
Ancient Dragon returns to DxD

This is a contuination and rewrite of an original story from fanfiction.net by Dragons123d. He has stated he will allow me to do this so hopefully it will be good. This DxD story strats with the rating game between Rais and Riser. Issei just saw Koneko get trashed and sent flying by Riser's queen Yubelluna. Instead of the Boosted Gear using his rage to send her packing, he insteads starts going down the road he everying everyone knew about him. he will change from his perveted, ignorant, self-centered, and arrogant self to a debenedable, caring, and understanding person. he becomes a full dragon and startes his new juurney with the rest of his freinds. Asia will have new skills as well as a new gear. and lets just say that the world will never be the same again. PS. DO NOT OWN THE BOOK COVER GOT IT FROM pinterest BY Black Dragon Emperor

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23 Chs

1. The Rating Game

Everthing Started to change for Issei Hyoudou. First off, he and his firends where figthing Rias's Fiance Riser Phenex. Things have been going very well for a time. Issei, along with Kiba and Koneko where able to defeat most of the other members of Riser's team and Akano was still Fighting Riser's Queen, Yubelluna, in the skyies above. It looked like she was going to win her duel and then jion the others to help Rias deal with Riser just like they planed. But then both kiba and Akano where dealt heavy blows, forcing them to retier from the game. While Issei was distracted from the loss of those two, Yubelluna sent a very powerful attack to Issei. As the attack got near him, Koneko was able to push him out of the way. but she was cought in the blast, disappereing out of sigth.

Shock and horror filled Issei as he watched his fellow devils and friend's 'retire' from the rating game. His anger started growing then it exploded into unbridled fire, he stood and snarled.

"You will pay virlym (dragon for Theif) !" Issei roared as his sacred gear appeared and started glowing an unnatural blue.

"Your sacred gear is unable to continue the bonding, please name another recipient for the {Boost Gear}" A voice rang out; Issei said the first name that came to him.


"Accepted" The voice said before the gear vanished as Issei thrust it into the air, hand towards the sky.

The gauntlet was replaced with a blue gauntlet that looked like the {Boosted Gear} but without the gem and horns on it. The rest of the armor materialized as Issei roared out-

"I will not carry the past or the present!"

"I have watched your world and seen the lie!"

"The time has come and the hour in nigh that I will come unto my own!"

"He that will face me will grasp the light of truth in a bleak world!"

"Requiem has come and I thirst for it!"

The armor was blue, the eyes on the helmet were crimson red and the horn on top of his head had two points, one behind the other. The tail was long and connected from the middle of the shoulders, swishing back and forth as two real dragon wings sprouted from the points that the devil wings connected. The helmet also had a toothed mouth that opened with a jet of steam rushing from it, Issei breathed in and out.

The person that ended Koneko reeled back in surprise; this was not a normal sacred gear at all. Lightning erupted out of the sky and struck the still open palm of his armored hand. Electric sparks warped and snapped its way down his arm as he soaked up the plasma energy before closing his hand and pointing it at Riser Phenex's Queen.

"Valignat, virlym!" Issei hissed as his fist opened and the world went white for Yubelluna.

The bolt of lightning was a bright blue that burned almost white; the spectators shuddered in fear as they recognized the bolt as pure, unadulterated holy lightning. Yubelluna never stood a chance and she was quickly taken from the game before any permanent damage could take hold.

"Riser Phenex's Queen, Yubelluna, has Retired!"

Issei stopped his attack before turning, his instincts running rampant as he took flight and flew towards the center of the arena. He was going to make sure that Riser payed for what he did to his friend's.

Asia was shocked when her body was covered with red armor and had wings that looked like they were made out of the same jewels that were on her god given gear.

"{Welsh Twilight Dragon: Balance Breaker}!" A voice rang out before another said "{Boosted Gear} and {Twilight Healing} combination completed! New name; {Twilight Boosted Gear}"

"Rias! What's going on?!" Asia cried out as she felt her right hand turn in to a dragon arm with a red armored scales and a clawed hand. Soon after that, the rest of her body started to transform in the the rest of the {Boosted Gears} armor.

Rias Gremory was stunned as she looked at Asia before she said "I don't know, but you have achieved balance breaker and unlooked an armor as a side-effect."

