
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Film
Peringkat tidak cukup
87 Chs

Chapter Forty Nine – Double Agent

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Forty Nine – Double Agent




Harry sat with Luna at the Ravenclaw table for the Sorting and watched with her when Astoria was sorted into Gryffindor. It was a long sort and Harry was sure she'd end up in either Slytherin or Hufflepuff.

He found out later she had a friend who was sorted into Gryffindor House before her, and argued with the Hat. As usual, the Hat relented and gave her what she wanted.

When Dumbledore stood to make announcements Harry was shocked to discover Remus was to be the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. He hadn't even noticed the man sitting at the head table.

Harry had spun to look at him with his own face showing his surprise. Remus looked straight back with a smirk and a very slight brief nod. Though, he wasn't going to be able to have a chat with him tonight, he was definitely going to corner the man the next day and tell him off for not letting him, Harry, know in advance.

The Head Boy and Girl, this year, was Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater. Harry met him on the train and struggled to keep his expression neutral when he saw the badge the older boy was wearing said 'Pinhead Boy'.

Percy was sitting, amused, among the new First Years and was getting his ear talked off by young Astoria and her friend. He was happy.

While the Weasley twins often referred to their oft times uptight brother as a Prat, prissy, perfect, pinhead or just a right pain, or a few other alliteral insulting terms, Harry knew the boy to be very concerned for the welfare of the youngest students. He had his respect for that.

This year he seemed determined to be even more so, considering he blamed himself for not keeping a better eye on his sister the previous year. He'd also found out through one of Ginny's letters that the boy was absolutely smitten by the lovely Miss Clearwater; and had maintained an ongoing letter-writing relationship across summer.

He couldn't use that information to his advantage, though; as he'd promised the girl he would never repeat to anyone what she told him, or use it against anyone. He'd told her it was a promise he was willing to keep unless it would specifically place anyone in danger.

Ravenclaw's own crop of 'firsties' didn't include anyone he knew, even in passing. But he was happy to see they all seemed to be getting along, for now. However, he did receive quite a few looks of awe directed his way. But, that was the same across all four Houses. He was already accustomed to it from the beginning of his own first year. Neville was now getting the same. And his mate looked like he didn't know how to handle it. He was going to make sure he talked to him about it, later.

During the meal he talked to a couple of his year mates but also talked with Luna. When he did so, he received a couple of weird looks from them.

Kevin Entwhistle even asked him, "Why do you talk with Loony?"

He glared back at the boy and, with his magic flaring just a little, quietly growled, "Don't ever call her that in my presence, again."

Entwhistle looked frightened and stammered, "I didn't mean anything by it. It's what everyone calls her."

"Never again, you understand?" said Harry firmly. "Her name is Luna. Calling her that horrid name is bullying; and I do not abide bullies. And, you'd best tell everyone else you hear call her that, too."

The boy nodded his head rapidly and turned to the others on the other side of him.

At end of the meal Dumbledore stood to make his brief announcements before sending everyone off to bed.

Harry waited out in the Entrance Hall for Daphne, and was able to snag her by the arm as she walked out talking with Tracey. Her reactions were fast, too; as she damned near hexed him on the spot.

He pulled her off to the side behind the door and she gave him a serve about scaring her. He apologised and just kissed her.

"I just wanted a goodnight kiss before I headed for bed," said Harry. "I'd hoped you wanted one, too."

She then kissed him back and said, "I did, too. I just thought you'd already be gone."

With a last 'good night', they both headed for their respective common rooms.




The next morning - Thursday - they received their new class schedules. Harry quickly looked through it and noticed just how much his days were now full. While he still had Astronomy, as it was considered a core subject, he no longer had the entire morning of the next day free. Now, during second period, he had a single of Transfiguration with the 'Puffs.

However, he was furious to learn he did not have Arithmancy. Instead, he'd been put down for Divination. Neville had the problem where Divination had been added to his electives and Ancient Runes removed. Excusing himself from his friends Harry went to see Professor Flitwick while Neville went to see Professor McGonagall.

"Professor?" asked Harry, while his Head of House was still handing out schedules to the older students.

