
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Film
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87 Chs

Chapter Seventy Eight - The Word's Out

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Seventy Eight - The Word's Out




Looking across the four House tables, Harry said, "Everything I'm prepared to share of what happened on that night, is in that article of the Quibbler. If you do not receive a copy of the Quibbler, Miss Luna Lovegood - sitting over there at the Gryffindor tables - will organise for you to receive a subscription for it..."

Luna waved to everyone with a happy grin.

Harry smirked back and continued, "For the first time in my life - and, I'm sad to say, probably not for the last time - I killed someone a week ago, tonight. That he was considered the most evil bastard around - and he literally was a bastard, by the way - was beside the point. It is not easy - nor should it be - to take the life of another person. It does not matter if it is in self-defence, as it was with me. I knew it was kill, or be killed. It still gutted me to do it.

"I also know there are going to be those out there - in the wizarding world - who are going to think to themselves - 'If I face off against him, and beat him, I'll make a name for myself'. If that's you, forget it now.

"The healers with the Unspeakables have determined I have three things going for me that only a very rare few possess of any. That I have all three, they've never seen before. One is, I have preternaturally fast reflexes. You all know how good I am as seeker in Quidditch. I swear to you now, as seeker, I'm barely even trying. Even riding a Firebolt, I think the broom is too sluggish for what I want it to do.

"The second is, I have an incredibly high pain tolerance. Receiving injuries that would otherwise keep normal witches and wizards off their feet, will barely slow me down. Riddle - Voldemort - cast the Cruciatus Curse on me twice before I duelled him. I still kicked his arse.

"And the third is..." Harry arced his power level right up to his current maximum, and was leaking magic at a phenomenal rate, "... I'm bloody powerful." He let his magic ease back down to where his eyes were only slightly glowing. "They've not been able to properly gauge just how powerful, yet." (Because, he wouldn't let them. But, he wasn't telling these kids that.)

"Please - I beg you - don't make me kill you," he continued in the quiet and firm voice he'd been using. "However - if you make me come after you, by going after me or mine - I will not hesitate to do so.

"Professor Dumbledore was worried I was going, or am, dark. I am not. However, neither am I light. I am grey. That means, in real combat, I will not fight by any stupid rules. That also means, I would make a poor auror. Instead, I will use any and all means available to me to put you down fast and hard. If I have to kill you to do it. So be it. I will not be casting Stunners."

He then gave a small bow and said, "Thank you for listening," and walked back to the Gryffindor table and his friends.

He didn't know who started it; but, as he walked back to his friends, the applause began. It got louder as he rounded the end of the table and walked down to sit beside his love - his betrothed. It continued on for quite a while after he finally took his seat and earned a kiss from Daphne before Professor Flitwick, who had been clapping just as wildly as the others only a few seconds earlier, fired off a couple of bangs to regain quiet.

When the Hall finally quieted down, again; he stood and said, "Lord Potter has done us a great service. He has rid us of a great evil. And - like you - I am very much relieved the threat of the one who called himself Lord Voldemort is gone; this time, for good.

"However, Lord Potter - or, as he prefers, just-call-me-Harry - has asked you not bother him and his friends by asking questions about what happened last Thursday. Or, anything about how he knows Voldemort - Riddle - has gone for good. Much of it has been declared a national secret by the Unspeakables. What you are allowed to know is all contained in that article in the Quibbler.

"And now that you have broken your fasts, I'll allow you to remain for a little while longer before I insist you head off to your last Thursday morning classes for the year," he smiled before saying, "I believe your professors have yet more homework assignments for you to collect. That is all."

He then sat down again and people -students and staff, alike - were happily discussing the phenomenal news they'd just learned of that morning.

Harry was wondering how they were going to accept things when they found out he was also both Lord Gryffindor and Lord Slytherin.




Surprising Harry, very few people actually did approach him to see if they could discover more information. However, he quickly realised they knew he wouldn't tell them. They just wanted a chance to be near him and to talk to him. Some just wanted to give their thanks. Some just wanted to shake the hand that held the wand that killed Voldemort. And some wanted a photograph of him.

At lunch time, Harry sought out young Colin Creevey.

Taking the boy, whose hero-worship of him had just jumped up a couple more notches, aside, Harry asked, "Colin, how would you like to make a little bit of money doing what you love to do?"

Looking back in awe, Colin only nodded his head in response.

