
Another Harem Protagonist in My Hero Academia

A Young man suddenly died while reading a Manga in his office. Then suddenly appear in a Dark place devoid of sound and light. Then suddenly He was pulled and appear in a white room. He look around And see a man or a pitch black void in a shape of man with a dots that look like stars. Then the void look at him a said "I choose you". . . . . . . Ehhhh!?!?!... . . . Hello Future Readers this is just something I made in whim so pls don't judge me that much also English is not my main language so expect wrong grammar or broken english comment if you like it or whatever just read it thank you. This is AU. And a very wishfullfilment story so expect some change in the characters I do not own the Characters only the MC so i will not take credits from other characters. I got that cover from the Google so I'm not gonna take credits from it so whomever the owner thank you. If you do not like this then. Off you go then Well Thats all Ok bye.

Normal_ROB · Komik
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9 Chs

Chapter 8 Some Stuff.

----------Timeskip 2 years--------

Well I'm 6 years old, Its been two years that I train hard my quirk well, not really train HARD because Mom always stop me from going to hard in my training.

You might be wondering what is the energy I copy first? well its the convinient and simple breathing martial arts.

Yes,You guess it "Hamon" Why? Well it is the very techniques that have a multiple effect rather than a simple power up.

You might ask Chi is much better or chakra can do it too and better but unlike them Hamon is easy to learn, upgrade or use And its a fuc*ing JOJO's so that's your answer.

Now you might be wondering how could I know how to use Hamon? Well it seems that by thinking it or by imagine the effect, the technique on how to do it suddenly appear in my mind. Its seem thats how ROB design my power instead of giving me a system,well its much better because I don't really want someone to speak in my mind.

Hamon is really one of the best it can heal, strengthen, absorb or give power to someone,but most importantly It can give me a rippling effect that can make my training very easily and because of hamon I can feel that I became several stronger.

Oh, and also my height also increase even though I'm 6 years old I look like 10 well thats a plus.

For my Whim creation I still can't create a very OP weapon and but a moderately strong weapon like Lake Toya and man that weapon nearly are unbreakable even the powerful overdrive can't break it.

I still remember when I told my power to my family when I create Lake Toya and then show my Hamon power to them.

Mamako become proud when she knows and suddenly hug me because its seems I can become a strong Hero. But she also become anxious and scared that what if the government experiment my power specially my whim creation so my mother say that I should hide my power outside before I become an adult so there is no villain will kidnap me.

But now its seems my mother is doing her best to hide my power to others and its seems that she have a power to protect specially that I learned she is a Former 8th Hero in the whole country.

Yes 8th when I heard this I question her nonstop about her quirk because not every quirk can take you at the top 10 so when she tells I suddenly flabbergasted because her quirks is basically the same in her Anime counterpart.

But Instead of a two sword she used a two metal Baton where she circulate her quirk in two while Her right hand she can use earth the other she used water to incapacitate villain.

Her hero name Is "Nature Dame" because she can control earth and and water but thats not what she is known for, Because she is also known as Evil Demoness by the villain because of how over the top her power and how strong her attack to the villain that always end up unconscious with a broken teeth whenever they encounter Mamako.

I became happy when I heard that and praise her that she is the best heroine which she laugh and hug me closer.

Now for my Whim Magic I know, I should create more but for now I'm still stocking up energy to create something that will really helps me to train faster so for now just keep breathing and training.

Well what else, oh it seems I become a blood bag for Himiko hahaha well, not really but you know its like having your own "Outer Moka" here and its start when I was training Hamon.

--------Flashback No Jutsu--------

1 years ago

When I got my power I practice it Using Hamon then when I tried punching the stone By using Hamon, I accidentally let out too much and the stone fly out of my arm,neck and chin.

Well I thought I'm the only one in here so I'm training hard then suddenly someone latch into me and lick all of the blood into my chin.

Then she suddenly bite my neck and chomp really hard, then start drinking my blood.

I was really frightened when suddenly someone drank my blood but I focus my hamon in my body to replace all the blood I currently losing to avoid passing out.

Then I look the the one who is suddenly drinking my blood and saw Himiko in a some kind of ecstasy face so I control my hamon to my hand and put it at the top of her head to calm her and stop in biting really hard.

"HIMIKO!!! WAKE UP!!!" then she suddenly stop and seems in daze in what happen to her.

"Hu-huh Yu-yuu-kun wha-t happen did I do that? Wait I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm yuu-kun please forgive m-"She said while crying and suddenly ran at her house.

-----Himiko Pov-----

I was walking to Yuu-kun house to play again with him and Shiro then when I'm close to their house I suddenly hear a small explosion at the back of their house so I hurriedly look at what the cause of the explosion.

When I was close to the place where the explosion begun I suddenly stop at my place seeing a blood around Yuu-kun.

"Huuh, Yuu-kun what happen?" I asked while tearing but when I get close I can't help but its seems I can't take away my attention to his blood then suddenly everything become blank.

Then only a few minutes ago I seems to take control over my body then look at my hand and my mouth full of Yuu-kun blood.

Its seems I done something wrong and hurt Yuu-kun so I can't help but cry and apologize to him.

"Hu-huh Yu-yuu-kun wha-t happen did I do that? Wait I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm yuu-kun please forgive m-" 'e I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' I said in my mind like a broken cassette.