"A problem, Mister Potter?" the professor asked.

"Yes, sir," he replied. "An error has been made in my schedule. My chosen elective of Arithmancy is missing and, instead, I see Divination in the same time frame."

"Alright, Mister Potter," the half-goblin said. "Just allow me to finish handing out these schedules and I'll be right with you."

"Thank you, sir," said Harry, before he returned to his seat with the others.

Right then, the mail owls swooped in. Harry distractedly accepted the Daily Prophet from Hedwig and fed her a couple of bacon strips and an owl treat, before she barked at him for not paying her attention.

"Sorry, Hed," he softly said to her and smiled. "I'm distracted with another matter. I promise to pay more attention tomorrow."

When Hedwig flew off he put his folded newspaper down without reading it. He'd get to it later.

Once the professor had handed the last schedules out to the Seventh Year Ravenclaws he returned to Harry and asked, "What seems to be the problem, Mister Potter?"

"Thank you, sir," said Harry. "It seems I have been erroneously put down for Divination instead of Arithmancy." And handed his schedule back.

Frowning at the schedule, the Professor said, "I see. Then I suggest you head to Arithmancy after breakfast, as you would have a double period of that, and I shall make the relevant changes and return this to you at lunch. Is this suitable for you?"

"Yes, sir," replied Harry. "Thank you."

When Neville returned he wasn't happy. "It appears the Headmaster informed Professor McGonagall he has used his veto power to overrule my choice as the two classes conflict. Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes are on at the same time. He added Divination.

"Well, that's crap. He can only do that if your marks reflect you'd be unable to handle the coursework. And, as you're in the top fifteen percent of students on our year. You most clearly can."

"Do you want to do Divination?" asked Hannah.

"No. But, I've heard it's supposed to be an easy pass," replied the other boy, frowning at his schedule and forgetting that Hannah was taking it.

"I have a fair idea what the Headmaster is up to, because he also altered my schedule so I'd take Divination," said Harry. "If you don't want to take it, then tell Professor McGonagall you're informing her - not asking her permission - that you're dropping it.

"The Headmaster may have the veto power to not allow you to take an elective. But he cannot force you to take an elective you do not want to. And, every student has the right to drop out of an elective at any time they so choose. That includes before you even start.

"Then, we will see how long it takes them to allow you to do Ancient Runes. There has to be a way to do it because Hermione is also taking both subjects. Merlin, she's taking all five."

"Harry's right, said Hermione. "There is a way to take both. But I'm not allowed to tell you, myself. Professor McGonagall can, though."

"Even if I still can't take Ancient Runes," said Neville, "I'd choose Muggle Studies, or even Arithmancy. And there's no conflict there."

Hermione stood up and said, "Come on, Neville. Let's get this sorted out."

The two rose and headed back over to talk to Professor McGonagall. There was quite a bit of talking before Professor McGonagall finally took Neville's copy of his schedule and left.

When their two friends returned to their table, Hermione said, "I don't understand it. She seemed utterly determined Neville take Divination. It took him having to formally tell her he was dropping Divination, as was his right, before she finally said she would see about changing him to Ancient Runes or Arithmancy. But she really wasn't happy about it."

"She says she'll come back and see me at lunch with her answer," said Neville. "In the mean time, I'm to attend Divination, this morning."

"Rubbish!" said Harry. "That's counter to what Professor Flitwick told me. Why don't you come to Arithmancy with us and see if you like it? If nothing else, it'll give you a better idea about the subject if you have to make a choice at lunch."

Neville thought about that for a few moments before he sighed and said, "So long as I won't get in trouble, why not."

"Good man," said Harry smiling back.

"Well, we've got texts to collect and head to class," said Hermione. "Care to escort me, Neville?"

After quickly ducking up to his dorm to pick up his Arithmancy text, Harry headed down to class.

He was happy to see Neville with Hermione and waiting to be allowed in. They were joined by Daphne, Tracey and Susan. Hannah actually wanted to take Divination.




The class turned out, to Harry's relief, to be as interesting as the text book he'd already read for the subject alluded it to be. Even Neville enjoyed it. Professor Vector was happy to have him in the class, even if it might prove to be only for the first day.