Harry smiled and asked, "You still have your camera, right? Plenty of film?"

Again with the nod.

"Excellent," said Harry. "After class, this afternoon, I'm going to go get changed into some nice robes, tidy myself up a bit, and make myself available to you, for you to take a few wizarding photographs.

"In return, I'll give you some Galleons so you can buy heaps of photographic paper and some nice, new, equipment. And I want you to - run off - a heap of the best photographs you take. When people then ask me for a photograph of me, I'll send them to you; alright?"

Again with the nod.

Harry chuckled and said, "Alright, Colin. I suspect I'll be out of the last class pretty early - seeing as I'm only there to collect details of my homework assignment - so I'll meet you in Great Hall. Fair enough?"

And yet again with the nod.

"Do you have any questions of me, Colin?" asked a grinning Harry.

This time he received a head shake.

Harry outright laughed and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "You're alright, Colin." Then he left to rejoin his friends at the Ravenclaw table.

"I think you broke Creevey the older," said Neville indicating with his chin and a wide grin.

Harry looked back and, sure enough, Colin appeared to be in a daze sitting at the Gryffindor table.

"What did you say to him?" asked Blaise, with his own grin.

"I just made him feel as if all his Christmases had come at once," replied Harry with a grin of his own. "I asked him if he could take a wizarding photograph or two of me, this afternoon.

"As soon as we get released from our last class - Ancient Runes - I'm going to whizz off and get changed into some fancy robes, and meet him back here in the Great Hall. I'll leave it up to him where those photographs are taken; he's a bloody good photographer and shows real talent."

"In that case," said Daphne, "You can wait for me. I want some photographs of both of us - together."

Harry leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Anything for you, my love. Just - please - don't take too long getting ready. We need to be done in time to go and get changed back for the Leaving Feast."

Daphne harrumphed, as if to say, 'How dare Harry accuse her of taking too long to get dressed'.




Their double Ancient Runes class lasted only long enough for them to be congratulated by Professor Babbling for an excellent year, and for her to let them know what their assignments would be, before they were released.

Harry made his way back to the Ravenclaw tower and soon changed. However, he knew he could take his time, a little, because Daphne would take a while to get ready; no matter what she said.

He was about to don one of his formal robes with the Potter Crest when he stopped and had a thought.

"Petey!" he called.

With a slight pop, Petey appeared next to him. "Yes, Master Harry?" asked his 'head' elf.

Kneeling down Harry indicated the Potter Crest on his robe. "How long would it take you to have the Gryffindor and Slytherin Crests appear directly under the Potter Crest and side-by-side right here and here?" he said, indicating the two places.

"The Hogwarts's elves can do that in a few moments, Master Harry," said Petey.

"That's what I thought," said Harry as he stood up and tossed the robe onto his bed. "Can you please take that robe, get it done, and bring it straight back here for me, Petey?"

"Yes, Master Harry!"

Petey and the robe immediately vanished. But, as he promised, he was back a few moments later. The robe was folded neatly on the bed.

Harry reached over and picked it up. Then, holding it by the collar, he allowed it to drop out to full length. He then held the material open so he could see the handiwork of the elves.

It was perfect. Harry saw that the two new Crests were also a little smaller than the Potter Crest and evenly spaced from the exact centre line below his personal Crest.

Turning to Petey, he said, "Tell the elves they did a perfect job, Petey; and thank them for me, will you? And thank you, too."

"Yes, Master Harry. Thank you, Master Harry," and Petey popped away.

Harry quickly donned the robe and took a look at himself in his full length mirror. A quick shaving Charm upon himself - and localised Invisibility Charm on the two new Crests, until he was ready to display them - and he was ready to go. He'd cast the other photography Charms upon himself when young Colin was ready.

Hesitating for just a moment, he went to his personal bookshelf and pulled out the book on photography charms he'd bought back in first year. He'd give that to Colin as a personal thank you. His ever-present money pouch was affixed to his belt, ready to hand some Galleons over to the boy.




Harry calmly sat the Ravenclaw table waiting for both Daphne and Colin to show up. A few of the more timid students kept just staring at him; and turning away with a blush when he looked in their direction.

Colin came rushing in and looking around about twenty minutes later. He almost appeared to be in a panic. When he saw Harry he visibly sagged in relief, and came hurrying over.

Harry grinned at the boy and told him to take a seat, indicating the bench opposite.

