
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · Others
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: Blazing beetle

Hu Zhu who was secretly hearing such complaints didn't bother to keep them quiet, their cowardice prevented them from speaking out loud, and the chances of an internal conflict were rather low so rather than wasting time she would rather eat her food in silence.

After all of them are well-rested they resume their journey as they encounter more monsters, almost all the soul evolvers are taking turns on who would take them on, except for Chen He who joins when Shangguan Bing Xue is in battle.

On the way to the University's restaurant, we passed the giant flaming beetle Bai Zemin fought, some students gasped in fear wondering who killed such a thing, the corpse alone still radiates heat.

Some who overheard the conversation of when Bai Zemin returned injured know he was the one who killed this thing yet, to look at the giant beetle in person, it would take a will of steel to overcome the fear of facing this thing.

Curiosity took over some students and he approached the corpse to inspect it the other survivors followed along.

"It's impressive that this beetle is still intact," Hu Zhu said, inspecting its body she expected the corpse to be eaten or decay but the pressure it gave off would deter any low-level monster and the heat kept the blood inside its body alive.

Liang Peng touched its shell and felt its hardness, its chitin felt more like steel than actual chitin

His mind raced as to how Bai Zemin killed such a beast,

Bai Zemin's expression changed a bit and he casually jumped onto its head, where an open wound caused by Bai Zemin, stabbed his sword as if looking for something and Shangguan Bing Xue looked in curiosity.

After prodding around he took out a red crystal the size of his fist and stored it in his backpack.

'Must be something valuable' Both Shangguan Bing Xue and Hu Zhu mentally took note, if Bai Zemin took the time to find such a stone it must have value.

Hu Zhu disappeared from the crowd without a trace but shortly came back as if nothing happened.

Hu Zhu using her agility quickly dashed into the sport where she defeated the Great spiker Venus Flytrap and investigated its body, as she expected she found a purple crystal inside its head.

After returning Hu Zhu found Liang Peng swinging his hammer at the beetle's shell, his strike caused a vibration on the ground surprising some survivors but looking at the shell there was not even a single crack on it shocking everyone.

If Liang Peng's strike didn't even scratch it how could anyone put a crack on such a thing?

Bai Zemin walked over to Liang Peng to ask something.

"Can I borrow that hammer?" To Bai Zemin's request, Liang Peng expressed hesitation, he was sure that his strength was higher than Bai Zemin but in the end, he handed the two-handed hammer

The hammer dropped to the ground with a thud as Liang Peng let go of the handle. With one hand outstretched Bai Zemin easily picked up the hammer to the shock of Liang Peng.

That hammer is a drop from one of the normal-grade treasure orbs, though it looked like a normal sledgehammer on the outside that thing weighed over 40 pounds.

Liang Peng himself had to hold it with two hands to wield it properly and for Bai Zemin to be able to lift it with one hand, he needed twice or more the strength he had.

After taking a couple of practice swings, Bai Zemin lifted the hammer above his head and swung it down toward the Beetle


A shockwave was created by the hit shaking the earth and the air and some students stumbled by the shacking

"W-What, isn't he to be an agility type" Some student recalled, although Bai Zemin's speed is inferior to Hu Zhu's, his swordsmanship skill is very apparent making his crowd-clearing skill no less than Hu Zhu's.

"It seems he is an all-rounder rather than focusing on one stat" Chen analyzed and Shangguan Bing Xue agreed.

But all of them looked at the beetle's shell, and to their shock only a small crack was made.

"Such shell. I doubt any military weaponry would even hurt this thing when it is alive" All the survivors agreed, even Bai Zemin equipped with a heavy hammer could only make a small crack.

After handing The hammer back to Liang Peng, Bai Zemin approached Shangguan Bing Xue.

"Shangguan Bing Xue, I think its meat would be useful to us" Bai Zemin's words were clear and loud, some students shuddered to think of eating the meat of a bug but Shangguan Bing Xue saw another meaning in Bai Zemin.

"You think its meat could strengthen us when we eat it?" Bai Zemin nodded, Shangguan Bing Xue went into deep thinking, Bai Zemin's mind is an enigma, he knows stuff other survivors don't and Shangguan Bing Xue theorized Bai Zemin has a skill that gives him information but without clear evidence, she left this theory in the back of her mind.

All she knows is if Bai Zemin thinks it's true then it's likely to be true. Snapping back to reality she turned to the group of survivors and clapped to get their attention.

"All of you who have a free hand, you are going to harvest the meat of this while the one who can fight will protect you" Shangguan Bing Xue turned to the teachers, and they knew what to do and soon took over commanding who harvests, transfers, and store the meat.

Bai Zemin took the initiative to cut open a bigger hole at the side with his sword and the other soul survivors scatter to clear the area, thankfully with the surrounding building destroyed by the Blazing beetle's rampage, the area is mostly flat.