
Another fanfic

This is my first fanfic you well be able to tell this is my first because of all the cringe. This is the story of raiden who went to the one piece world he well join the straw hat but he won’t always be with them.

Ese_memo · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

A new world

Random island

There laid a man facedown on the beach of a island that look uninhabited, only the wild life around him. Slowly the man started to wake up as he got up he look around and saw where he was then walked towards the water to look at his reflection.

(Hmmm… so it wasn't a dream I have really brought in to the world of one piece world.)

The man look at his reflection and thought of what just accord to him.

(So right now I looked like Thor from Record of Ragnarok which was the body I picked, I should also have his hammer which shrank for some reason and was hanging around my neck as a necklace power wise I should have Zeus the god lighting and thunder power, fighting style I should have Yujiro hanma.)

I got up to test my power to see we're I'm at power level wise first thing I did was ran into the water to see if I have the weakness of the devil fruit, to my surprise I didn't drown or feel weak in the water. Then I check if I was logia like Enel I picked up a rock from the ground and stab my leg which showed that I'm not a logia user. After that I checked my lighting which I threw at to a tree which exploded in piece only leaving a crater where the tree was then, I tried the same thing with my hammer which I got it to transform back to its normal size which towers over me but it seem that I was too weak to lift it so I just put back on my neck next I went into the forest to test if I can kill a beast Bare handed.


( it's been three months since I came to this world since the first week I've been here. I've train my observation haki by blindfolding my self the whole day and only take it off when I sleep. I still haven't been able to use mjölnir but what I did figure out it has a defense mode I don't know the limit of the protection because of the weak beast here but today is the day I leave this island l, because I feel like I'm at a stagnant point with no challenge also I need to talk to people I feel like I'm lost and bored one thing that does worry me is that how calm I am all the time like if everything is under my control which make me think I'm staring to have no feelings.)

I left the island by flying I needed to figure out where I was and what year, which was easy to figure out when I reached a village when I asked about it I got some weird looks because of how tall I was I had my eyes covered and my red hair to my surprise I was in the east blue and two years before the canon.

After leaving the village I picked up a bounty poster of a crew named black dogs six million berries. It's didn't take me long to find them they were only two days away from the village I was when I found them they were in a bar celebrating laughing.

" excuse me are guys the black dogs?"

"Huh who asking kid" said a black dog member

"My name is raiden a new bounty hunter" said raiden

When I said I was a bounty hunter the whole bar went silent for minute then they started laughing

" ha ha ha do you hear that men this newbie here thi__"

Before the pirate could finish his sentence raiden roundhouse kick him in the head which flew off of from his body like it was a soccer ball that landed on floor in front of the rest of the crew once again the bar went silent again


Two men ran toward raiden with their swords out they both slash at him at the same time but raiden caught both sword, with each hand and pulled which made the pirates lose their balance when this happen raiden quickly grab one of the pirate that lost there balance and used him as a shield as bullet was coming toward raiden. The bullet hit the pirate that was used as a shield and was thrown at the shooter which gave raiden enough time to kill the other pirate by using two fingers to skin off his face which scared the rest of pirate.

(Hmmm I still gotta find the leader.)

"Wait before run away which one of you is the leader if you guys rat him out I spare the rest if not all kill rest of you so tell me" said raiden

"It him sir" said one pirates pointing at the first person I killed when I kicked him.

"Hmmm ok your free to go"