"Alright," said Harry, after the boy was - somewhat - settled. "We're going to have to wait for Lady Daphne. When she learned I wanted some photos taken she was insistent she join me. Is that alright with you?"

"Yeah!" Colin replied, with his head almost frantically bobbing. "Sometimes, it's easier to work with and pose couples than individuals."

"Thank you," said Harry. He then slid the photography cantrips and charms book to the younger boy and said, "You'll find these most interesting. If you haven't already purchased similar books for yourself - or, even that particular one - there's plenty of charms and cantrips within that can be used to give your - models - more zazz."

Popping his wand out, Harry said, "For example," and cast upon himself his favourite cantrip to make his hair sit the way he liked, and his eyes sparkle.

"Oh, wow!" said Colin. "That's how you did it."

Harry nodded and said, "That book's full of very similar charms for both men and women, and even children."

He then reached into his money pouch and withdrew about twenty Galleons. He placed them in two piles on the table between them and said, "There's twenty. If you need more, owl me."

"Oh, no! Wow! That's heaps!" replied the boy, his eyes almost seeming to pop out of his head staring at the two piles.

"Relax, Colin," chuckled Harry. "Just put those in your pocket, or money pouch, or whatever."

The boy quickly complied and also pulled his camera out of his bag. "I've got plenty of film, too!" he said. "But the gold will really help to buy more."

"Help? I don't want you to be out of pocket doing this, Colin," said Harry. "I want you to make a profit. Don't hesitate to ask for more if you need it."

"Okay, Harry," said the younger boy.

Colin was telling Harry about some of the extra equipment he wanted to buy during the break and Harry was telling him to let him know what he wanted. Harry intended to help the boy out as much as he could, when Daphne walked in.

Catching sight of her out of the corner of his eye and looking up, Harry said, "She's here."

Both boys rose as Daphne came over. "Alright," she said. "I told you I wouldn't be long."

Harry smiled and said, "Of course not." And kissed her cheek. Turning to the other boy, he said, "Well, Colin. Where would you like us to go?"

Glancing out one of the windows, he looked back and said, "While we have the light, I'd like to take a few shots outside, if you don't mind."

"That sounds lovely," said Daphne.

Colin took them away from the castle, a bit, and took some shots with the castle in the background. Then some down near the lake. Some were taken with the main doors of the castle in the near background. There were photographs with Harry on his own, Daphne on her own, and both, together. Daphne even took one of Harry and Colin with their arms 'manly' about each other's shoulders.

Inside, Colin took photographs with many recognisable features in the background. A few from the Entrance Hall with the open doors of the Great Hall behind. A couple in the vacant potions lab - much to Professor Dinwaddy's displeasure. Quite a few in the library. Daphne wanted one in front of the opened door to the Slytherin common room, and one with Harry in front of the Ravenclaw Eagle.

Swearing Colin to secrecy, Harry had a photo taken in front of the opened door to the Gryffindor suite with both his other two Crests showing. He had that one taken when Daphne recognised the time and 'scarpered' down to Slytherin dorms to change.

Colin considered himself already ready, so didn't have to go. Harry was going just as he was dressed. He had a reason for that.




Harry waited for Daphne at the foot of the stairs leading down to the dungeons from the Entrance Hall. Again, he had the Crests for Houses Gryffindor and Slytherin hidden with an Invisibility Charm.

One of the last to arrive, he escorted both Daphne and Tracey to the Slytherin table, smirked at both and walked up and around the back of the head table, taking seat at Headmaster Flitwick's left hand.

From his higher than usual chair, Headmaster Flitwick turned and grinned at him. Harry grinned back.

All the students were looking at him in shock and whispering with their table mates.

Once it appeared noise was going to get a bit rowdy, Flitwick stood on his seat and addressed the student body. Deputy Headmistress Sprout tapped a little gong to gain quiet for the Headmaster to speak.

"Yes," called the Headmaster, once he had relative silence. "Lord Potter - rather than Mister Potter - has joined us at the head table, tonight; in a place of honour. He will also be formally addressing you all at the completion of the feast."

Hesitating a moment, just for the gravitas of the situation, he continued, "Another year has now passed us by. Tomorrow morning you head for your homes to enjoy a summer break. Sadly, due to the Tri-Wizard Tournament, it is not as long a break as you have come to expect."

That received a few angry mutters from some students.