At lunch, Harry was approached by Professor Flitwick immediately after walking into the Great Hall. The professor told him that his schedule was now properly set with him attending Arithmancy, and that Professors Trelawney and Vector had been advised. Harry suspected the man didn't even tell Dumbledore he did it.

However, Neville was told by Professor McGonagall that she could not convince the Headmaster to allow him to take Ancient Runes. And that both he and Harry would have to take Divination.

Neville immediately told her that was not suitable and that he was formally dropping Divination anyhow. He would, instead, take Muggle Studies or Arithmancy.

"I flat out refuse to take Divination, Professor," he firmly said. "And the Headmaster is not permitted to deny me dropping the subject. So, I either now take Muggle Studies or Arithmancy as my second elective - and I think I'd prefer Arithmancy of the two - or, I only take the one elective of Care of Magical Creatures. I will then discuss matters with my grandmother, Dowager Lady Longbottom; Regent Longbottom."

"Are you threatening me, Mister Longbottom?" she glared.

"No, Ma'am!" he firmly replied. "I am informing you of my decision as the school rules require me to do."

While the Professor stood there glaring back at Neville. Harry said, "As for me taking Divination, Professor; I have already discussed the matter with my Head of House and had the - error - in my scheduling corrected. I'm now taking Arithmancy instead of Divination, as was arranged last year.

"If the Headmaster is still of the mind to refuse me in this; then he will submit to me, in writing, his reasons. I will then take it to the School Board as a formal complaint. And, no, this is not a threat, either. This is the logical progression of events that will occur should the Headmaster retain his obstinacy.

"If he still can't see reason, and only then, then tell him this exact quote: 'Born as the seventh month dies'. You might find his immediate reaction quite amusing."

Professor McGonagall stood there for a few long moments more before she said, "That won't be necessary."

Turning to Neville, she said, "You may take Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. If you also want to add Muggle Studies, Arithmancy or both, you may. Just send me a note when you decide by the end of tomorrow."

Then, turning to Hermione, she said, "You may show him the artefact. And you may allow him to share it with you - together. But it will remain in your possession. All other rules apply."

Without waiting for a response, she turned and strode away. Clearly angry.

It was also at lunch that Harry finally had the chance to read his copy of the Daily Prophet. And, right there on the front page, was details about the arrest and questioning under Veritaserum of Pettigrew, and the results of all the raids carried out the previous morning as a result of that initial arrest.

The list of names was substantial. At least half a dozen of those names were for people who sat upon the Wizengamot.




Dumbledore was focussed on paperwork and working diligently through it when his visitor alert ward went off moments before the door was flung open.

Professor McGonagall stormed in, fuming.

"Minerva...?" he began to ask.

"Shove it, Albus!" she said. "Mister Longbottom will not be taking Divination. He will be taking Ancient Runes and any other elective he so desires. As his Head of House, I so order it!

"Mister Potter will also not be taking Divination, he will be taking Arithmancy. As his Head of House, Filius has so ordered it!

"If you attempt to change this, in any way, you will be explaining your reasonings before a full sitting of the School Board. As was very well pointed out to me by both boys, you have the right to deny them taking an elective. However, your reasonings behind such must be sound and in writing. And you certainly have no right to force then to take one, no matter how much you want them to. Leave it be!" She then spun about and stormed back out.

Dumbledore sighed. He really wanted - probably needed - both boys to take Divination. He needed Harry, at least, to accept that prophecies were real, so that when he told the boy the prophecy, he would accept his fate. Why was the boy being so contrary? And now young Longbottom was acting in the same vein? His experience in the Chamber obviously did wonders for his confidence.

His plans of more than thirteen and a half years in the making were collapsing around his ears. This had been his top priority project since February 1980. And all that work was falling apart due to the primary being so - recalcitrant. And now the secondary was following in his footsteps.

Almost unconsciously he reached for an ever-present lemon drop; popping it into his mouth, before turning his chair to stare out his wide office window towards the mountains in the distance.

What to do? What to do?




After a long and quite stressful day, the Seven retired to their room within the Come and Go Room straight after they were released from Ancient Runes. Neville and Hermione looked more done over than the others, though.

