

Watching his family die right in front of him he sworn never to let the people that killled them go scot-free. Running away from his home town he found his way to another village thereby stumbling upon a man that promised to help him grow strong and to be able to avenge for the death of his family. “Do you wish to be strong” “yes”he answered “I don’t like when your face is down,look at me when you speak you don’t have to show me your weakness I hate weak people” “I am not weak”he bantered “hahaha ok boy I can only help you on one condition—smirking—can you do anything to avenge for your family”the man asked knowing he was desperate at this moment. “yes anything” “be sure boy no going back when the deal is settled”he frowned “anything” “deal,now I need you to call me your master”said hiko He wanted the young boy to call him his master knowing the desire and urge to kill in his eyes,he needed him for himself. Fighting all urges to face the world and be able to be strong enough removed the thoughts of love only to be stuck in the web of lust and desire.

Esther_Brown_ · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter 4.Control it

I'm so sorry for the late updates guys❤️

Kenshin only stared at hiko not knowing what to say "Are you going to start the training now"he asked

Hiko laughed at his silliness "not too soon boy" walking away

Kenshin ran after him,he was desperate to start learning so his parents soul would be at peace.


"You are still weak,you need rest after all the beatings you received"


"Shhh listen to your master rorouni"

This stopped the words that were threatening to come out from kenshin's mouth.

"You need to rest boy,your bones are weak and unable to lift a knife not to start with a sword"smiling as he rubbed his head

"I know"

Kenshin was feeling so down in his room,where he only slept in the sense by hiko he was resting.

Days passed and kenshin was already more dejected so he stomped towards hiko's room.

Hiko on his side knew the boy was on the chase for the muderer of his family.the rage within him was not a good start to learn the skills of swordsmanship.

Someone with a heart of revenge in only going to down the drain with whatever he was learning.he needs to calm down and learn.

He knew the boy was going to arrive at his room anytime soon and he was ready to teach him but in a way he was to retrieve on his own.

He heard a knock on the door which indicated his thoughts were already coming true.

"Come in"

Kenshin stepped inside his room glaring daggers at him "I'm ready to start the training why won't you teach me already"

"You are not ready"he said standing up from his bed

"But I'm okay now please can you start teaching me"he pleaded this time

Hiko was touched by this side of him "are you really ready"

With resilence and buoyancy he puffed his chest "yeah I'm ready"

"Follow me"

It was the words kenshin had been waiting impatiently for,they headed to the dojo where hiko used to teach.

He is a master at the hiten mitsurugi dojo school but decided to train kenshin himself due to the care and love he suddenly developed for the little boy.

They arrived not so quickly at the dojo with kenshin at his back tailing him steadily.the dojo was large with an open space.

Wooden doors which they used to enter and some barriers guiding it.it was wide enough to contain hundreds of people.

Kenshin's eye widened at the space,he was happy at least he got to enter this place even if he wasn't going to start today.

Picking two wooden swords from the table at one side of the room hiko threw it at him which he didn't catch leaving a chuckle from his lips.

"Are you really ready as you had said"he asked twirling the wooden sword in his hand

"Yes"he answered

"Attack me"hiko told him to awaiting his movements


"Yes I said you should attack me first,this is the only way you can learn"

"I don't how to attack you….."

Cutting him short "how are you going to attack the people that killed your family"

He knew this was going to stir up something in him which did as he launched at him in full force.

Kenshin used all force on the wooden sword hitting Hiko recklessly envisioning his parents as they had layed lifeless when he saw them.

"You can't start training this way kenshin"hiko said as he fought back,kenshin gave him no answer still fighting him breathing very hard.

"Giving me no answers"hiko asked again

He halt after some minutes in the attack "I...I…..why…"tears streamed down kenshin's eyes standing while the wooden sword fell from his eyes

"This world is cruel boy,you have to be strong enough to face it unless you are going to be taken too"

"But why did they kill my family...why…..we had no money I'm very sure my dad owed no one"

"Don't be too sure on what you don't know you are just a kid,there are many things your parents may not have told you"

"I know them very well"

"You may know them I agree with you but think over what I said go back and rest as I told you I don't think you are ready"

"I know"

"Now that you know try to let go of your grief and allow the spirit of hiten to sink inside you"he pat his back

"you have to let go of those memories regarding your parents they are holding you back and until you free them from yourself with your hands you won't be able to avert justice for them"

Kenshin only listened 'this was true he didn't even think straight while he was attacking his master the only thing he kept on thinking of revenge'he thought

As if hiko knew what he was thinking he continued "revenge is a good start in learning swordsmanship as it motivates you but you have to control your emotions in the process allowing your emotions and thinking have dominance over you is not a good thing"breathing out he closed his eyes

"You would get lost and there would no redemption for you"

More tears flowed from kenshin's eyes listening to him was like a pin was piercing through his heart.

'He can't back out now or ever he needs to be strong enough but how was he going to let go of the memories of his family and all

He can't just leave everything behind but the words of kenshin dinked in him 'you have to control it and not let it have dominance over you'

"Thank you I will try to do as you say"

"I know it's going to be hard to leave those memories but it's for the better"

Kenshin found himself in the arms of hiko which startled him but he let the little boy embrace him.

He needed support in this journey of his and he was going to get it especially from him.he pat his head in a soothing manner.

Thank you all for reading❤️❤️❤️❤️