With a calming gesture, he continued, "Our Seventh Years, however, need not concern themselves with the summer break. They leave us, in the most part, for good. Congratulations to our graduating Seventh Years."

This time there were quite a few cheers from the other end of the Hall.

"For our returning students, you have almost nine weeks to clear your minds, refresh your bodies, and lift your hearts, before we return for the 1995-96 school year. Plenty of time to accomplish that.

"Without much further ado..." he said as he glanced over at Ron Weasley, who appeared to be salivating in anticipation, "... and because it appears some are so hungry they're about to gnaw their own limbs off..." that earned him a few chuckles, especially those sitting around the aforementioned boy, "... Let us feast!"

And the tables filled with the food for the feast.

Harry spent the evening talking with Professor Flitwick and Professor Sinistra, who sat to his own left. They spoke about school matters, and Harry even inquired about their holiday plans. He also kept glancing up and around the Hall; especially, towards Daphne.

He could see Daphne and Tracey at Slytherin, Luna at Ravenclaw, Susan and Hannah at Hufflepuff, and Neville and Hermione at Gryffindor - were all being pumped for information. When it appeared Luna was about to wilt under the almost barrage of questions coming her way, Harry allowed his magic to flow out of his eyes and glared at those who appeared to be badgering the girl. It took only a couple of them to look to him, see his expression and visibly flinch away. Word passed between the offenders very quickly, and the pressure on the girl eased right off.

She looked back to him with a smile of gratitude.




As the Feast wound to a close, and the last dishes were whisked away, Headmaster Flitwick moved around to the front of the head table, and stood there on a small podium he conjured to address the students.

"Now that our bellies are full to bursting with that marvellous feast," he said, "I did promise you a final address from Lord Potter, before you head off for your last night of the school year sleeping in your dorms."

As Harry walked around the head table to join the little Headmaster, Flitwick said, "I suggest you pay very close attention to what Lord Potter is about to impart upon you. This information is both astounding and world-changing, for us - here - at Hogwarts."

Harry moved up to stand alongside the Headmaster, and shook the half-goblin's hand. As Flitwick moved away, Harry cleared his throat and cast an almost furtive glance and grin at Daphne.

She grinned back, excited.

"Staff and students," he began, nice and simple. "As Headmaster Flitwick alluded, I have yet more news to give you.

"Long has it been unknown who the rightful heirs of the founders are. Riddle claimed direct descendance from Slytherin. Others, have claimed descendance from Slytherin and or the other three. None have actually successfully claimed right to any of the titles.

'Ha! Let the Slytherins think hard on that for the moment,' he thought. 'Riddle didn't actually go in and formally claim his heritage.'

"For example, pretty much everyone who descends from an Ancient House has, at some point in their ancestry, descended from at least one of the founders. But none have been declared the rightful Heir.

"That ends tonight."

He waited for the sudden upswing in background chatter to die away, again, before continuing.

He popped his wand out and raised it to the oath position. "I Harry James Potter, hereby let it be known, that I am the rightful Heir to the Noble and Ancient House of Gryffindor - And..." before chatter could pick up again, it immediately died down again, "... hereby let it be known, that I am the rightful Heir to the Noble and Ancient House of - Slytherin. So say I; so mote it be!"

As the flash passed through him, he waved his wand at the Crests on his dress robes, and allowed the Invisibility Charm to fade away.

He then stood there with the three House Crests proudly displayed upon his breast.

One of the male older years sitting at the Slytherin table suddenly stood up, enraged. Harry caught the movement out of the side of his eye, half expecting some trouble. As he turned to look at the boy, the boy raised his wand and cried, "Avada Kedavra!"

With his own wand still drawn, Harry conjured a large marble slab between him and the boy, which blocked the curse and sent chunks of marble soaring. As the curse hit, Harry dropped his left foot back to adopt his preferred duelling stance, and immediately cast "Langlock!" back; and followed it up with "Expelliarmus!"

With his wand being ripped out of his hand and his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth the boy, Marcus Flint, was defenceless. But that didn't stop him being hit with a few various charms and curses coming from - Harry determined later, by reviewing his memory of the event - no less that eight different casters. One of which was a fellow Slytherin.

Flint was flung against the wall behind him and slid to the ground; clearly wounded and unconscious.

He was already in that state before most of the student body could even fully react.

"Silence!" Harry bellowed. As soon as the students begun to settle down he called, "Susan, please be so kind as to patronus Madam Bones and ask for her attendance. An unforgivable has been cast."

