smile, he replied politely, "I'm okay, Kakashi-senpai. I'm just not used to this role."

While he didn't interact much with him, he heard tales about Kakashi, being the youngest to garner fame during the war and having their prized Kekkei Genkai as a gift by his older clan member at his last breath.

"Mew. Mew."

Hatake Kakashi simply nodded with a sigh, understanding the difficulties of leading people for the first time, and looked at his superior who was reading an Icha Icha novel in the corner of the cat shop, giving a 'I am chilling' expression when their eyes met.

So, how's your day going?" Shisui asked casually, feeling awkward in this situation as he petted the white cat that had come close to him.


"You're still too weak to protect those who matter to you, Kakashi."

"Therefore, as long as you're alive, gather the strength to wash away those sins."

"I'm fine, I just wanted to see you guys one last time before heading to Mount Myōboku for training." he sighed, remembering one of his lines that reminded his current lack of strength.

"I see," he nodded, contemplating asking his superior to send him there as well once things settled.


After a quick chat with Masato and narrowly escaping the clutches of the felines in the shop, Kakashi quickly departed, giving a wave to Shisui as he left him alone once more to ponder life.

It took a while for him to be refreshed by the purrs and affection of the kittens, allowing him to rise from his chair to observe outside, seeing what they were doing.


'It seems fine,' he thought, seeing no disturbance, until he realized an awkward situation between them.

Fugaku's warning and earlier glare appeared to have had a highly effective impact, as they exhibited excessive caution in their interactions with the volunteers, resulting in a notable decrease in their typical level of verbal communication

Or they were too afraid of failing their duty, knowing Masato was present.


Despite assigning leadership roles to others, he sent shadow clones to the other three regions to ensure everything was under control. Otherwise, there would be no point in him being the Police Captain of the Patrol division.

Shisui wasn't sure if it was a combination of both factors, but as long as they avoided conflict with the volunteers, he would be satisfied.

However, this was just one of the many challenges confronting their clan.


After the war ended, tension persisted within the clan due to the sudden appearance of a group of assailants.

He knows the clan's reputation was on the line, were any mishap by those group would cause Uchi-

"Stop monologuing yourself protagonist-kun and get back to work." Masato said nonchanlty while turning the page and massaging the black cat under his left arm.

Shisui soon left the store with an embarrassed expression, not in the mood to talk back.

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