When both said they'd attended both afternoon double classes, the others asked them how.

"I know, for a fact, you two were with the rest of us for the whole double class of Ancient Runes, Hermione," said Harry. "How could you have possibly also been at Care of Magical Creatures?"

"I can't tell you," she replied. "I promised Professor McGonagall."

"Neville?" asked Harry.

"Sorry, Harry," said the boy a bit sheepishly. "I'm now bound by the same promise as Hermione."

Harry looked around at the others. Susan shrugged and said, "The only explanation I have is a 'time turner'. However, those are highly regulated and held by the Department of Mysteries. Other than that, I've got nothing."

"A time turner?" asked Harry.

"Yeah," said Susan. "It's a magical device that allows you to go back in time a few hours at a time. However, they're supposed to be incredibly dangerous if you don't follow very specific instructions for them. That's why they're highly regulated."

Harry sighed and said, "Well, we figured out a very difficult puzzle last year. This will just be one the other five of us will have. Don't worry - Hermione and Neville - we'll figure it out without you breaking your promises."

Happy to change the subject, Neville and Hermione told them how he, Neville, was able to pat and ride a Hippogriff in Care of Magical Creatures. And how Malfoy ignored Hagrid's instruction about how to approach the beast, and got his arm slashed by the creature for being rude. Malfoy was then sent to hospital.

They then set down to do homework. For those who attended Arithmancy, it was learning about certain mathematical tables known as arithmancy tables. For those who took Ancient Runes, it was to start memorising the various runes and what they represented. For Care of Magical Creatures it was on Hippogriffs. Divination did not have homework except for them having to carry with them a 'dream diary'. Hannah had to write in it about her dreams.

Just like last year, this year was going to be quite difficult - even more so. As well as having ten classes instead of seven, for Harry, homework was also longer. Where six inch assignments were the norm in first year, now it was going to be about fifteen inches or two feet.

Training was going to take a back seat to homework real fast. At least this year over summer they'd all managed to keep up some training regimen. So, they weren't as 'rusty' as they were at this time the previous year.




Last class on Friday afternoon was DADA. It was the first opportunity Harry had to talk to his honourary uncle, Remus.

For almost the entire hour Remus had gone over with them what it was they had managed to learn over their previous two years. Of course, very little had been taught during second year, but it was surprising the number of Ravenclaws who had picked up a copy, during that year, of the previous year's text and were working diligently through that.

After Remus collected as much information as he could, he dismissed the class early so that he could set about creating a term plan for the term and then on into the rest of the year. Harry hung back until the rest of the students had filed out.

Turning to Remus he said with a smile, "Nice prank, Moony."

Remus smirked right back and said, "I expected you to come visit me earlier. But, as this was the last class of the last day of the week, I shouldn't be surprised you waited."

"I suppose dear godfather was in on it?" asked Harry.

"Nope," replied Moony with a shrug. "However, I did ask him not to ruin the surprise when he was going to immediately floo call you with the news."

"So, what led you to apply for a position here, then?" he asked.

With another shrug, Moony replied, "I didn't, to tell you the truth. I received an offer from Dumbledore. He said how he knew I was out of work and wanted to know if I'd be interested in taking on the position."

"Oh, did he just?" asked Harry, when the Knut dropped. "Not that I'm complaining that you're here, and all. But, didn't that seem not a little strange to you?"

Moony grinned and replied, "Very strange, actually. We discussed it; and we think Dumbledore more likely offered me the job due to how close I am to you as a honourary uncle. We think he's expecting me to get you to open up to him."

Harry snorted in response. "I'm sorry; but, that was my immediate impression, too."

"Don't be," replied Remus. "I've taken the job so we can spy on him. My real job is to wait and see how he tries to use me to get to you. I'm actually looking forward to being a double agent."

Harry laughed.




After only two days of classes, the weekend was on them again. As homework was quickly done and set aside, Harry and the others set to train. Acting on a hunch, and without telling the others, Hermione added to the room a pair of combination bathrooms with changing rooms. Testing them out showed they had running hot and cold water and everything.

