
Ancient forbidden love

Njabulo_Nkosi_4235 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter 3: Hidden in Darkness

Chapter 3: Hidden in Darkness


Henry's voice was barely audible, his words hanging in the darkness like a fragile thread. "I was banished from my kingdom, Kenneth. I refused to marry a girl from the Lybra Kingdom."

Kenneth's heart raced, his mind reeling with questions. "Why? What happened?"

Henry's sigh was heavy, his words laced with pain. "I knew my heart didn't belong to her. I couldn't marry someone I didn't love, no matter the cost."

Kenneth's eyes widened in understanding. "You mean... you didn't want to marry her because you didn't love her?"

Henry's voice was laced with sadness. "I didn't have a choice, Kenneth. My parents, the king and queen, they arranged the marriage without my consent. They didn't care about my feelings or my happiness. All they cared about was the alliance between our kingdoms."

Kenneth's anger flared up, his fists clenched at his sides. "That's not fair. You deserve to be happy, Henry. You deserve to love whoever your heart chooses."

As they spoke, the darkness seemed to close in around them, the shadows deepening into a comforting embrace. Kenneth felt like he was seeing Henry for the first time, like the veil of secrecy was lifting, revealing the true person beneath.

"I'm so sorry, Henry," Kenneth said, his voice filled with empathy. "That must have been incredibly hard for you."

Henry's voice cracked, his emotions raw. "It was, Kenneth. But being here with you, it feels like I can finally be myself."

Kenneth's heart went out to Henry, his compassion overflowing. "You can always be yourself with me, Henry. I promise."

In that moment, the darkness felt like a warm embrace, enveloping them in a sense of understanding and connection. Kenneth's heart felt like it was expanding, making room for Henry's pain and struggles. He knew that their bond was growing stronger, a deep and unbreakable connection that would last a lifetime.

,As they sat in the darkness, the silence between them became a living thing, a tangible presence that wrapped itself around their hearts. Kenneth's mind raced with thoughts of Henry's past, the pain and sorrow that had shaped him into the person he was today.

"Henry?" Kenneth whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Yes?" Henry replied, his voice equally soft.

"What was it like? Growing up in a kingdom, I mean."

Henry's sigh was heavy, his words laced with nostalgia. "It was... complicated. I was always the spare heir, the one who wasn't expected to inherit the throne. But I had a good life, despite the pressures and expectations. I had my parents, my siblings... and my books."

Kenneth's eyes widened in surprise. "Books?"

Henry's voice lit up with passion. "Yes! I love reading, Kenneth. I devour books like they're food for my soul. I find solace in the stories, the characters... the worlds that authors create."

Kenneth's heart swelled with excitement. "I love reading too! I never knew we shared that passion."

Henry's laughter was soft, his eyes sparkling in the darkness. "I'm glad we do, Kenneth. It's a special bond, one that connects us in ways we never thought possible."

As they talked, the darkness seemed to fade away, replaced by a warm, golden light that enveloped them in its embrace. Kenneth felt like he was seeing Henry in a new light, like the shadows were receding, revealing the true beauty of his soul.

In that moment, Kenneth knew that their connection was something special, something that went beyond mere friendship. He felt a sense of belonging, like he had finally found a piece of himself that he never knew was missing.

The darkness was still there, but it was no longer oppressive. It was a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope, always a chance for connection and understanding .

As Henry finished his story, Kenneth felt like he was floating on air, his heart filled with a sense of wonder and magic. He couldn't believe that he had almost missed out on this moment, this connection with Henry.

"Thank you," Kenneth whispered, his voice barely audible. "Thank you for sharing that with me."

Henry's smile was soft, his eyes shining with warmth. "I wanted to share it with you, Kenneth. I wanted to show you a part of myself that I never thought I'd share with anyone."

Kenneth's heart swelled with emotion, his eyes locked on Henry's face. "I'm glad you did," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm glad you trusted me enough to share your story with me."

As they sat there, the darkness seemed to fade away, replaced by a warm, golden light that enveloped them in its embrace. Kenneth felt like he was seeing Henry in a new light, like the shadows were receding, revealing the true beauty of his soul.

And in that moment, Kenneth knew that he was falling in love with Henry, hard. He couldn't help the way he felt, and he knew that he would do anything to protect Henry, to be there for him, to make him happy.

"Henry?" Kenneth whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Yes?" Henry replied, his voice equally soft.

"I think I might be falling for you," Kenneth said, his heart pounding in his chest.