---------Yuuki POV---------

That day become really hectic,When Mamako found what happen she didn't get mad but become sad and anxious because she treat Himiko as a daughter, so she really care about her and she also know that she isn't really at fault and because of her quirk instinct kicking in.

So after talking with Mamako for an hour we decide to go to the Toga House so they will not really become harsh to Himiko, because from what I remember because of what happen in anime Himiko develop a warp psychologically personality because of her parent and and quirk so we decide to talk with her.

And nothing even happen to me because of the power of Hamon the blood has been replace the when she bite me it doesn't hurt because of Hamon.

After a while Mamako talk with Himiko's parent about what happen and said be careful about what they said so it will not affect Himiko.

So when Mamako Is speaking with her parent I go upstairs to see what happen to Himiko.

So when I was outside of her door I open it and surprisingly its open maybe because she hurriedly enter when she ran away with me.

So I look at the girl covered with blanket crying and mumbling "sorry, sorry" over and over again so I came close and hug her and activate Hamon to stop her from crying and calm her.

Seemingly feeling the Hamon she stop shivering and I spoke "Himi are you okay?" I ask in worry and anxious that what if she ran away and became a villain.

She wait for a few minutes calming herself in my embrace and finally spoke. "Im sorry Yuu-kun.

Are you mad at me?

I hurt you you know?

Do you hate me now?

I'm sorry I will not do it again?

I'm sorry please forgive me?"she spoke questioning me and apologizing nonstop.

So when I heard it chuckle and she became confuse why I'm chuckling so I said "Silly Himiko I'm not mad at you ok.

I know you do not want to hurt me so its okay My little Himiko you do not have to worry about okay?"

Then I show her my hand glowing in a golden color "See this light this can help me heal,replace the blood that you suck."

she suddenly lowered her head in embarrassment.

Then I continue "It can help someone calm and help me when you bite me to reduce the pain I receive so its okay Himiko"

When I said that she became happy that I'm okay from what happen earlier, her sadness is reducing but still she is anxious that I became scared in her so when I saw her reaction I only do one thing.

'Huahh I don't have a hobby for this but this is the only way' I sigh then I exposed my neck to her activate Hamon and took a deep breath then I said "Ok here Himiko ok? I'm not scared of you and here if you really want you can only need to ask ok. Don't worry about me because my power can reimbursed it so its okay" I pat her head sending Hamon so it can calm her again.

She enjoying my Hamon Handpat but she is looking at my neck seemingly arguing at her head.

'Is it really okay? will Yuu-kun will really not hate me?' She might be thinking along that line.

So after 5 minutes of debating in her mind she just chomp in a "Outer Moka style" and when I tried to increased the Hamon she drink more greedily seemingly thinking that my blood become more tasty and here I thought Hamon is supposedly effective In defeating a Bloodsucker and not the make my blood more delicious.

And it seems that instead of the blood of the bird is the first blood she taste but its become me maybe she have a closed friend and she always at the house so I don't know maybe 'You thought her first blood is From the bird, but it was mine Yuuki' which I honestly don't know if I cry or just laugh.

After 2 minutes of drinking my blood I stop her Even thought I only feel like a weak pinch I still feel that I'm feeling weak because of continuously draining my blood so I stop her and I said "Uhm Himiko, that's enough okay If you want more then wait for tommorow ok" Then I take a tissue at the side of her bed and wipe the blood in her smiling wide lips.

"Ah, ah... O-ok I'm sor-ry Yuu-kun" she said and thought that I feel hurt again from what happen.

'ahhh' I sigh again and said "Ok don't be sad again ok I don't feel anything Himi-chan so its ok look, you bite mark already heal ok? so here"

I hug her tighter.

"ok? so let's continue tomorrow"

She nods and it might be because of how many blood she drank and the power of my calming Hamon she started to feel comfortable and slowly fell asleep.

So after 5 minutes making sure thats she is asleep I slowly get out of her bed and go downstairs and I noticed that Mamako is still talking with her parent its seems their talk about Himiko is still ongoing.

So when they ask me what happen I say all the thing I do and also said that I can help them about the blood that Himiko need for her Quirk.

At first they become sad and anxious because I'm just a little child but because I explain to them my power that can regenerate my loss blood and still reluctantly they agree but only there is an amount so I don't get hurt whenever She take a blood from me.

So after 2 hours of talking and me listening to them about the arrangement we finally decide to go home. And Himiko's Parent go upstairs to talk with Himiko, about what will happen now.

When we get home we saw Shiro, Is waiting for us while looking very tired but from the look of her face, she already know what happen to us so she didn't bother to ask all the detail but only the important part.

Well talking to her the only important stuff she immediately connect the dot about what happen so I ask her what her view about Himiko, she only shrug and said that She is her best friend so I hug her because of her being not a biased like a other child and also because of her intelligence and her quirk.

It might be so obvious but her quirk can make her so intelligent but thats not all and when she focused she can became more smarter but in exchange of her stamina/energy so thats is the the reason she always tired. 'Yes her quirk is similar to the heroine Saiko "IQ quirk" But this is much better because It can enhance her thinking ability more than "Saiko 'IQ quirk' "

Then we ate and clean ourself to sleep the Three of us in Mamako room.


You might be wondering why Himiko is a little smart? Its because the children in the world of MHA are that fast to mature well still a child but a little mature child maybe?

And as for Shiro Its because of her quirk .

So yeah Thats it .



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