

Watching his family die right in front of him he sworn never to let the people that killled them go scot-free. Running away from his home town he found his way to another village thereby stumbling upon a man that promised to help him grow strong and to be able to avenge for the death of his family. “Do you wish to be strong” “yes”he answered “I don’t like when your face is down,look at me when you speak you don’t have to show me your weakness I hate weak people” “I am not weak”he bantered “hahaha ok boy I can only help you on one condition—smirking—can you do anything to avenge for your family”the man asked knowing he was desperate at this moment. “yes anything” “be sure boy no going back when the deal is settled”he frowned “anything” “deal,now I need you to call me your master”said hiko He wanted the young boy to call him his master knowing the desire and urge to kill in his eyes,he needed him for himself. Fighting all urges to face the world and be able to be strong enough removed the thoughts of love only to be stuck in the web of lust and desire.

Esther_Brown_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5.Dark nights

It was weeks after the incident between kenshin and hiko,kenshin has been in his space and hiko ordered the people in the dojo to leave him to himself.

He needed to think himself out of whatever dilemma he was in,no amount of words can be used to explain or pull someone for what he has decided.

While hiko was teaching other students in the dojo he found kenshin leaning on the wooden doors staring at them while they trained.

He said nothing and continued what he was doing,they finished training and everyone returning back glancing back to the door he saw no one meaning kenshin also left with the trainers.

At night when no one was around and gone to sleep kenshin slipped out of his bed to go outside.

Since he arrived here he hasn't stepped to the outside world,he has been dreading to do that for a long time but knowing how hiko was.

He was never going to allow him to go out,he wore his slippers and sneaked outside with someone watching him keenly.

He walked along the dark streets looking around the closed shops,he wanted to breath that place felt so congested that he felt suffocated.

While walking he saw shadows lurking around the dark corners but shrugged it off as his delusion but when a man emerged from the dark holding a sword moving close to him he realized it wasn't just his delusions but reality.

"Hey little boy what are you doing here alone in the middle of the night"asked the large bulky man

Kenshin was scared of his life 'was this the same people that killed his family what has he landed himself into'

He moved backwards retreating his steps but the man followed him while he moved.

"Come out everyone is just a little boy"the bulky shouted into the dark

More shadows which he knew weren't just shadows but human beings emerged from the dark revealing swords they held in their hands.

They looked like ninjas right now he was so scared that he didn't see all of their faces and ran on his heels for his life.

Running he heard steps from afar which meant that they were also chasing 'if he had knew he wouldn't have come out this night'

"Where are you coming back from kenshin"hiko stopped him in his tracks

"I…..i….some sets of people I don't know who they are and what they want from me but they are after me help me"breathing hard with his hard on his knee

Hiko had seen him when he was leaving but allowed him be,following him to see that he was been chased.

"Move back I think they are already here"hiko pushed him to his back

"What?!!! Here already"kenshin was scared to his legs,his heart kept pounding in the rib cage ready to fall out.

"Ohhhhh he got someone with him"the bulky sinisterly laughed at him looking back at the boys that were following him

Everywhere was dark unable for hiko to see their faces but he could test out they were holding swords in their various hands.

"They are so many I don't think you will be able to fight them off"kenshin whispered from hiko's back

"Shhh and watch"hiko smiled back at him

The bulky man moved forward swirling his blade in his hands trying to scare off hiko which didn't budge where he stood.

"I think this one is fierce what should we should we do about it huh"he asked the boys following him

"Everyone can leave from here without being harmed"hiko said in a cool tone which they all laughed to

"Are you scared oooooo he is scared,ok let's make it this way you give us the boy I promise you I'm going to spare you"

He breathed out 'this people were here for trouble and he could smell it in the air'hiko thought in his head

"And what if I don't want to give you the boy"hiko asked intently staring into the bulky man's eyes

He frowned holding his sword in place "there is no escape for you then say your last prayer or maybe say goodbye to the boy"

"Probably you should be the one saying goodbye to your hmm....your family ooooo they are not here,since no one is here be ready"

The people at the back of the bulky man held up their sword ready to fight but hiko laughed wishing for them to return to their families but they gave no answer to him

Fight broke out between hiko and the bulky man first since he has been the one in the front.

His height and body gave no intimidation to hiko launching at him furiously.giving his all to save kenshin who only stood watching blaming himself for trying to sneak out late in the night.

"Catch the boy"the bulky man yelled which they followed in seconds

Hiko slashed at his back which oozed with blood pushing the bulky man to fall on his one knee using his swords as hold to stand.

"Tell your boys to leave him or you are going to die"he told the bulky man who was ready to die for whatever he came here for "you are already at a vulnerable state pushing yourself up might lead to your death why don't you give up and leave in peace"

"This is what I pledged for when I learned martial arts"

"Your loyalty?"

"One last chance to leave without me harming you and the people following you"

"We won't survive anyways if you let us go back to our master without the boy"

Hearing they wanted kenshin something stirred in hiko's heart "what do you need the boy for?"

"That's none of your business"

"Who sent you to get him?"he asked again his patience already losing

"KILL ME ALREADY I won't give you no answers to those questions"

"Hmm sorry"he slashed his neck leaving his head roll on the ground.

Thank you for reading❤️❤️