(She already had a balance breaker with her {Twilight Healing} Rias Gremory) Siad Ddraig from the gem on Asia's right hand. Before Rias said anything eles Ddraig contued to say (The integration of two sacred gears must have unlocked my balance breaker and now she is using it)

Asia jumped as the new male voice in the gem said that, before it said quickly (Don't worry, you are now more than safe, my Lady! I'm Ddraig, the Red Welsh Dragon Emperor, at your service)

They were interrupted when a voice said "Well, Rias, to think that you had the Welsh Dragon in your peerage was unthinkable but to have it with a weak servant? Oh, how many Devils have turned in their graves because of this?"

Rias snapped "My Asia is not weak, Riser!""Take it back before I anialte you for treating my people like trash" She said as she was perpering another attack to him.

Riser smirked "Of course not, unless I prove otherwise."

He summoned his phoenix fire to his hand and threw it at Asia, only for a blue blur to intercept it with a roar "THRICE!"

The fire vanished as the new figure stood up and snarled "Pothoc ixen arcaniss"

Ddraig was spreased at first, then he stated (He's speaking Draconic, the language of the Dragons)

Rias stood frozen on the spot as she asked "What did he say?"

(Stupid fire magic) Ddraig chuckled before speaking again (Riser, your doomed)

"What?! No one can beat me-argh!" Riser was cut short when his face was covered in water, holy water to be exact.

"HOW DID YOU GET HOLY WATER?!" Riser screamed as his face slowly healed.

The blue armored figure stepped forward, water was moving around his body like a living serpent, shimmering in the artificial light. It was Issei that spoke "No one hurts my friends! Not you, not your Queen, not even your peerage. I watched Koneko, Kiba and Akano retire and I will not have it happen again! Burn in the holy elements, you NURH THRAE BAESHRA!"

The water rushed forward and encased the third son of Lord Phenex before Issei blasted the sphere with Holy Lightning, causing the damage to increase tenfold. Riser was pulled from the game, the water splashed to the ground as Issei collapsed, exhausted beyond belief.

In Issei's mind scape where Ddraig usally was their, Issei could not find him. Then he heard a new voice call out to him.

"So, you are my host. The perverseness is manageable to a degree but it must go."

Issei looked around, trying to find the owner of the voice. "Who are you and where are you?!"

With a snort, a blue scaled dragon appeared before Issei and smirked "I am Requiem, your new partner and dragon companion for your natural devil lifespan. You have many questions and this place has no concept of time so let's start from the beginning, shall we?"

Issei could only stare dumbfounded at the dragon before nodding his head. What had he gotten himself into?

Outside of Issei's Mind scape.

As the areana was being taken down, there was a lot of confusion and many angery people where wanting for answers, and they wanted those answers yesterday!!

Rias was not able to give the answers they wanted because she did not even know what happened. Issei could not do anything becuase he was out like a light and could not answer. Hell, everyone had to be very carefull in putting him on a stretcher do to his body reacting to everyone trying to move him. It was only when both Rias and Asia where taoching him that the medics where able to move him.

As all of this was going on; the two heads of the Gremory and Phenex where arguing all about the resultis of the Rating Game and the Wedding plains. Lord Phenex was saying that since Issei was clearly at fault for the danger during the game and almost killed Riser and his Queen; then the wedding is still going to happen and Issei should be held accountibale. Rias's father was not haveing any of it and stated that it did not matter what happened during the game, Issei made Riser Retiered and dose won the game fair and square. As these two where aruquimng over everyting, Sirzech Lucifer was rewatching the footage of Issei, his sister's Pawn, his mind reeling at how powerful and mindboggling at what had happened. Moments after his sacred gear had announced that it couldn't continue bonding, the boy had instantly sent it to Asia, the Bishop that wielded the sacred gear {Twilight Healing} before the armor had appeared.

The boy had somehow harnessed the power of nature's lightning and changed it to the energy that was pure and holy, Riser's Queen was lucky that she had only gotten a few seconds of contact with the Holy Lightning, any longer and she would have been toast, literally. Then Issei had spoken the lost language of Dragon kind, before he utterly trashed Riser in a instantly fatal combination of Holy water and Holy Lightning, Riser was lucky to be alive at all because of his Phenex abilities.

"Sis, what have you gotten yourself into now?" Sirzech murmured, pausing the footage to show the utter hate on Issei's face before he transformed into that blue dragon armor demon.

P.S.: These are some of the Draconic words that might be used in the story, might add more to it if i feel like it:







Hello, this is a story from Fanficton.net by the creator name of Dragons123d. He stoped posting or updateing the story so I am going to try and finish the story for him. i have sent him a comunication to ask for his bleasing and hope to hear from him.

hope you all like the changes and like what i am going with this story.

heath_nielsencreators' thoughts