So, from then on, when they came into their room, the bathroom changing room combination was added. It made it much easier for all of them to take clothes there to change into for the strenuous training, before showering and changing back in to school robes and leaving the room.

As with the previous year, Harry and Daphne also quickly organised their etiquette club. While numbers dwindled significantly and quickly last year - due to the belief Harry was the Heir of Slytherin - they were not letting that suppress their enthusiasm to run it this year. Both also knew that those who had dropped out last year, would be attending this year, instead.




On the Monday, the Seven were sitting at the Ravenclaw table for breakfast when the post owls flew in. In came the usual flock of individual owls to deliver letters, notes, small parcels and newspapers. However, also flying in were two sets of three owls carrying a single package between them. A package each that, at first glance, was obvious what they contained. Its shape was quite distinctive.

Hedwig held back with her newspaper as the first trio of owls flew down and lightly dropped their package to hover just above the surface of the table before Harry. They were immediately followed by the second trio who dropped their package almost alongside the first, but one person back. It was centred in front of Daphne.

Daphne looked at the package before her in shock. She reached forward and checked the address and, sure enough, it was hers.

Hedwig then landed and Harry relieved her of her burden before handing two pieces of bacon to the owl.

"Harry," said Daphne.

"Hmm?" asked Harry, giving Hedwig a bit of attention.

"Did you by me a broom?" Daphne quietly asked.


After Hedwig felt she'd been paid enough attention and flew off, Harry stood and carefully unwrapped his parcel. He seemed quite unconcerned that there were quite a few eyes upon him as he carefully unwrapped it.

He did not hear Simon Martin, team Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, as he came down to stand almost behind him from the other end of the table.

As soon as the packaging fell away. Everyone could see what it was. But, it was Simon Martin who said, "Bloody hell! That's a Firebolt!" He hesitated a bare moment before he spun to look down the length of the Ravenclaw table and calling out, "Snap practice session for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team at 4.30pm, this afternoon!"

On the side of his broom up near the tip of the handle, as promised and hoped for, was his name 'Harry Potter' and the registration number '0007'.

With a wide smile on his face he said to Daphne, "Go on, open yours."

Daphne then stood and unwrapped her own. Her Firebolt had the name 'Daphne Greengrass' and the registration number '0006'.

"I don't believe it," said Simon. "Here I am, looking at two brand new Firebolts. And one belongs to my seeker." A little louder, he said, "I am so glad the Slytherins don't field women on their team!"

Daphne slid her hand along the diamond finish surface of the handle and said, with a look of awe, "You bought me a Firebolt."

"Mm-hmm," smiled Harry, happy for the look of wonder on his betrothed's face. He really liked seeing that expression on her.

She began to laugh before turning to hug him and plant a kiss on his cheek. "Sometimes, you can be right weird, you know that?"

"Hey, I need to keep giving you happy surprises," he said. "I don't want to see you grow bored with me, now do I?"

"Prat!" she laughed, before kissing him on the cheek again.




For his first training session that very afternoon, Harry thought he would be taking it easy. He first moved the broom about as if it was his Nimbus. When it handled the motions and movement flawlessly, he pushed it harder.

The turns were as promised, tight and almost by thought. The acceleration would have led to him having to go to the Infirmary to have birch tail twigs surgically removed from his butt, if not for the beautiful foot rests and his tight grip on the handle. The smoothness of flight led to him flying faster than he thought he was going. And the ride of the seat Cushioning Charm made the seat feel as if he was sitting on a plush armchair.

He realised very quickly his heel skid turns would be almost useless on this broom because the broom turned so well. This broom was going to make him develop muscles in places he didn't expect to when riding a broom and playing Quidditch. And most of those were just so he could hang on.

When he performed a Wronski feint he felt his vision tunnel and felt a little light-headed when he pulled up and started ascending again. That, was going to take some getting used to. But a sloth grip roll saw the broom barely move as he spun about it.

But when he went for a speed run by starting over the Black Lake and accelerated until he shot through one of the hoops at one end of the pitch with a yell that didn't end until he shot through one of the hoops at the other end, he was just glad his safety goggles were the best on the market.

