
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · Lainnya
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: Expedition for food

With the 8 students who wanted to become soul evolvers and the rest of the students becoming baggage carriers, the survivor group departed to the outside world.

Some were refreshed by the sunlight but others were cautious and scared remembering what had happened on day one, the image of the heavy rain with bloody trails all across the ground is still fresh in their mind but their fear was suppressed, they have strong people protecting them after all.

Moving along the main road of the University some zombie stragglers were instantly spotted, Hu Zhu, Bai Zemin, and Bing Xue looked at each other, silently judging who to go first as they saw little to none about each other's capabilities yet and all eyes landed on Hu Zhu.

Noticing she was the first to be voted to go first, she silently went ahead and faced the group of zombies as the survivor group.

Bai Zemin and Bing Xue watched carefully, Bai Zemin wanted to see what the capability of someone who almost reached First order and Bing Xue wanted to evaluate her danger level, Bing Xue did not fully trust Hu Zhu, and wanted to know in advance of her strength in case she need to subdue Hu Zhu.

The zombies noticed Hu Zhu leisurely walking toward them and turned to walk toward Hu Zhu.

Gripping her glaive seriously as particles of lightning and wind covered the blade, Hu Zhu's eyes glint a red hue and her figure disappeared from view and reappeared past the zombie group. Simultaneously all zombies' heads were decapitated.

All the survivors looked in shock including all the soul evolvers, they didn't even see her move in an instant, and all the zombies were killed in an instant.

[You have acquired the soul power of Normal Zombie Level 10. 1+ strength, 2+ health, 4+ Stamina].

[You have acquired the soul power of Normal Zombie Level 7. 2+ strength, 3+ Stamina].

[You have acquired the soul power of Normal Zombie Level 5. 2+ Stamina].


Her retina was filled with notifications but she dismissed them, she noticed the more she killed the same type of enemy the lesser the rewards became, meaning farming Zombie became less and less rewarding.

[Evolution requirements fulfilled. Do you wish to evolve your Agility boost skill to the next level?].

Clicking yes the notification disappeared and another notification appeared.

[Agility boost (First Order Skill) Level 3 increases agility by +60]

[Evolution requirement: Agility stat of 300 or above: 237/300].

casually walking back to the group they moved forward, whispers could be heard from the survivor group, all were shocked by Hu Zhu's performance, if they were to become a soul survivor, they might be able to obtain such speed giving some cowardice courage to reach to Hu Zhu's level.

Bing Xue mind came to realize  she couldn't subdue Hu Zhu, Bing Xue could have guessed she only performed her most basic move, she couldn't imagine what if she had to face a serious Hu Zhu.

She can't find any possible way to win if she doesn't preemptively set a trap and lure Hu Zhu there.

Bai Zemin on the other hand was more determined to reach Hu Zhu's level, if she could reach that kind of level in a short amount of time surely he could.

The other soul evolvers looked in shock at Hu Zhu, Liang Peng was bewildered at her speed almost thinking he was hallucinating or he blinked when Hu Zhu moved, and Chen He was too speechless to think of anything to say.

As they moved Hu Zhu checked her progress:

[Kill Unranked enemies using Air manipulation with a single attack: 13/100].

[Kill First Order enemies using Air manipulation: 0/10]

[Defeat a Second order enemy in a one-on-one battle, only relying on Air manipulation: 0/1]

[Upgrade Air manipulation to Level 2: 0/2]

[Tame the storm: 0/1].

Little do anyone know Hu Zhu covered the blade part of her glaive with wind, counting it as a wind attack, she didn't want to expose her Air manipulation yet so she hid it by using the glaive.

After hours of walking, all the normal survivors were tired and requested to rest, looking around they decided to rest in the middle of an open grass field at Beijing University that was used for football and other sports, with the open field of view there was less chance of a surprise attack by any monsters.

Finally taking the rest they wanted some students instantly fell to their butts in exhaustion and after some voting, all the survivors decided to start preparing food for everyone, some female students and teachers retrieved cookware from their backpacks and prepared a large portions of rice.

All the baggage carriers only received rice while all the soul survivors received rice with a strip of cooked meat.

"Man why did they get some meat but not us" A male student complained to his friends and they joined along with his complaint.

"Yeah, it's because of the rule Hu Zhu implemented," The other friend said, a little while ago before they departed Hu Zhu implemented a rule, that the harder they worked the more food they received leaving only the baggage carrier receiving rice for their meal.

All of the clicked their tongue but didn't complain out loud as facing Hu Zhu who dispatched a group of zombies in an instant felt like poking a sleeping dragon with a stick, only bad things would ensue if they were say something.