
Another Harem Protagonist in My Hero Academia

A Young man suddenly died while reading a Manga in his office. Then suddenly appear in a Dark place devoid of sound and light. Then suddenly He was pulled and appear in a white room. He look around And see a man or a pitch black void in a shape of man with a dots that look like stars. Then the void look at him a said "I choose you". . . . . . . Ehhhh!?!?!... . . . Hello Future Readers this is just something I made in whim so pls don't judge me that much also English is not my main language so expect wrong grammar or broken english comment if you like it or whatever just read it thank you. This is AU. And a very wishfullfilment story so expect some change in the characters I do not own the Characters only the MC so i will not take credits from other characters. I got that cover from the Google so I'm not gonna take credits from it so whomever the owner thank you. If you do not like this then. Off you go then Well Thats all Ok bye.

Normal_ROB · Komik
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9 Chs

Chapter 1 Dead?

"My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu depa-

Thats too long beat the shit out of shigegaku already"I Complain while reading a manga.

Then look at the ceiling for a second and continued reading.

"Well I already watch the anime until stone ocean why the hell my brain want me to read the full manga again?" I grumble to my self while blaming my innocent brain(lol) and keep reading JoJo part 4.

Then few hours later when I was about to get the other volume of the manga suddenly all the lights went off,people are screaming outside then suddenly it became quiet.

Total Silence.

I can't Move my body.

I can't feel Anything.

I can't Speak.

I can't Breath.

I can't Hear Anything

Usually if it become so silence you can here you organs,your blood flow, Your Heartbeat and Your brain beating.

But now Nothing the only thing I can do now is think but how can I think if I can't do anything.

After few second of debating my mind suddenly Register a single Anime I use to watch the years earlier.

'Wait is this like Dr Stone the anime about the teen scientist.So what I should do count number or something, wuhaaaa(sigh) shit, I have to do it am i' then after a few minutes i made up my mind.

'Well it's not like a few minutes that i wasted earlier can affect, then let's start counting' then I just copy the protagonist in The Anime'





But I don't know how wrong am I because Its not like DR. Stone but actually different.





[????? POV]

In another Realm.

A Black Void of mass in a shape of a man with a stars like spot in It's body began to notice something.

Then It look at the place where all soul gathered, and look at the single soul that appear to still have a consciousness.

Then It look at what the soul is thinking and amused about what seem the soul is doing.

It began to use his power and create a temporary vessel for the soul so they can communicate.





'wait whats happening'

When he was in the middle of counting suddenly the feeling of having a body began surge in his mind again.

along with his sense the he began to retain the

Sense of touch.




Then finally start to have a sense sight again.

'Wait what happening' he look around and the area but its still dark with a little lights Flouting around the place. Then suddenly The black void around the place began to shrink fast until it became the same height as him.

'what the fuuuukkkkk' he cursed in his mind look so disbelief about what happen in front of him.

Then after a few minutes thats feel like an eternity the the void suddenly spoke in very loud voice.

"HELLOOO CAAANNNN YYYOOOUUU HHHEEERRREE MMMEEE NNNOOOWWW!!!!" It greet me in Very loud manners and not only so loud but looks so creepy talking without a mouth,eyes,nose or anything just complete black.

"IITTSS SSSOO LOUD!!!" I complain in reflex but still very wary because I feel likes an ant in front of this void.

"AHHH. AH. Ah. ah. test. test. ok is it ok now?"It asked and it look like adjusting It's voice.

A voice so creepy with a combination of a female and male voice thats sound automatic without emotion.

"Ah..yes its ok now" I reply in a very polite manner.

"Good now before we start you must have many question right? then I will give you a 3 question that I will answer prepare your question if your ready." It said in a very automatic-like tone.

'What 3 question only wtf I have about 1000 question shit ok relax,relax ok think carefully about what kind of question, think,think ok I have it wait let me relax my self"

Then I cleared my throat and ask."So where Am i"

"You are in realm of soul where all of the dead in all of the universe purify into a clean slate and return to another universe and start as a new living being, you people called it rebirth."He Answer in a very fast manner like he expect my question.

"Next Question only 2 remaining"He said again in automatic tone.

'So....I am dead because I'm here... but from the look of it what happen to me?.

How do I died?

Why Am I still conscious if I'm here fuck this 3 question.'

Few minutes have passed then I asked again-"What happen to my old world?"This became the very first thing in my mind after all of my sense has been cut but now maybe i can have an answer."

"Your world received accidentally attack when the God of Destruction fighting the God Of Evil that suddenly attack every world in your universe so technically your world and universe are gone now. But don't worry the God Of Evil is gone now and the essence of his divinity is kept inside the unknown."He answer again in automatic like manner.


" Don't worry you will forget the matter about the god after this the only thing you will remember are your planet explode." He says after seeing my expression or maybe he can read mind(?).

"Last question" he said

'yes pls I do not want to know about those god its look like something will happen to me if the the time I know about different gods'

'Maybe a pale blue man holding a staff will come to me and demand food along with a purple cat man' I shook my head thinking about ridiculous things.

'Now is not the time to think about that, I have to think about my 3 question now'

few minutes later I have one and only question and this question has been bugging me for a minute now.

Then i cleared my throat and spoke "What will happen to me now?"

After I asked that question It look at me for a moment and speak

"You have 2 choices.

First- You will continued in this line of soul and I will erase your memory and live in happy world without war or famine and live comfortable life and die until old age without sickness.


Second-You will reincarnated in a place of world of your chosen but here the downside in the far future there is a time I will give you a mission that mission is very important for different kind of universes and you will definitely will involve against different gods.

Now heres two choices.

Pick Wisely.


My version of Red Pill and Blue Pill Muhahahaha

Well hello author here hope you like the chapter.

Well see you next chapter.


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