
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
71 Chs

The past to forget.

My life was quite plain before I recieved the system. Ever since the moment I was born, it was decided that I will be the heir of the shinomiya group. I was raised up just to become a perfect machine that always achieves perfection.

Wether it be the smallest thing like tying my shoelace, or something big like creating a whole rocket, I was taught all of them to perfection.

My father was extremely obsessed with perfection.

Until I was five years old, I never stepped out of my house. But even when I saw the outside world for the first time, I didn't feel anything. It was a complete waste of time in my eyes.

I was taught to always be above everyone. I can't have friends, I can only have servants. If I have enemies, they should be completely wiped out until next hour. If I have a family, it's only to use them.

I was raised to be a god among mortals and so, I slowly started treating every other living being like inferior beings. I didn't care about them as long as I have some use of them. I always felt like I have absolute control over everything, and my control would only grow.

I killed a young boy just because I didn't like his face. Still I felt it's only the natural thing to do.

Even though I treated people coldly and as inferior beings, it didn't stop a few of them to approach me. Though most of them ran away when pointed the gun towards them, some of them laughed and put their forehead on the gun themselves.

First one to do this was Miyako.

When she did this, I wasn't able to press the trigger. My hand trembled and the gun dropped from my hand. At that moment, tears were streaming down Miyako's cheeks but her lips were curled into a beautiful smile. The smile, that cracked my cold heart for the first time, was from her.

It was the first time, when my "superior" and "perfect" image started cracking, and it only shattered further whenever I saw Miyako again.

Miyako was my first friend ever. The first one who didn't look at me with just fear and respect. The first one who made fun of me. The first one who made me feel normal.

Miyako also brought me closer to other people in school. One of them was Kise Ryouta. 

Kise was a genius at learning. He could probably learn anything I once showed him. This was a common thing between us that bought us closer to each other through competition.

I continued to be with them until one day my father got to know about this. He warned me to stay away from them and even said that they are mere bugs of lower class.

That was the first time I ever replied back to him. The punishment? I got my left hand completely broken, but it was quickly repaired by some technology that was not yet revealed to public. That day, he broke my arms five times.

Even after something like that, I still continued to play with my first friends. Afterall, I was a "superior thing" created by him. This much was not enough to stop me.

Finally, he moved me to foreign and seperated me from everyone.

In foreign, I was forced to only become become the "superior" and "perfect" being that he wished. His wishes suffocated me so much that I gradually started losing my will.

My "perfect" image that had been shattered, started rebuilding itself again. I can't be perfect anymore, but atleast my mask to the world was "perfect".

Finally when I was back to Japan, I was turned to a total robot that completed father's commands "perfectly". 

When I got back my memories of past lives, my "perfect" image was shattered and I felt free. My "perfect" image was shattered since this still wasn't the worst way I was raised to be "perfect". Yet in no life, I ever became perfect.

When I pinned Miyako on the bed and thought I can control her, it was my "perfect" self taking over me. I thought of Miyako as just a mere slave, an inferior being for my pleasure, at that moment. That feeling made me wanna kill myself.


"Sigh... If only I wasn't "izanagi Shinomiya"..." I regretted my existence itself as I walked down the hallway, towards the basketball court.

Beating heart (black) cleared my mind and calmed me down everytime my thought went to extreme. With its help, the thought of killing myself was immediately erased from my mind.

"...Let's just forget my past. I already killed my father, so there shouldn't be any problems with my past now. I should focus on present now." 

Finally I reached the basketball ball court of our school.


A really loud shout came from inside the basketball court. This voice was very heavy and definitely of someone from first years.

After narrowing down the possible owners of that shout, I confirmed that the shout belonged to Aomine Daiki.

"Can you not shout so loudly, you are disturbing other students." I entered the room and saw a blue-haired, tanned guy staring at a red-haired, small guy.

"You are?" Aomine looked towards me and asked.

"Ah! Sorry, student council president. He didn't read the rules properly!" A pink-haired girl immediately stepped forward and bowed to me.

"We meet again, Momoi-san." I simply laughed at her formalities.

In rulebook of our academy, the student council president's position is just below vice principal. If student council president is not treated with respect, he has full right to give you proper punishments.

"Again?" Momoi looked towards me in confusion and after a while she gasped and pointed towards me, "you are THAT guy!".

Immediately on remembering me, Momoi's face blushed and she looked at me happily.

"I finally found you!! I wanted to thank you for that day but I never saw you again..." She walked near me and clearly looked at my face.

"W-Wait! Momoi, you are saying this guy is the student council president?" Aomine looked at me with shock. 

Immediately everyone in the basketball court bowed slightly. It was important to show respect to superiors in this academy. If not, you can get into some serious trouble.


(A/N : do you want me to start the simulation again, or continue in this world for a while? Please comment what you think about the chapter and how you want me to improve it and have a really great day.)