
Ancient forbidden love

Njabulo_Nkosi_4235 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

chapter 1: Prince Charming

Chapter 1: Prince Charming

Prince Henry of Eurothra Kingdom trudged through the winding streets of Lybra Kingdom, his horse stolen by a group of thieves. The sun had long since set, casting a dark shadow over the unfamiliar surroundings. His stomach growled with hunger, and his body ached with fatigue. He wore a cloak over his silver armor, but the chill of the night still seeped into his bones.

As he turned a corner, the streets became increasingly narrow and dark. The buildings seemed to close in around him, their tall facades looming like sentinels. Henry's heart raced with every step, his hand on the hilt of his sword. He could hear the distant sound of laughter and music, but it only made him feel more alone and anxious

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. Prince Kenneth of Lybra Kingdom stood before him, his piercing blue eyes shining with kindness in the moonlight. He wore a cloak over his tunic, and a sword at his side.

"Lost, my lord?" Kenneth asked, his voice low and soothing.

Henry nodded, his eyes fixed on Kenneth's. He couldn't speak, his throat dry from hunger and thirst. He swallowed hard, trying to find his voice.

Kenneth's gaze held his for a moment, then he nodded and gestured for Henry to follow him. They walked in silence, the only sound being their footsteps on the cobblestone streets. The buildings seemed to grow taller and closer, casting long shadows in the moonlight.

As they walked, the streets became wider and better lit. Henry noticed the grand architecture of the buildings, the intricate carvings and ornate facades. They passed through a large gate, and Henry saw the palace in the distance. It loomed before them, its stone walls gleaming in the moonlight, they quest on forward following the reflected glimmering shine of the palace

Kenneth led him through the palace gardens, the sound of fountains and birds filling the air. Henry felt a sense of peace wash over him, his fatigue momentarily forgotten. They walked along a winding path, the scent of roses and lavender filling his nostrils.

As they approached the entrance, two guards stepped forward, their swords drawn. Kenneth nodded to them, and they parted, allowing the princes to pass. Henry's heart raced as they walked through the entrance hall, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the stone floor.

The hall was grand, with high ceilings and intricate tapestries adorning the walls. Henry's eyes scanned the room, taking in the suits of armor and the grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Kenneth led him through the hall, past a grand staircase, and into a smaller corridor.

The corridor was dimly lit, with only a few torches flickering on the walls. Henry's heart raced as they walked, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the stone floor. They passed several doors, each one leading to a different part of the castle.

Finally, they reached a door at the end of the corridor. Kenneth pushed it open, revealing a cozy chamber with a fire crackling in the hearth. Henry stumbled inside, his legs weak with exhaustion. Kenneth followed, closing the door behind them.