When he came in to land, his own heel brake skid to a stop nearly saw him catapulted over the head of his team members. He practically had to stand the broom on its birch tail twigs and haul back until he was lying almost horizontal to the ground to make it work.

As he hopped off, the broom quickly bobbed up to hip height and sat there, unaffected by the light breeze blowing across the grass of the well maintained pitch.

Finally getting Quidditch training underway, Simon had Roger and Paul try to dog Harry as much as they could. Neither could do it. As soon as they manoeuvred to come up or down on either side of him, like the Slytherin beaters attempt to do, he simply accelerated away from them.

By the time he caught the snitch in less than a couple of minutes for each attempt, staid old Simon was throwing his own aerobatic tricks in the sky, just out of sheer excitement and happiness.

About all anyone could get out of him for five minutes was, "We're going to win the Cup! We're going to win the Cup!" over and over again.

While the first game of the season was the Lions against the Snakes on the 6th November, Ravenclaw's Eagles were up against the Badgers only three weeks later. This meant Simon only needed to get his team back in to shape in eight weeks. Plenty of time. They'd lost none of their team members, this time, due to graduating.

However, Simon was going to use the opportunity to develop newer, and unseen before, plays; ones to aim squarely at Slytherin. His argument was that the Gryffindor seeker was pants at the role. And the Hufflepuff seeker was the only one on their team with any true skill. He felt they could easily gain the 150 point lead needed against the Badgers to make the seeker become moot.

Harry knew he should have warned Simon about just how good young Ginny Weasley could seek. But he felt that would be a betrayal to the Weasley twins, and even her, when they spent so long helping him train for the seeker role in the Eagles.

On returning to the castle for dinner. He took the two boys aside for a chat.

"Hi gents," he said, "Good trip to Egypt?"

"Yeah, the best."

"But, we got grounded for part of it."

"Mum wasn't happy..."

"... When we tried to lock Ron in a tomb."

"But we got some great souvenirs."

"And discovered some new pranks."

Harry thought for a bit and said, "Listen. You two helped me out a lot in learning the seeker position. During that time, we all learned just how good Ginny is in that role. Have you convinced Wood to give her a shot yet?"

Looking warily back, they said, "Not yet."

"What are you up to..."

"... Harrikins?"

"You're not looking..."

"... for the inside scoop..."

"... Are you?"

"No," said Harry with a shake of his head. "I promise you and her both, right now, that what I learned during my times at The Burrow concerning the skill at seeker Ginny displayed, will not be relayed to anyone else; especially, not the Eagles, alright?"

Both boys nodded in return.

"I'd like to see her get her shot," said Harry. "It'll be good for her after what she went through last year. And, Malfoy and his Snakes won't know what's going to hit them."

Both boys grinned. "Thanks, Harrikins!" they said in stereo.

"Alright," he said. "Martin is probably going to kill me for this, if he ever finds out - and it's to stay a secret until her tryout - but I'll loan her my Nimbus 2000 for it and all her games."

"Harrikins!" exclaimed one.

"That'll see her get it!" exclaimed the other.

"Secondly," he went on to say. "If she gets the position, your first game is against the Snakes on the 6th November. For that game only..." he sighed, "... she can use my Firebolt."

Both boys looked at each other in surprise before they both suddenly turned to him and hugged him a three-way hug.

"Gerroff!" he said, pushing them away.

When they pulled back, he said, "But - it's to stay a secret that only you two and Ginny may know. Not even Wood is allowed to know. And, especially, not Ron or the Pinhead."

Both boys rapidly nodded.

"I'll also see what we can do about secretly allowing her to borrow the Firebolt after she makes the team on her own merits with the Nimbus." Holding his finger up and wagging it under both their noses, he firmly said, "There will be no dropping of hints about a supposed 'super broom' she'll have access to, to help her win the slot. Alright?"

Both boys rapidly nodded before they, again, both suddenly hugged him a three-way hug.

"Oh, for the love of Merlin!" said Harry with exasperation.

When they pulled back he was sure he saw tears in both their eyes.

"You two are just weird," he said, before walking off.

"We love you..."

"... Harrikins!" they called.

"Get stuffed!" he yelled back.




Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

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