Madam Pomfrey was already moving forward to attend the wounded. "Madam Pomfrey, please see to the - soon-to-be resident of Azkaban - for his injuries. However, do not revive him, at this time."

Turning back to the students, he said, "Where is his wand?"

One of the female older year Hufflepuffs raised it in her hand and said, "Here!"

"Toss it up, here, please," he said. "It's evidence of the crime."

The girl flung it forward like she was throwing a stick for a dog. It clattered onto the dais near Harry's feet.

"Treated with the respect it deserves," he said, before bending over and picking it up. He walked back and placed it on the head table. He then vanished the remains of the marble block.

Moving back to where he was standing, he asked in a clear voice, "Now - before we continue - is there anyone else who wants to commit suicide?"

No one responded. To settle them down a bit, he said, "Now that Mister Flint has managed to get us all wide awake - and while we await the Head of the DMLE - perhaps Professor Duncan may care to let us know of what he knows of what just happened?" Harry turned to grin at the Professor.

With a bit of a forced smile the retired auror said, "Thank you, Lord Potter - Or, is it Lord Gryffindor?"

"At the moment, it's Lord Potter-Slytherin-Gryffindor. But, Lord Potter will do in the shortened form. Or, Mister Potter; as I'm still a student and we can consider this a class in the field."

"Lord Potter, then," smiled the DADA Professor. Looking across the students, he said, "Mister Flint, as you saw, cast an unforgivable at Lord Potter. Lord Potter could have dodged it - which uses no magical energy to accomplish - or blocked it with a suitably solid object - which he did."

He turned to Harry and asked, "And why did you choose to shield instead of dodge?"

"I was aware there were people - staff - behind me, sitting at table," he replied. "While I could easily have dodged, given my reflexes, the same could not be said for the staff at table. Therefore, my best choice to save life, was to shield."

With a smile, the professor turned back to the students and said, "What Lord Potter demonstrated and talked about is what is known as situational awareness. He wasn't just aware of what and who was before him; but, what and who was behind him. And reacted, accordingly.

"When Mister Flint stood and cast the Killing Curse, he was very foolish in choosing a Curse that will automatically see him - as Lord Potter alluded - taking up residence in Azkaban. Secondly, he was also in a position where he could not easily dodge. He had the table before him, the bench behind his knees, and a student to either side. He was trapped."

Turning back to Harry he asked, "Could you tell us what spells you cast immediately after conjuring that impressive slab of marble?"

"My first cast was a simple Tongue Locking Jinx. My second was the Disarming Charm," he replied.

The Professor smiled and asked, "And, why did you choose those two in particular?"

"Multiple reasons," replied Harry. "One - with Mister Flint having innocents very close by, I was ill-motivated to cast more harmful curses. Both, if I'd missed my target and struck another student, would not have caused lasting harm to an innocent.

"Two - I needed to retaliate fast. The Tongue Locking Jinx has only two syllables for the incantation, and the wand movement is a simple point at the target. It is one of the quickest casts you can make. By using the Tongue Locking Jinx - unless Mister Flint is able to cast silently - I've removed from him the ability to retaliate or cast a shield.

"Three - If Mister Flint is able to cast silently, that's where the second cast comes in. The Disarming Charm has five syllables in the incantation. However, the wand movement is a simple point and flick away. The wand movement also flows seamlessly from the last and only wand movement of the Tongue Locking Jinx. I believed taking the time to utter the five syllables would be faster than his ability to think to switch from casting audibly to casting silently.

"If others had not cast before I was able to cast a third - and, therefore, broke off my retaliation - my third would have been an over-powered Stunner. And my fourth, would have been a Binding Curse; Incarcerous."

The Professor drew his wand and slowly went through the wand movements for the students to see. "Langlock - Expelliarmus - Stupefy - Incarcerous. Each movement easily flows into the next. A very quick and effective spell-chain, Lord Potter. Once more, I am impressed.

"I've not seen it before; so, do you mind if I pass it on to my friends in the aurors?"

Harry smiled and gave a very slight bow. "I'd be honoured."

Before they could continue with the impromptu lesson, Aunt Amelia came storming in through the doors flanked by a pair of aurors. "Where's the culprit?" she demanded.

