
Another Harem Protagonist in My Hero Academia

A Young man suddenly died while reading a Manga in his office. Then suddenly appear in a Dark place devoid of sound and light. Then suddenly He was pulled and appear in a white room. He look around And see a man or a pitch black void in a shape of man with a dots that look like stars. Then the void look at him a said "I choose you". . . . . . . Ehhhh!?!?!... . . . Hello Future Readers this is just something I made in whim so pls don't judge me that much also English is not my main language so expect wrong grammar or broken english comment if you like it or whatever just read it thank you. This is AU. And a very wishfullfilment story so expect some change in the characters I do not own the Characters only the MC so i will not take credits from other characters. I got that cover from the Google so I'm not gonna take credits from it so whomever the owner thank you. If you do not like this then. Off you go then Well Thats all Ok bye.

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9 Chs

Chapter 4 Looks Familiar

(Yuuki POV)

"Last night is Interesting but because of my body state which is still a baby I became tired too fast so even though I want to do something more but I can't.

'sign' then I look at my left and saw my little sister still sleeping and hugging my arm.

Then I moved a little and snuggle with my mother before waiting to fall asleep again while thinking 'Even though I have some Memories of my past life I still can't fight the urge of baby antics.' 'Now I wonder how can Mc in other novel act so mature when their body still a babies you know even if you have your past memory it doesn't mean your memory can help your body and how a baby instinct cannot take over it.'

'*yawwn* well I will go back to sleep and stop thinking about useless things.

----------------Timeskip No Jutsu------------------------

Now I'm 3 years old and well still basically a child but the three years old in this world can act a little mature because of the quirk that fasten the growth of children in this world so I still act as a child but with a more mature than a simple child of course so my mother can be proud of me.

I remember when I retain my memory because I'm already 1 year and 7 months old where I can say a simple sentence my mother become proud of me. and give me a lot of sweets but I didn't eat it and just come to her embrace and start sucking her breast that clearly show that I love her more that the sweets. And because of that simple antics she became so happy.

'It might or Might not be related but she seems addicted or it seems it became her habit in breastfeeding me because of the techniques I use to make her breast also felt good.'

Well even though I seems smart what really surprise my mother is my little sister Shiro.

Its because when she was still 9 months old she began to talk so my mother thinks she will get a super intelligent or boost intelligent quirks because of how fast her brain develop.

(A/N-from what i search children usually began to utter its first word from the age of 12 to 15 months)

---------Little Flashback No Jutsu

But what really surprise my mother is not how fast she talk but her first word because instead of normal like "Ma.. ma.."like me.

My sister says"Oniii.." while hugging me.

Which my mother became jealous and try to hug my sister and teach her to speak "mama" but when she cry, My mother just sigh and put her back in my embrace to stop her from crying which is really effective and when she saw how easy for her to stop crying when she snuggle into me My Mother just pout.

---------------Flashback No Jutsu end.

Now that I'm 3 years old I can speak properly and understant because the 3 years old mature fast in this world and they start to show some change to their body prior to their quirks. like in the newspaper my mother was reading I found a baby that turn its head into a manga pages, turn to have a sticky circle hair and many other more.

A few hours later.

We are sitting in the living room along with my sister watching some Anime about a Time traveling Red Cat that are always eating a Bread.

Then suddenly my Mother came from the kitchen and tell us something.

Mamako"Shiro, Yuuki my old friend from High-school is moving at the house next door along with her family Any minute now so hurry up and finish your snack and we are going to greet them now ok." she says in a hurrying tone.

Shiro/Yuuki-"Ok Oka-san/Ka-san"then we hurriedly eat our snack and change our shirt to make ourselves look more presentable to our mother guest.

Hour later my mother my called us from downstairs.

"Shiro/Yuuki come downstairs they are here let's go."

"Ok" Then few minutes later we arrive at front of the house,push the doorbell and knock.

"Hello Toga Himei are you in there?"My mother ask.

After hearing the name Toga Himei I became dumbfounded and can't help my self to think.

'WAITT!! WHATT! Toga? Himei? is it her? one of the most popular character in the mha? no my mother says Himei maybe its her Mothe-"

Then someone cut my thought and the door open by a man with a brown hair but yellow eyes.

And when the door was open I saw someone that really blow my mind.

Its not the Man that leave me speechless but the little kid behind him.

'Woaahhh.. Its Here the Woma..err Girl the legend. A little Chibi Toga Himiko.'

Mamako"Toga Miko-san right? hello I'm Mamako Oosuki one of Himei's friend I'm here to greet her of course her family too"Then she bow.

We also bow copying what our mother do.

Toga Miko-"Thank you uhhm.. Ms.Oosuki-san Yes my wife is expecting you she is in the kitchen come inside. Also just call me Miko friend of my wife is a friend of mine.

And here is my daughter Himiko.

Say hi Himiko."

Himiko-"Uh-uhh Hello" she says in cute manner followed with a smol bow and hid again behind her father foot.

Mamako-"So cute hahaha" she pat her head and then hug her.

Few second later she let go of Himiko and introduce us.

"This is my two children the little boy is Yuuki and the little girl is Shiro" "Here greet Miko-san and Himiko-Chan too".She introduce us while hugging us then she let go so we can greet them.

We bowed but shiro hid behind me and greet them in smol voice "hello".

Then when we greet each other we went the kitchen and also introduce us to Himiko Mother.

Her mother has a similar feature with Himiko(Dirty-Ash Blonde Hair and look like a adult Himiko) but instead of a happy bubbly Atitude her mother is like a Serious quiet like attitude and look so strict.

We also greet her.

Then our parent bring us to their living room so they can talk and also left us so we can introduce and become fried with each other.

When we are in the living room we also talk to each other but mostly me who are talking because Himiko only nod and seem embarrassed as for shiro she is also quiet and only grabbing behind my clothes seemingly scared because we usually in a sofa either eating or drinking so going in a different place overwhelm her a bit.

Then after a few minutes Himiko stop being embarrassed and also talk with us and its seems shiro also became a good friend with her because they have a similar favorite Anime character.

Few hours later our mother says we will go home and also it seems that because himiko parent have a job our mother suggest that she will take care of himiko when they go to their job.

It seems Himiko became happy when she heard that she will have a playmate every day instead of someone to take care of her.

Then before we go home I talk with Himiko one last time"Ok Himiko Good bye!! if you go to our house I will show you our anime collection" I said in a childlike manner.

Then she smiled and says she will definitely go and also say Goodbye to us.

Then when we arrive at home we came back at the sofa in our home and together with shiro (who still didnt let go of my hand) and watch some Anime .

Then When Shiro is distracted in watching Anime I fell into a deep thought.

'Now that I saw Himiko before she became crazy I will help her so she will not turn to become that crazy' Then I start to think what can I do and a future plan for Himiko.


A/N- Here I will change the way the parent treated Himiko instead of hating her and also will start how she will obsessed with...secret Hahaha.

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