Professor Duncan indicated behind the Slytherin table and said, "The culprit was young Mister Flint from his seat at the Slytherin table. Madam Pomfrey is currently working on him." Turning to indicate the head table, he said, "His wand is up here. A Prior Incantation Charm will determine the Killing Curse was the last cast made with it."

Aunt Amelia indicated to her two aurors to move to Mister Flint, while she came forward and bagged the wand. "Who did he cast it at?" she asked.

"That would be me, Madam Bones," Harry quietly replied.

She stared hard at him for a long moment before she said in a clear voice, "Foolish boy. How could he have thought he had a chance of taking down the one who took down Voldemort?"

"That's not for me to say, Madam," Harry replied with a small smirk and a bow.

Shaking her head a little, she looked at the students and asked, "Did anyone here see Mister Flint cast the Killing Curse?"

Over a hundred hands were raised. Even some of the staff raised their hands.

Looking around, she snorted and said, "Alright; those who retaliated in defence of Lord Potter; you're to stay behind to be interviewed. The rest are free to go."

"There is just one more announcement to make, Madam Bones," said Harry. "Then we can release these weary students to their beds."

"Then, by all means, have at it," she said, before she and Professor Duncan stepped away.

Harry turned back to the students and said, "There's one more important point I wish to impress upon you all, lest you leave here ill-informed."

The students quietened down again.

"While I am both Lord Slytherin and Lord Gryffindor - and, as such, am the owner of this school and castle..."

That earned a few shocked but quiet remarks from the students among themselves, of those who hadn't already understood the ramifications.

"... I will not be taking an active part in the academic running of either. In here, I consider myself a student. And will remain so at least until June of 1998, when I should be graduating.

"Headmaster Flitwick and I, will - at times - discuss matters pertaining to the financial situation of the school. This is to be expected. I shall also be departing from my current living arrangements of living within the Ravenclaw dorms, and will be residing in one of the owner's suites. I will, however, remain a Ravenclaw student, though I'm the Gryffindor and Slytherin Lord. It's confusing, I know.

"Though I am recognised as owner, when we return next year to continue our studies, you are not to approach me because you're unhappy with a member of staff. You already have procedures you must follow to receive relief. Those who do otherwise will find themselves reported to their Head of House for the infraction.

"Thank you for your attention. I now hand you back to our Headmaster," Harry then moved away to give everyone a clear view.

"With the exception of those required to remain for their interviews with the aurors," said Flitwick. "The rest of you may now head for your beds. It will be a busy and exciting day tomorrow. Now, off you go!"

Harry quickly dashed over to see Daphne. "Are you alright, Love?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," she smiled. "I'm not surprised to see Flint doing something so stupid, though. He's always acted before thought."

"Well, as you can expect, I have to remain behind to talk to Aunt Amelia and her aurors," he sighed. "So long as you're safe, I'm happy. I'll see you in the morning for breakfast."

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and a loving pat on the cheek before she, a smirking Tracey and Blaise headed for the Slytherin dorms.

When he turned about he saw the others of their group standing there, grinning at him.

"Did one, or all of you, manage to tag Flint during that very quick melee?" he asked.

"I did," Susan said with a grin. "I hit him with a Stunner."

"Well done," grinned Harry, before he turned serious again and asked, "How did I do - up there?"

"Brilliant!" said Neville.

"You were very dashing and eloquent, Harry," said Hermione.

"The impromptu lesson was a good idea," said Hannah. "It helped to take people's minds off what had just happened."

"You knew it would, didn't you?" asked Luna.

"Yes," he replied with a shrug and a grin. Turning serious, again, he looked at the younger 'Claw and said. "I'd have preferred the Quibbler have the story of my taking the Lordships of Gryffindor and Slytherin..."

"... But, you cannot wait for Daddy and I to return to Britain to produce another issue," said Luna, finishing his thought.

"No," replied Harry.

"I understand," she simply said. "So does Daddy. He's going to miss our little arrangement; but, he understands."

"I'm still going to give the Quibbler exclusives, Luna," he replied. "However, as owner of the Daily Prophet organisation, I need to send stories their way, too."

Luna just nodded back with a dreamy smile. "Of course you do."

Turning back to the group as a whole, he said, "Well, you folks - except Susan - need to head to bed, and we need to talk with Aunt Amelia. See each other in the morning?"

"Of course," said Hermione.

The others headed off while Harry and Susan went in search of Aunt Amelia to give their statements before heading to bed, themselves.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts